Page 450 - UK AirCrew Regulations (Consolidated) March 2022
P. 450

Part ARA - ANNEX VI - Authority Requirements for Aircrew

                                      The format of the ICAO attachment in electronic or paper format is the following:

             ARA.FCL.205             Monitoring of examiners
                                          (a)  The CAA shall develop an oversight programme to monitor the conduct and performance
                                              of examiners taking into account the number of examiners it has certified.
                                          (b)  The CAA shall maintain a list of examiners it has certified. The list shall state the
                                              privileges of the examiners and be published and kept updated by the CAA.
                                          (c)  The CAA shall develop procedures to designate examiners for the conduct of skill tests.
             ARA.FCL.205 AMC1        Monitoring of examiners
                                      QUALIFICATION OF INSPECTORS
                                      Inspectors of the competent authority supervising examiners should ideally meet the same
                                      requirements as the examiners being supervised. However, it is unlikely that they could be so
                                      qualified on the large variety of types and tasks for which they have a responsibility and, since they
                                      normally only observe training and testing, it is acceptable if they are qualified for the role of an
             ARA.FCL.210             Information for examiners
                                          (c)  The CAA may provide examiners with safety criteria to be observed when skill tests and
                                              proficiency checks are conducted in an aircraft.
             ARA.FCL.215             Validity period
                                          (a)  When issuing or renewing a rating or certificate, the CAA or, in the case of renewal, an
                                              examiner specifically authorised by the CAA, shall extend the validity period until the end
                                              of the relevant month.
                                          (b)  When revalidating a rating, an instructor or an examiner certificate, the CAA, or an
                                              examiner specifically authorised by the CAA, shall extend the validity period of the rating
                                              or certificate until the end of the relevant month.
                                          (c)  The CAA, or an examiner specifically authorised for that purpose by the CAA, shall enter
                                              the expiry date on the licence or the certificate.
                                          (d)  The CAA may develop procedures to allow privileges to be exercised by the licence or
                                              certificate holder for a maximum period of 8 weeks after successful completion of the
                                              applicable examination(s), pending the endorsement on the licence or certificate.
             ARA.FCL.220             Procedure for the re-issue of a pilot licence
                                          (a)  The CAA shall re-issue a licence whenever necessary for administrative reasons and:
                                              (1) after initial issue of a rating; or
                                              (2) when paragraph XII of the licence established in Appendix I to this Part is completed
                                                  and no further spaces remain.
                                          (b)  Only valid ratings and certificates shall be transferred to the new licence document.
             ARA.FCL.250             Limitation, suspension or revocation of licences, ratings and certificates
                                          (a)  The CAA shall limit, suspend or revoke as applicable a pilot licence and associated
                                              ratings or certificates in accordance with ARA.GEN.355 in, but not limited to, the following
                                              (1) obtaining the pilot licence, rating or certificate by falsification of submitted
                                                  documentary evidence;
                                              (2) falsification of the logbook and licence or certificate records;
                                              (3) the licence holder no longer complies with the applicable requirements of Annex I
                                                  (Part-FCL), Annex III (Part- BFCL) to Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 or
                                                  Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976;
                                              (4) exercising the privileges of a licence, rating or certificate when adversely affected
                                                  by alcohol or drugs;
                                              (5) non-compliance with the applicable operational requirements;
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