Page 307 - UK AirCrew Regulations (Consolidated) March 2022
P. 307

Part FCL Annex I - Flight Crew Licencing

                                                 (vii)  Exercise 11: 0:45 hours
                                                     Instrument pattern:
                                                      1) start exercise, decelerate to approach speed, flaps into approach
                                                      2) initiate standard turn (left or right);
                                                      3) roll out on opposite heading, maintain new heading for 1 minute;
                                                      4) standard turn, gear down, descend 500 ft/min;
                                                      5) roll out on initial heading, maintain descent (500 ft/min) and new heading
                                                         for 1 minute;
                                                      6) transition to horizontal flight, 1.000 ft below initial flight level;
                                                      7) initiate go-around;
                                                      8) climb at best rate of climb speed.
                                                 (viii)  Exercise 12: 0:45 hours
                                                       -  Repetition of exercise 9 and steep turns with 45° bank; recovery from
                                                         unusual attitudes.
                                                 (ix) Exercise 13: 12 0:45 hours
                                                       -  Repetition of exercise
                                                  (x)  Exercise 14: 0:45 hours
                                                       -  Radio navigation using VOR, NDB or, if available, VDF;
                                                       -  interception of predetermined QDM and QDR.
                                                 (xi) Exercise 15: 0:45 hours
                                                       -  Repetition of exercise 9 and recovery from nosehigh attitudes at various
                                                         bank angles, recovery from noselow attitudes at various bank angles
                                                 (xii)  Exercise 16: 0:45 hours
                                                       -  Repetition of exercise 9, turns and level change and recovery from
                                                         nosehigh attitudes at various bank angles, recovery from noselow
                                                         attitudes at various bank angles with simulated failure of the artificial
                                                         horizon or directional gyro.
                                                 (xiii)  Exercise 17: 0:45 hours
                                                       -  Basic UPRT exercises as specified in point (b) of AMC2 to Appendix 3;
                                                         AMC1 to Appendix 5, excluding those manoeuvres which have already
                                                         been completed during exercises 15 and 16
                                                 (xiv)  Exercise 18: 3:00 hours
                                                       -  Repetition of exercises (14), (16) and (17).
                                              (3)  ME training
                                                 If required, operation of an ME aeroplane in the exercises 1 through 18, including
                                                 operation of the aeroplane with one engine simulated inoperative, and engine
                                                 shutdown and restart. Before commencing training, the applicant should have
                                                 complied with the type and class ratings requirements as appropriate to the
                                                 aeroplane used for the test.
                                              (4)  Applicants who need to complete night training in accordance with point 10(b) of
                                                 Section E of Appendix 3 to Part-FCL should perform take-offs and landings as PIC at
                                                 night only after having completed the instrument flight training specified in point (2)(i)
                                                 of ‘FLYING TRAINING’ of Section E of this AMC.
                                     F ATP/IR integrated course: helicopters
                                          (a) The ATP/IR integrated course should last between 12 and 36 months. This period may be
                                             extended where additional flying training or ground instruction is provided by the ATO.
                                          (b) Credit for the hours flown should be entered into the applicant’s training record. In case of a
                                             student pilot who does not hold a pilot licence and with the approval of the competent
                                             authority, an ATO may designate certain dual exercises to be flown in an aeroplane or a
                                             TMG up to a maximum of 20 hours.
                                     THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE
                                          (c) The 750 hours of instruction, which also cover the Area 100 KSA, may include in suitable
                                              (1)  classroom work;
                                              (2)  lessons;
                                              (3)  tutorials;
                                              (4)  demonstrations, including those supported by demonstration equipment;
                                              (5)  exercises carried out as groups or individuals and based on pre-flight and en-route
                                                 planning, communications, presentations and projects;
                                              (6)  exercises that use demonstration equipment or training devices;
                                              (7)  directed study including workbook exercises or assignments;
                                              (8)  aerodrome or aviation industry field trips;
                                              (9)  computer-based training and e-learning elements;
                                             (10) progress tests, Area 100 KSA assessments and mental maths test(s); and
                                             (11)  other training methods, media and tools approved by the competent authority.
                                             The 750 hours of instruction should be divided in such a way that in each subject the
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