Page 11 - The Trenches
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With our most precious little ones, safety is our priority! There are many fear- mongering articles, blog posts, and ideas out there about the use of essential oils. We are here to set your mind at ease. While there are certainly things to avoid or look out for, our goal is to leave you feeling empowered and educated to guard and support your family’s wellness. Let’s do that.
• You are the parent, we are not. This is your (amazing, beautiful, unique) child. Soak in the information given, but in the end we want you to make your own empowered decisions. For concerns regarding your personal use throughout pregnancy or for your children, please consult with your midwife, doula, or other healthcare provider.
• Always stick with oils and products from Young Living, of course. That is all we can speak or vouch for, and all we recommend. It’s the safest out there!
• Use a carrier oil (such as organic: coconut oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil or other plant-based fatty oils) to dilute your essential oil when applying to your skin or your child’s skin. Check dilution ratios listed in this guide.
• When starting an EO application, start by applying on the bottom of the feet to acclimate the body to the oil and reduce the chance of a reaction.
• Store your oils in a cool, dark place to keep from altering their compounds.
fun fact: YL oils never expire! Just store them properly.
• Keep oils out of eyes and ears. If they accidentally get where they shouldn’t go, use a carrier oil (not water) to rinse it out. Douse it in coconut oil!
• If a child or infant accidentally swallows an EO, administer a mixture of milk, yogurt, cream or another safe oil-soluble liquid. Milk usually does the trick, but if necessary, feel free to call a poison control center or seek emergency medical attention to ensure all is well.
• It’s always wise to start low (in amount) and go slow (with use).
• Always put oils in glass or stainless steel, especially when you will be using
them internally. They are incredible at pulling toxins out of things, but if you
are going to drink water with EOs in it, you don’t want to also drink plastic!
• Oils labeled “Vitality” are labeled as dietary and intended for internal use.
While we typically don’t use them internally with kids and babies, this is still
good to know for your personal use.
• Diffusing is a great way to start using oils around your little ones. We
recommend starting with 3-5 drops in the diffuser and not using multiple
essential oil blends at once. Again, start low and go slow.
are photosensitive. Avoid applying them to skin within 12 hours prior to being in direct sunlight.