Page 61 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 61

Tuberculosis: A National Menace

        Every year, March 24th is celebrated as World TB Day   blood), breathlessness or
        to commemorate the discovery of Mycobacterium       shortness of breath, loss of
        tuberculosis (the bacteria that causes tuberculosis)   appetite, weight loss, and night
        by Dr. Robert Koch in 1882. When we think of TB, we   sweats. If someone has some or
        usually think of a respiratory disease affecting the lungs   any of the symptoms which are
        which is the most common presentation but it does   exaggerated with time one needs
        not limit itself to just the lungs, it has the potential to   to consult a doctor immediately.
        affect every part and organ of the body from the Brain   If left untreated, TB can cause
        to the Bone except Hair and Nails. The global burden   lung fibrosis, respiratory failure,   Dr. Shikhar Prasad
                                                                                               S/o Kishor Prasad,
        of TB and its imprint on India is a huge challenge. The   spread to other organs, and   DIG, Range, New Delhi
        impact on India is more concerning given the fact   hindering their functions.
        that our country already carries a myriad of health   The challenges in eradicating TB in India-
        disorders ranging from Dengue to Malaria
        to Hypertension and Diabetes when                                 First is the social stigma with the
        coupled with TB it becomes a double-                               disease, which leads to people taking
        edged sword.                                                         the disease lightly which leads to
                                                                               delayed diagnosis, causing more
        According to the latest reports                                         disease morbidity and mortality
        from the WHO (World Health                                               in addition to the spread of
        Organization) every day, 3500                                             infection to others. Social
        people worldwide lose their                                                stigma also causes social
        lives to TB, and around                                                     exclusion of patients leading
        30,000 become affected by                                                   to underreporting of cases
        the bacteria. India alone                                                    giving rise to the Tip of
        accounts for 27% of the                                                      Iceberg phenomenon.
        global TB cases, this is
        very concerning, given the                                                   Second, the major
        fact that TB is a detectable                                                challenge is poor healthcare
        and curable, disease and                                                   and infrastructure. Though
        treatment regimes have been                                             we are upgrading and
        part of the existing health systems                                   expanding our health system to
        for a long time. In India, this disease is largely affecting        reach last mile connectivity, still
        poor and vulnerable populations. The India TB Report   there      are miles to go given that we have a
        2024, published by the Ministry of Health & Family   huge      population cater to. As per the State of
        Welfare, reveals that nearly 7.44 lakh TB patients were   Healthcare in Rural India 2024 report, only 39% have
        undernourished in 2022. Additionally, individuals living   access to diagnostic facilities within commutable
        with HIV face a 20 times higher risk of developing TB   distance and 90%
        compared to the general population. To summarize we                of people do not undergo routine
        can definitely say that India is a global TB hotspot.       health checkups unless recommended by a doctor.

        Tuberculosis (TB) is primarily transmitted through   Third, Poverty and Malnutrition. The Multidimensional
        the inhalation route, with the source of infection   Poverty Index (MPI), which evaluates poverty based on
        being an active, open case of TB that can spread the   three key dimensions—Education, Health, and Living
        bacteria to a susceptible individual. The way can be   Standards—indicates that 16.4% of India’s population
        through coughing, sneezing, etc. The disease can be   is considered multidimensionally poor. The State of
        asymptomatic but generally presents with symptoms   Food Security and Nutrition in World Report 2023 says
        such as fever (particularly in the evening), weakness,   around 74% of India’s population could not afford a
        prolonged cough (more than 2 weeks with or without   healthy diet. As per the National Family Health Survey,

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