Page 57 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 57
ए�, दं ,तीन , चा� अ स अना� आ स आमु
आजा शकिन है �ल इतवाा� आओं किमुल जाल �� ल �ामु
पाच, छु: , सात , आठा इ स इमुली ई स ईख
यााद �रूगीा सा�ा पाठा अच्छी अच्छी आदत सीख
इस� आगी नौ औ� दस उ स उल्ली ऊँ स ऊँन
हैं गीई किगीनती प�ी बस बहुत है गीमुी आयाा जान
It involves the child constructively and can wean them is able to take fuller breaths. It is a joyful way of learning
off from unnecessary screen engagement. Students can new rhymes, tongue twisters, counting, etc. When a child
intertwine rubber bands into long stretchable ropes. It aims to jump higher it may support his height gain also.
gives them happiness and a sense of pride about the
things that they create with their hands. The benefits of this game are countless and it is most
suitable for children with restricted play areas. It is up
Elastics are accessible, portable, and versatile. Children
can take it with them to school, parks, or on holidays. to the teacher how she can enhance both cognitive and
motor skills among her learners through this old-school
It can help improve a child’s cognitive function because game. I introduced this game in my school too and
it involves learning new motor patterns, which improves children enjoy it thoroughly. NEP 2020 highlighted the
the nervous system communication between one’s brain, role of toys and games in the cognitive development of
wrists, waist, and leg muscles. This improves overall children and igniting creativity and problem-solving skills
cognitive function. in them. It states a toy or game as a teaching-learning
It aids in the development of the left and right resource has the potential to transform pedagogy
hemispheres of the child’s brain, which further enhances and that toy-based pedagogy can be easily used by
spatial awareness, improves reading skills, increases teachers to make their students learn. Games help in
memory and makes you more mentally alert. Jumping understanding the cultural heritage of our country as
on one’s feet requires the body and mind to make well as that of others and at the same time, strengthen
neural muscular adjustments to imbalances created by the psychomotor and emotional development of the
continuous maneuvering. As a result, a calculated jump child’s personality and equip him with relevant skills.
improves dynamic balance and coordination, reflexes,
bone density, and muscular endurance.
It increases the elasticity and resilience of leg muscles,
leading to strong muscles and bones in the legs.
It improves cardio-respiratory health and builds stamina.
It also improves the rhythm of breathing and the child