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Hydroponic Gardening De-mystified

Brought to you by Blooming Success

by Melrose Sanchez (510) 538-GROW

O ur food supply seems increasingly to be going toxic. How many as a storehouse for nutrients. Soil is not necessary to grow plants. Properly
times over recent months has the top news story been about balanced nutrients, enough light and a comfortable temperature is really all
toxins in not only fresh fruit and vegetables but packaged and
The idea with hydroponics is to eliminate the soil, feed the plant supe-
processed food as well. The pet food scare alone was enough to start us that is required to grow high yield plants.
cooking-up various versions of dog and cat food. A recent news report on rior nutrients, provide light and maintain a comfortable environment. Plants of
all types thrive. Of course like all living things, they need some care and atten-
ABC said that astoundingly, the Federal Food and Drug Administration
really only inspects about 5% of imported foods while the amount of tion and the results have been tremendous. The garden can be grown indoors,
imported food is skyrocketing with over 1/3 of our food coming from under lights and in limited space. The temperature, air moisture, amount and
China. China is quickly earning the dubious honor of producing food with type of nutrients are controlled and not dependent upon outside conditions.
a cut corners for more profit mentality. At any rate, we might want to Hydroponics is giving us the option of fresh, toxin-free veggies year around.
This is a manageable, interesting, fun and very productive activity for every-
remain suspect as the details of a global food market gets worked out.
one. It is really great to eat what you have grown.
The systems are easy to build or setup. This is a case where the
terminology is far more complicated than the process. There’s not a lot of
physical labor or time involved so even those with limited activity can manage
The AeroGarden
All one needs to begin is a small space like a closet or small room that
can function as a gardening area. The amount of space is not as important as
the layout of the space. Remember, the point of hydroponics is a controlled
environment so the temperature and air flow can be regulated. The space is
best with fewer doors and windows. The light source is from light fixtures
not sunlight or natural light and generally speaking the airflow is from a fan.
There are a few different methods used in hydroponics. The place to
start to get the hang of this gardening experience is to begin small. There are
numerous kits available from a table top version to room-sized. For the more
knowledgeable, the necessary elements can be purchased to produce a more
It is not in our nature to question the quality of the foods we get from personalized garden specific to space availability.
the supermarket, farmer’s market or favorite restaurant. Too long we lived The impression many potential gardeners have is growing hydroponi-
with the assurance that our food is safe. We grew-up thinking our food was cally creates heavy energy bills, but many of the options use no more energy
safe, inspected and that all food production is supervised and double checked. than a small household appliance.
Maybe it is time to get used to the idea that if we are to eat healthful food the Our friends at Blooming Success in Hayward, California (22370
responsibility lies more with us than with someone else. We might need to Mission Blvd; 510.538.4769) are contributing a new feature to Greenkind
begin looking at our options and what patients can do to protect their already Magazine. Future issues will include hydroponic growing tips, new products,
compromised physical condition. and helpful information for all levels of hydroponic production. Along with the
Patients need the healthiest of foods to give the body all it needs to new feature, we invite and welcome any tips or information from patients/
replenish and renew. We hear it everyday that eating more vegetables is the readers growing hydroponically. Contact us at and
way to go. But how do we obtain veggies that have a standard of quality?
maybe your growing tip will appear in future issues.
Growing them ourselves could be a way to go. We can find some land
and get a pickax and start a lot of digging and planting, but then we end up
with a harvest too huge to use all ripe at one time.
This is where hydroponics comes in to save the day. The word hydro-
ponics seems complicated enough to cause a slight panic and detour any well The EuroGrower
intended soul from considering it a viable option. It is perhaps the only option
for food production for the apartment dweller and even for the homeowner.
Hydroponics is gardening methods that can produce year around, ensure the
nutrients of the food grown, and is fun to do in the process.
Hydro is the Greek word meaning water and ponics is from the word
geoponics which refers to the study of agriculture. The big idea behind hydro-
ponics is to use liquid solution or a water base to grow plants rather than soil.
The plant needs to bring in nutrients up through the roots into the foliage,
fruits and flowers. We need to water soil-based plants so the nutrients in the
soil break down into a usable liquid substance so the plant roots can take in
the nutrients. The soil itself, more or less, serves to hold the plant upright and

greenkind magazineVol II, No 2 2007 13
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