Page 37 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 37
Of Earth and Sky 37
Cody Alexander
Within the hustle and stress of daily life, it is
easy to forget we are children of the cosmos. As
such, we cannot help but be affected by
planetary shifts and the vagaries of stellar
in terrestrial geomagnetic reactions, and We are bathed in the light of our sun,
How much are we influenced by the
producing a wide range of measurable periodically blasted by energy from solar
movements of earth and sky?
responses in humans. According to activity, resulting in mild to extreme terran
As a shamanic practitioner, I have
environmental scientist Neil Cherry, many effects as evidenced above. Science notes that
observed subjective responses in others that
studies have shown “significant physical, the effects can range from negligible to
appear to coincide with solar and seismic
biological and health effects that are associated catastrophic, purely according to the directional
changes. Along with my own experiences,
with changes in Solar and Geomagnetic Activity relationship between a solar occurrence and the
reports from clients and friends over a period of
(S-GMA).” position of the earth.
years align with documented research that we
Also notable are apparent changes in the What happens if an event occurs on the side of
may be more sensitive to these changes than we
light of our own star, particularly over the past the sun facing away from us? Does the entire
decade. Living in an environment devoid of solar electromagnetic field shift in relation to its
Hours to days prior to or during a large
pollution, shifts in the visible spectrum can be own violent changes? No matter how much time
earthquake occurring somewhere on the globe,
remarkable. There are days when the light is so the physical movement of a solar wave is
many have experienced sudden feelings of
intense at my home in the mountains, it appears reported to take on its journey to, through, and
dizziness, being ungrounded, anxiety, a dark
blue-white instead of the warm yellow normally beyond our planet, is it possible that we are
sense of imminence, or disorientation. Is it
associated with the sun. This phenomenon immediately affected, as the electromagnetic
possible we are so sensitive to the movements
might be disregarded as a visual idiosyncracy, field of the sun and that of the earth interact? Or
of the earth, that the shifting of our planet
an aspect of weather or place, were it not also does the current scientific, linear view on the
hundreds of miles away registers in the body?
noted by others in various locations. position of the solar event relative to the earth
Strong stellar changes appear to similarly affect
One such day occurred on March 19th, hold true – that the variance in intensity is
us. Solar flares, solar wind, geomagnetic
2018 where I live in the southern mountains of determined by whether or not we are in its direct
storms, eclipses, notable planetary and
Colorado. The light was such an extreme path? Subjective reports indicate that, for some
interstellar alignments, etc., may not only
halogen blue-white then and for days afterward, of us, the effect is immediate.
coincide with geophysical events, but with
that I traced the date to NASA’s Spaceweather What about the earth? Before, during
personal reports of a wide variety of symptoms,
website. I uncovered the following report: and after geomagnetic activity, does the planet’s
including extreme agitation, heightened
“On March 18th, a crack opened in Earth's electromagnetic field shift as a result? Given the
emotional sensitivity, the appearance of sunburn
magnetic field. Solar wind poured in, fueling a human body has an electromagnetic field just as
without sun exposure, dizziness, memory loss,
moderately strong (G2-class) geomagnetic the sun and earth, how close do we have to be to
confusion, a feeling of being outside of space
storm… an unusually-wide stream of solar wind register a physical, emotional, mental or
and time.
[has been blowing] around our planet. Literally, spiritual (energetic) response?
From a shamanic viewpoint, it could be
the geomagnetic field has been shaking back Ultimately, we are connected to all that
argued that fluctuating energy/frequencies of
and forth. ‘Magnetic activity has been relatively is. When viewed through the lens of “oneness,”
the earth and sun are putting increasing pressure
high since March 14th… Magnetometers all there is no mystery as to our reaction to stellar
on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
around the world are registering this.’” and earth events, regardless of the illusion of
(or energetic) body of each individual. This
Accompanying graphs delineate distance or separation.
increase in frequency puts pressure on any
impressive data on the resulting shifts in the As a resource for those interested in
restrictions, bringing to the surface those places
earth’s magnetic field as a result of the solar tracking solar and terran activity, solar
where we carry historical damage. Could this be storm. information is available on the Spaceweather
related to instances of violent release in some
Are we, too, energetically “shaking back site, and the global
who are already so compromised that any
and forth”? Is the visible/invisible spectrum earthquake map is at
additional discomfort pushes them over the
affected by intense solar activity?
One NASA article, discussing a recent To share your observations, email:
Bartenders, police officers and
discovery about how the solar magnetic field is
emergency workers can attest to the increase in
generated, notes:
incidents and intensity of conflict during the full
“…powerful eruptions on the Sun’s About the Author: Cody Alexander is a Path
surface can disrupt electronic systems on Earth Home Shamanic Arts School certified shamanic
In tracking solar and earth events for
years, I have traced their relationship not only to such as GPS, satellites, radio communications, practitioner and instructor with over ten years of
and electrical power grids, and create space experience in shamanic work, and more than
personal shifts and crises, but those of friends,
weather than can potentially change weather thirty years of study in practical application of
family and clients. There is enough coincidental
patterns on Earth.” esoteric concepts and spiritual/energetic
correlation to warrant a deeper look at our
We are electrical beings. Beyond the healing. Cody created North Shield, a CD of
interaction with the earth – our home – and the
physical effect on our equipment, how many of original prayer songs, and co-created The Winds
us alter our mood for better or worse, simply of Time, a transformational and evolutionary
Research indicates that changes in the
dependent upon whether there are clouds or the musical CD, with fellow artist Gwilda Wiyaka.
magnetic field of the sun directly impact the
sky is clear? Perhaps our reactions are merely a She is an author, editor, composer and
earth with varying effects. Solar and terrestrial subjective response, but is there a deeper storyteller (The Spoken Wheel Storytelling
events seem to be linked, solar events resulting
influence as a result of solar fluctuations? Troupe). Her website: