Page 10 - GK_#4_V1N4_Neat
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Falall, 2006l, 2006
Fl, 2006l, 2006
by Melrose Sanchez
Discrimination by Staff

and Dollars

David Bearman, M.D.

“There has been some speculation that (George)
Washington may have used cannabis medicinally or
recreationally, (1) because he separated the male from the
female plant; and (2) because he once wrote in his diary he
hoped he got home in time for the hemp harvest because he
so enjoyed the burning of the slag. (Solomon, the Marijuana
Papers) This conjecture most likely is just wishful thinking on
the part of the modern-day cannabis advocates, but you
never know.”

octor Bearman answers the questions we each have
rolling around unanswered in our minds as we
watch the news. Almost daily we witness the on-
going polarities and entanglements of medical cannabis. We mation is solid while the style is easy in tone imbued with the
subtle-flare of a natural born storyteller. It is excellent for that
have to ask the big question, What is the big deal about medical
bedtime read.
cannabis or any cannabis for that matter?
Doctor Bearman guides us quickly and safely through Bearman’s casual, yet authentic voice is more like a de-
the evolution of how this pretty plant became demonized.
lightful narrative than a history lesson. He has the knack of
How did the huge dis-information campaign that leaves so- leading the reader through a rather adventurous saga that
ciety today with a distorted if not perverted view of mari- leaves one empowered rather than diminished or tired. He
juana get such a head of steam? does know his subject with over 40 years experience in the
drug abuse treatment and prevention field, Bearman was the
Bearman says, “The AMA (American Medical Association)
testified at the Marijuana Tax Act hearings in 1937. They com- co-director of the Height- Ashbury Drug Treatment Program,
plained that over its two-year preparation period no one ever told a member of Governor Reagan’s Inter-Agency Task Force on
them that this legislation was being discussed, much less asked for Drug Abuse and the list goes on.
their input in drafting it. Furthermore, the AMA opposed the Act. This is the one of those books that creeps into one’s
thoughts during the day. Little revelations of a deeper under-
They saw no need for it. There were 28 patent medicines containing
standing, unlike the usual historical rhetoric. It is the book to
cannabis on the market in 1937 and no problems with cannabis
were known to the AMA.” be kept, reviewed and is thought-provoking time and again.
The text includes the how’s and why’s which deter-
mined the current medical cannabis legal and social reality. “Marijuana’s recreational introduction into the port of New
The laws affect each and every patient, advocate, caretaker Orleans is traced to the Caribbean, particularly Jamaican,
and all of the future patients. It is said that knowledge is power sources. This may have occurred as early as the late 1890s.
and in regards to the current legal situation of medical can- It is suggested that Hindus, brought to Jamaica by the British
nabis, nothing could be truer. Bearman’s book empowers pa- to organize the cultivation of sugar cane and hemp fields,
tients with knowledge about the consistent legal perversion
of cannabis. had taught the Africans the magic of the female hemp plants’
Bearman’s fact-driven text with chapter names like, Hey, flowers. This was no doubt later supplanted by Mexican
Let’s Punish Low Income College Students, and Will Sanity Pre- influence.”
vail? makes the text enticing before a word is read. The infor-
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