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8 greenkind
Falall, 2006l, 2006
Fl, 2006l, 2006
your Medicine
by Nanda Propaganda

I Physician’s Statement (recommendation) is only good in the state
t’s time to travel. Can I take my medicine with me? If
If you plan to cross the state line remember that your
you are traveling with in the state of California by car,
of California. To learn more about medical marijuana laws in other
you may want to keep your medicine in the trunk along
sates, check out
with a copy of your physician’s recommendation. Never If you plan to travel by air, be aware that all bags are subject
drive under the influence or keep your medicine where the to search, including checked baggage. Also, as soon as you board
driver of the vehicle can reach it. a plane (and certain areas of the airport), you are in federal terri-
If you are stopped by the police, do not consent to a search tory where it’s illegal to have marijuana. Some have suggested
of your person or vehicle. Americans for Safe Access suggests you carrying edibles. Don’t tell anybody, but I used to be one of those
say the Magic Words: “I do not consent to this search.” This may invasive security screeners that searched bags when I was doing a
not stop them from searching anyway, but if they search you ille- law enforcement internship at SFO. We used huge underground
gally, they probably won’t be able to use the evidence against you CTX (catscan/x-ray) machines that alarm when a “threat” is de-
in court. ASA says you have nothing to lose and lots to gain. Do tected. When the CTX has detected a “threat”, we would carefully
not physically resist police when they are trying to search. Just search the bag by hand. CTX machines look at density, shape and
keep repeating the Magic Words. If the police decide to detain/
proximity of contents in the bag being scanned. One of the sub-
arrest you and start questioning you, say the other Magic Words: stances that would alarm every single time is peanut butter. If you
“I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer.” travel with cannabis peanut butter in your bag, it WILL be found.
Americans for Safe Access’ California Legal Manual is a must It has the same density as some plastic explosives. Another way
have for all medical marijuana patients in California. You can call your bag is sure to be searched is putting electronics, batteries,
them at 888-929-4367 and request a copy for $1.00 or print it from certain foods and/or dense metal objects that the x-ray cannot see
their website here:
through close together in your bag. Spread them out and your bag
type&type=57 will be less likely to alarm the CTX and be searched.
Last year, the California Highway Patrol announced that it
will no longer confiscate medical marijuana during routine traffic Going overseas? Familiarize yourself with local marijuana
laws before you travel. Over 2,500 Americans are arrested abroad
stops, as long as the patient does not have more than eight ounces
and has proper medical documentation. Many counties in Cali- annually. More than 30% of these arrests are drug related. Over
70% of drug related arrests involve marijuana or cocaine.
fornia allow patients to possess more than eight ounces. Counties
that have not set guidelines for amounts default to the state limits. The rights an American enjoys in this country do not travel
If you have more than eight ounces and plan to travel through abroad. Each country is sovereign and its laws apply to everyone
multiple counties, it would be wise to find out have much you are who enters regardless of nationality. The U.S. government cannot
allowed to have in those counties. Many police officers do not know get Americans released from foreign jails. However, a U.S. consul
what the guidelines are in their own county. will insist on prompt access to an arrested American, provide a
Before you hit the road, you may want to print out the guide- list of attorney’s, and provide information on the host country’s
lines for all the counties you will be traveling through and keep legal system, offer to contact the arrested American’s family or
them with your medicine in the trunk. You can find county guide- friends, visit on a regular basis, protest mistreatment, monitor jail
lines on the CaNorml website here: (click on conditions, provide dietary supplements, if needed, and keep the
Medical Marijuana). The CaNorml website is an excellent resource State Department informed.
for finding local lawyers, should you need one. continued next page
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