Page 522 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part ORA - ANNEX VII - Organisation Requirements for Aircrew
(f) The ratio of all students to all flight instructors, excluding the HT, should not exceed 6:1.
(g) Classes in ground subjects that require maximal supervision or intensive practical work
should not include more than 28 students.
(h) The theoretical knowledge instruction for type or class ratings should be conducted by
instructors holding the appropriate type or class rating, or having appropriate experience
in aviation and knowledge of the aircraft concerned.
(i) For this purpose, a flight engineer, a maintenance engineer or a flight operations officer
should be considered as having appropriate experience in aviation and knowledge of the
aircraft concerned.
ORA.ATO.210 AMC2 Personnel requirements
(a) Head of training (HT)
The nominated HT should hold or have held in the 3 years prior to first appointment as HT,
a professional pilot licence and associated ratings or certificates issued in accordance
with PartFCL, related to the flight training courses provided.
(b) Chief flight instructor (CFI)
(1) The CFI may delegate standardisation and supervision to the flight instructors. In all
cases it is the CFI who is ultimately responsible for ensuring quality and standards.
(2) The CFI should, except in the case of ATOs providing flight test training, have
completed 1 000 hours of flight time as pilot-in-command (PIC). At least 500 of
those hours should be on flying instructional duties related to the flying courses
provided, of which 200 hours may be instrument ground time.
ORA.ATO.225 Training programme
(a) The training programme shall include a breakdown of flight and theoretical knowledge
instruction, presented in a week-by-week or phase layout, a list of standard exercises and
a syllabus summary.
(b) The content and sequence of the training programme shall be specified in the training
ORA.ATO.230 Training manual and operations manual
(a) The training manual shall state the standards, objectives and training goals for each
phase of training that the students are required to comply with and shall address the
following subjects:
- training plan,
- briefing and air exercises,
- flight training in an FSTD, if applicable,
- theoretical knowledge instruction.
(b) The operations manual shall provide relevant information to particular groups of
personnel, as flight instructors, flight simulation training instructors, theoretical knowledge
instructors, operations and maintenance personnel, and shall include general, technical,
route and staff training information.
ORA.ATO.230(a) AMC1 Training manual and operations manual
Training manuals for use at an ATO to conduct integrated or modular flight training courses should
include the following:
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