Page 169 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 169

surprised  s@'praIzd  7          tell (someone) a joke           today  t@'deI  51, 52
           sweater  'swet@  4                tel @ dZ@Uk  48                toe  t@U  3
           swim  swIm  38, 49               tell (someone) a story          toilet  'tOIl@t  12
           swimmer  'swIm@  59               tel @ 'stO:ri  48              tomato(es)  t@'mA:t@U  10
           swimming  'swImIŋ  23            tell (someone) the time         tomorrow  t@'mɒr@U  51, 52
           swimming pool                     tel D@ taIm  48                too  tu:  50
             'swImIŋ pu:l  23               tell someone you called  tel    too much (work)  tu: mtS  36
           swipe swaIp 17                    'smwn ju: kO:ld  16          tooth  tu:θ  3
           switch on  swItS ɒn  13          tell someone your address       toothache  'tu:θeIk  6
           table  'teIb@l  13                tel 'smwn jO: @'dres  48     toothbrush  'tu:θbrS  12
           table tennis  'teIb@l 'tenIs  23  tell someone your name         toothpaste  'tu:θpeIst  12
           take  teIk  34, 43, 44, 49        tel 'smwn jO: neIm  48       top  tɒp  53
           take (some) lessons              tell someone your phone number     tortoise  'tO:t@s  31
             teIk 'les@nz  43                tel 'smwn jO: f@Un 'nmb@     tourist (information) office   
           take … for a walk                 48                               'tU@rIst 'ɒfIs  29
             teIk fO:r @ wO:k  31           tennis  'tenIs  23              towel  taU@l  12
           take … off  teIk ɒf  4           terrible  'ter@b@l  56          town  taUn  29, 30
           take a course  teIk @ kO:s  43   terrorism  'ter@rIz@m  34       town hall  taUn hO:l  29
           take a message  teIk @           terrorist  'ter@rIst  34        toys  tOIz  19
             'mesIdZ  16                    text  tekst  16, 17             traffic  'tr{fIk  55
           take a photo  teIk @ 'f@Ut@U  43  textbook  'teksbUk  15         traffic jam  'tr{fIk dZ{m  37
           take a taxi  teIk @ 't{ksi  43   Thai  taI  27                   traffic warden   
           take an exam  teIk @n            Thailand  'taIl{nd  27            'tr{fIk 'wO:d@n  14
             Ig'z{m  15, 43                 than  D{n  50                   train  treIn  14, 18, 29, 32
           take drugs  teIk drgz  34       thank for  θ{ŋk fO:  57         trainers  'treIn@z  4
           take off  teIk ɒf  32, 46        Thank you  θ{ŋk ju:  8, 48      train station  treIn 'steIS@n  29
           take the bus  teIk D@ bs  29, 43  thanks  θ{ŋks  8              transport  'tr{nspO:t  18, 32, 49
           take the lift  teIk D@ lIft  21  then  Den  52                   travel  'tr{v@l  55
           take the train  teIk D@ treIn  43  there  De@  53                travelling  'tr{v@lIŋ  32
           take the underground  teIk D@    there's a ...  De@z @  29       tropical  'trɒpIk@l  6
             'nd@graUnd  43                thief  θi:f  34                 trousers  'traUz@z  4
           take-away  teIk @'weI  22        thin  θIn  5                    trumpet  'trmpIt  26
           talk  tO:k  25, 48               think about  θIŋk @'baUt  57    trumpet-player   
           talk to  tO:k tu:  25            third  θ:d  19                   'trmpIt 'pleI@  26
           talk show  tO:k S@U  35          thirsty  'θ:sti  7             try on  traI ɒn  19
           tall  tO:l  5                    thriller  'θrIl@  24            T-shirt  'ti:S:t  4
           tap  t{p  11                     thumb  θm  3                   Tuesday  'tju:zdeI  51
           taxi  't{ksi  32, 43             thunder  'θnd@  28             Tunisia  tju:'nIzi@  27
           taxi driver  't{ksi 'draIv@  14  thunderstorm  'θnd@stO:m  28   Tunisian  tju:'nIzi@n  27
           tea  ti:  10, 38, 55             thundery  'θnd@ri  28          turn  t:n  29
           tea towel  ti: taU@l  11         Thursday  'θ:zdeI  51          turn down  t:n daUn  46
           teach  ti:tS  15                 ticket  'tIkIt  32              turn off  t:n ɒf  12, 13, 46
           teacher  'ti:tS@  14, 15         tidy  'taIdi  36                turn on  t:n ɒn  13, 46
           teapot  'ti:pɒt  11              tie  taI  4                     turn up  t:n p  46
           teenage  'ti:neIdZ  35           tiger  'taIg@  31               TV  ti:'vi:  13, 21, 24, 25, 35
           teenage magazine  ti:neidZ       tights  taIts  4                twice  twaIs  52
             m{g@'zi:n   35                 time  taIm  51, 52              ugly  'gli  5
           teeth  ti:θ  3                   timetable  'taImteIb@l  32     UK  ju:'keI  27
           telephone (phone)  'telIf@Un     (four) times a month            umbrella  m'brel@  4
             12, 16                          taImz @ mnθ  52               uncle  'ŋk@l  1
           television (TV)  'telIvIZ@n  12,   (three) times a week          uncountable  n'kaUnt@b@l  55
             13, 35                          taImz @ wi:k  47               underground  'nd@graUnd  32
                                            tired  taI@d  7                 unemployed  nIm'plOId  37

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