Page 6 - MAY2021-Wilson_Electric_NEWS
P. 6
By Jacob Winn
It's that time of the year again when we
need to make a company wide effort to
ensure that our employees are prepared
for the upcoming hot temperatures. Last
summer we had several jobsites where a
worker felt sick from the heat. Any worker,
if not properly prepared for working in the
heat can suffer a heat related illness.
Heat Related Illness, HRI,
Prevention Strategy
• Have plenty of water available on the
job site. Being prepared to work in the
heat does not just mean when you are
at work. Excessive consumption of
alcohol, caffeine, or energy drinks
contribute to dehydration that can According to the AHA, symptoms of heat exhaustion are
lead to an HRI. headaches, cool moist skin, dizziness/light-headedness,
• Communicate the symptoms: Make weakness, nausea, and dark urine.
sure the workers are briefed on how
to identify if a person is having an What to do in case of Heat Exhaustion:
HRI. It is very important that we look 1. Immediately get the worker to a cooler place –
out for each other as not all people trailer, air-conditioned building or vehicle, a
shaded area.
experiencing an HRI are able to 2. Make sure the worker keeps drinking water if they
recognize it as it happens. can safely do so.
• Identify your most at risk workers. 3. Place a wet rag on the employee's neck and have
Workers that are new to the company the employee sit in front of a fan.
or have been working at another site 4. Contact the Safety Department.
not exposed to the heat will need time
to become acclimated to the heat. It Symptoms of a heat stroke include fever, irrational
can take up to two weeks for a person behavior, confusion, hot red skin, rapid shallow breathing,
to get completely acclimated to the weak pulse, seizures, and unconsciousness. If the
heat. individual does not cool down and starts to experience
• Make heat illness and prevention a symptoms of a heat stroke, call 911 and get medical
reoccurring subject. Talk about it attention right away.