Page 79 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 79


                                         ITS IMPACT ON INDIA

                                                  Artificial   healthcare is limited, particularly
                                           Intelligence (AI)   in rural  areas,  this technology
                                           is  increasingly  can democratize early diagnosis
                                           becoming     a   and improve patient outcomes.
                                          pivotal    force
                                          in shaping the    2.  Telemedicine  and  Remote
                                         future of global   Monitoring:         AI-driven
                                       economies      and   telemedicine platforms  can
                                     societies.  For    a   provide virtual consultations,
                                   country like India, with its   enabling patients in remote   S/O CT/GD Vimlesh Kumar
                                                                                              Sachin Kumar
                               diverse population and rapidly   areas  to  access  quality
        growing economy, AI presents both opportunities and   healthcare  without  the  need
        challenges.                                         to travel. AI can analyze patient data  from wearable
                                                            devices, such as heart rate monitors and glucose meters,
        The Evolution of AI Technology:  AI technology has   to provide continuous health monitoring and predictive
        evolved significantly over the past few decades, moving   alerts. This is crucial in managing chronic diseases like
        from simple  rule-based systems to complex machine   diabetes and hypertension, which have a high prevalence
        learning models  and deep neural  networks. This    in India.
        evolution has enabled machines to perform tasks that
        were once thought to be exclusive to human intelligence,   3. Drug Discovery and Development: AI can accelerate
        such as image recognition, natural language processing,   the process of drug discovery by predicting how different
        and decision-making. As AI continues to develop, it is   compounds will interact with targets in the body. This can
        expected to become more autonomous, adaptive and    lead to the development of more effective medications
        capable of handling a wider range of complex tasks.    and treatments at a faster pace and lower cost. Indian
                                                            pharmaceutical companies can leverage  AI to bring
        In the future, AI is likely to integrate more seamlessly   new drugs to market more efficiently, addressing unmet
        with everyday life, enhancing efficiency and creating new   medical needs.
        opportunities across  various industries. Technologies
        like quantum computing, advanced  robotics, and     Education:
        the  Internet  of  Things  (IoT)  will  further  augment  AI’s
        capabilities, making it an indispensable part of modern   1. Adaptive Learning Platforms: AI-powered adaptive
        civilization.                                       learning platforms can personalize educational content
                                                            based on a student’s learning style, pace, and performance.
                                                            For example, platforms like BYJU in India use AI to tailor
        Impacts of AI on India: The future of AI in India is poised
        to bring about profound transformations across multiple   lessons and practice exercises to each student’s needs.
        sectors. This deeper exploration delves into the specific   This approach  can  help  bridge  educational  gaps  and
        impacts of AI on India, covering healthcare, education,   provide a more inclusive
        agriculture, governance, and the labor market in more

        1. Early Disease Detection  and Personalized
        Medicine:  AI algorithms, especially those based on
        deep  learning,  can  analyze  vast datasets  of  medical
        records and imaging to identify patterns indicative
        of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular  conditions,
        and genetic disorders. For instance, AI tools can detect
        breast cancer  from mammograms with  high accuracy,
        often catching  cases that  might be  missed  by  human
        radiologists. In a  country where access to specialized

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