Page 519 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part ORA - ANNEX VII - Organisation Requirements for Aircrew

                                                  to be certificated for intentional spins. Aeroplanes with a maximum bank angle
                                                  limitation may not be suitable for exercises such as steep turns or recovery from
                                                  spiral dive.
                                              (3) For the advanced UPRT course (FCL.745), the use of an aeroplane certificated in
                                                  the aerobatic category will provide the greatest safety margin. Aeroplanes
                                                  certificated in the normal or utility category may also be suitable provided the
                                                  exercises used during the training take into account the capabilities of the
                                                  aeroplane and are planned to remain within the training envelope for the aeroplane,
                                                  as determined by the ATO (see point (f)).
                                           (f) Training envelope
                                              The training envelope is the envelope within which all training exercises will be carried out.
                                              It should be specified by the ATO in terms of the range of attitudes, speed and gloads that
                                              can be used for training, taking into account:
                                              (1) the training environment;
                                              (2) the capabilities of the instructors; and
                                              (3) in the case of training in FSTDs, the limitations of the FSTD (as per GM3 FCL.010
                                                  for the FSTD training envelope); and
                                              (4) in the case of training in aeroplanes, the capabilities and certification of the aircraft,
                                                  while considering a margin of safety in order to ensure that unintentional deviations
                                                  from the training envelope will not exceed aircraft limitations. Different training
                                                  envelopes may be specified for different aeroplane types even within a single
                                                  training course.
             ORA.ATO.130             Training manual and operations manual
                                          (a)  The ATO shall establish and maintain a training manual and operations manual containing
                                              information and instructions to enable personnel to perform their duties and to give
                                              guidance to students on how to comply with course requirements.
                                          (b)  The ATO shall make available to staff and, where appropriate, to students the information
                                              contained in the training manual, the operations manual and the ATO’s approval
                                          (c)  In the case of ATOs providing flight test training, the operations manual shall comply with
                                              the requirements for the flight test operations manual, as established in Part-21.
                                          (d)  The operations manual shall establish flight time limitation schemes for flight instructors,
                                              including the maximum flying hours, maximum flying duty hours and minimum rest time
                                              between instructional duties in accordance with Part-ORO.
             ORA.ATO.135             Training aircraft and FSTDs
                                          (a)  The ATO shall use an adequate fleet of training aircraft or FSTDs appropriately equipped
                                              for the training courses provided. The fleet of aircraft shall be composed of aircraft that
                                              comply with all requirements defined in Regulation (EU) 2018/1139. Aircraft that fall under
                                              points , (b), (c) or (d) of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, may be used for training if
                                              all of the following conditions are met:
                                              (1) during an evaluation process the CAA has confirmed a level of safety comparable
                                                  to the one defined by all essential requirements laid down in Annex II to Regulation
                                                  (EU) 2018/1139;
                                              (2) the CAA has authorised the use of the aircraft for training in the ATO.
                                          (b)  The ATO shall only provide training in FSTDs when it demonstrates to the CAA:
                                              (1) the adequacy between the FSTD specifications and the related training
                                              (2) that the FSTDs used comply with the relevant requirements of Part-FCL;
                                              (3) in the case of full flight simulators (FFSs), that the FFS adequately represents the
                                                  relevant type of aircraft; and
                                              (4) that it has put in place a system to adequately monitor changes to the FSTD and to
                                                  ensure that those changes do not affect the adequacy of the training programme.
                                          (c)  If the aircraft used for the skill test is of a different type to the FFS used for the visual flight
                                              training, the maximum credit shall be limited to that allocated for flight and navigation
                                              procedures trainer II (FNPT II) for aeroplanes and FNPT II/III for helicopters in the relevant
                                              flight training programme.
                                          (d)  Flight test training organisations. Aircraft used for flight test training shall be appropriately
                                              equipped with flight testing instrumentation, according to the purpose of the training.
             ORA.ATO.135 AMC1        Training aircraft and FSTDs
                                      ALL ATOs, EXCEPT THOSE PROVIDING FLIGHT TEST TRAINING
                                          (a)  The number of training aircraft may be affected by the availability of FSTDs.
                                          (b)  Each training aircraft should be:
                                              (1) equipped as required in the training specifications concerning the course in which it
                                                  is used;
                                              (2) except in the case of balloons or single-seat aircraft, fitted with primary flight
                                                  controls that are instantly accessible by both the student and the instructor (for
                                                  example dual flight controls or a centre control stick). Swing-over flight controls
                                                  should not be used.
                                          (c)  The fleet should include, as appropriate to the courses of training:
                                              (1) aircraft suitably equipped to simulate instrument meteorological conditions (IMC)
                                                  and for the instrument flight training required. For flight training and testing for the
                                                  instrument rating and the en-route instrument rating (EIR), an adequate number of
                                                  IFR certificated aircraft should be available;
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