Page 4 - MAY2021-Wilson_Electric_NEWS
P. 4

ESOP                            The ESOP is a substantial benefit to help you build wealth for
                                     your retirement and can truly have a significant impact on your

     CORNER                          life. Don't just take our word for it, hear directly from some
                                     recent retirees on how the ESOP is shaping their retirement.

                  MIKE CAMPBELL                                                    DAN TIGNOR

           The ESOP gave me an additional level of                             As you know 2020 was a stay
         financial security allowing me to retire at age                   home and be safe year, which I did a
          61! Here's a sunset picture I took on our trip                   lot. Having the extra retirement funds
           to Maui, courtesy of Wilson Electric for my                    from the ESOP brings a sense of added
                 Years of Service recognition.                              security for me. I did use some ESOP
                                                                           funds to repair my truck and the rest
                                                                                went into an IRA for future
                                                                           investments. The ESOP truly is a great
                                                                             benefit! Thank you, Wilson Electric
                                                                              you're number one in my book.

                    TERRY OAKES

           The Wilson Electric ESOP has contributed
         significantly to my ability to enjoy retirement
         by helping me do the things I always dreamed                           KEITH WALDROP
         about, without financial stress.  I'm thriving on
        life in Mexico, making friends, learning Spanish                   The ESOP has allowed my wife and I to
         and Mexican culture, and traveling throughout                     far exceed our financial goals. I'm now
         the country.  I'll be traveling the entire length                  able to delay filing for Social Security
          of the Silk Road from China to Istanbul later                    until age 70, so our monthly $$ benefit
         this year.  The ESOP is a blessing of financial                   will be 1/3 higher than if I filed at 66. So
        peace of mind, and it isn't money I had to save                   thankful for this awesome benefit that is
                  during my working career.                                       100% funded by WESC!!
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