Page 16 - GK_#6_V2N2_Neat
P. 16
Absolutely Evolving
Absolutely Evolving



A PerfectA Perfect


by Staff

W W e hear that vaporizing is the rec-

ommended method to intake
medicine, but then we see the
price tag of the highly mar-
keted, popular brands of vapor-
izers, most of us think we will be sure to invest in one as soon as
our ship comes in — or when we make the big sale or when the function concept is at work in the Vaporstore’s creative depart-
ment. Other vaporizors may be popular, but it is the VaporTower
settlement is finally settled. that will outlast, be used more frequently, and become a staple in
The good news is we really don’t need to wait for illusions
any patient’s home. There isn’t all the folderol of messing with
to come true to own a very functional, effective, handy, and easy bags and connectors. Some patients like the ritual of preparation
to operate vaporizer. The VaporStore’s newest innovation the to medicate, but I just want pain relief as quickly as possible. I
VaporTower is the answer to medicating healthfully, yet the model don’t want to be connecting and cleaning and sorting to get to my
is small enough to move from room to room, to store when not in medicine. The VaporTower’s low maintenance, easy to load, quick
use and especially to use solo or with friends. With no gadgets or heating and consistent burn combined with the durability and
bags required, the VaporTower seems as easy to use as a pipe. It beauty of the wood base at an affordable price, make the
only takes about five minutes to warm — just about the time it VaporTower most attractive.
takes to cut or grind the medicine and to fill the bowl. With a ca- For more information contact the VaporStore toll free at 877-
pacity large enough to share with patient-friends and small enough
892-8405 or on the internet at I think you will be
happy to discover a practical vaporizer that will work for you.
for just one hit, the VaporTower really is the answer to medicating
safely and getting the most out of your medicine.
The concept of the Tower evolved from VaporStore’s origi-
nal design which is mostly horizontal with the tubing coming from
the side rather than like the vertical Tower with the tubing coming
from the top. I have used the original design for over a year, trav- —ERRATUM —
eled with it, shared it with my patient family and friends and use
it solo almost daily. The compact design and the beautiful wood Keep it Medical
finish suits my tastes and my needs. I especially like the way I can
quickly and safely store it in a drawer or cabinet. And I have no-
ticed medicine lasting longer and feeling more potent when using
the vaporizer over a traditional pipe.
The Tower seems to be even easier to use than the original
design. With the tubing and the bowl placed at the top, the Tower The correct address for
makes for easy passing of the mouthpiece and keeps the tubing 7LBH/KEEP IT MEDICAL, INC. is
3322 Barham Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90068.
from bumping into other articles that may be placed near it.
The VaporStore is patient-owned and the vaporizer designs
are created with practicality as a priority. Clearly, the form follows
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