Page 487 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 487

Part ARA - ANNEX VI - Authority Requirements for Aircrew

             ARA.APP1 AMC1           Flight crew licence
                                      In case of using privileges outside the Union territory to which the Treaty applies on an aircraft
                                      registered in a Member State other than the one that issued the flight crew licence, the following
                                      remark should be added to licence item XIII: ‘This licence is automatically rendered valid as per the
                                      ICAO attachment to this licence.
             ARA.APP2                Appendix II to ANNEX VI PART-ARA - Standard format for cabin crew attestations
                                      Cabin crew attestations issued in accordance with Part-CC shall conform to the following
                                          (a)  The cabin crew attestation shall include all items specified in CAA Form 142 in accordance
                                             with items 1 - 12 as listed and described below.
                                          (b)  Size shall be either 105mm × 74mm (one-eighth A4) or 85mm × 54mm, and the material
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