Page 33 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 33

Living Creatively with Nature                                                                                     33

             Living Creatively with


                  Continued from Page 33

                 We gathered stones to heat, water to pour
          and wood to burn. It became a ritual of seeing,
          doing, being, allowing.  We created a sacred
          mound with an elk bone and deer antlers found
          along our journey, to connect us to the animal
          spirits.  We created fire to heat our souls and
          illuminate our hearts. We gathered some good
          ol’ Montana sage, rolled into balls and placed on
          a tray of pine bark to burn, in order to purify
          ourselves and cleanse the layers of feelings and
          emotions that create separateness in our modern
          world. This brought us more into balance with
          ourselves, each other, and the natural life around
                 The simple act of collecting stones has a
          way of grounding our attention closer to the
          earth.  Once the stones are heated and removed
          from the fire, poured water sizzles, spats and
          bubbles over the rocks, creating the wet, hot
          atmosphere, unleashing the imagination, dreams
          and emotions up to the stars. With intention, we
          would breathe the steam into our bodies and
          release our prayers to the heavens above.  We
          continued this until the stones were cooled from  We named our sauna Kilkipoana, the Finnish Red is stimulating, vibrant and exciting. Red
          the water, no longer glowing red as they had   word for  Turtle.  A space designed for going inspires desire with a strong link to sexuality and
                                                         inward. Representing our need to slow down increased appetites. In Chinese culture red
          moments earlier.
                 Sensing something was different in the  and follow a peaceful path. Forming a sanctuary represents luck and prosperity.  Use red when
          forest on the cool autumn night, elk were drawn  to unplug from the phone and computer, and you want to get pulses racing and to inspire
          to take a look the sweat as well. This made us  focus on our breath. Indeed, the sauna ignites the action.  However, use carefully as red can evoke
          realize that we are not so separate from the elk.  lost art of being present in the moment.    feelings of aggression and cause visual strain.
          As creatures on Earth, we all have a primal            We are living in an unprecedented time
          yearning to explore the curiosities of the world  where it’s easy to become focused on the latest Orange Color Meaning –  The color of
          around us.                                     trends and alternative facts.  Those are encouragement. The combination of yellow and
                 The next morning, we returned to the    temporary.                                      red makes orange convey excitement, warmth
                                                                 Connect with something timeless. Listen and enthusiasm. Social and inviting, this is the
          cold stones and cooled ashes of charred wood. It
          was a moment to be still, reflect, and share our  to wind in the trees. Float down a river. However color of the extrovert, exuding happiness and
          visions from the steam filled experience. While  you connect to the elements, follow the spark joy, releasing inhibitions. Need to be inspired
          staring into the void of chilly morning darkness,  and let it ignite your own fire within.     into action or have a positive outlook on life?
          we imagined how we can bring the wildness of                                                   Orange is a motivating and encouraging color.
          such a journey into our home of “domestic” life.  About the Author:                            Orange is appealing to young people. It
                 So, we decided to take our curiosity            Kirby Hancock is an architectural stimulates the appetite and is associated with
          home to become a regular part of our daily lives,  designer, avid outdoorsman, craftsman and healthy good.  However, the negative
          transforming an old cement slab in the yard    founder of  Transformative Ecologies, LLC. connotations of orange include insincerity,
                                                         Years of building experience shaped his pursuit exhibitionism and self indulgence.
          where a tool shed had once been, into a natural
          building that can harness the power of steam to  for healthier buildings, structures and designs
          improve wellbeing.  The need for a personal    that positively support the human experience Yellow Color Meaning –  The color of
          sauna to lounge, love and laugh was realized.  and connection with the physical world. His optimism.  Yellow is a compelling color that
          We re-created our adventure from the mountains  work serves the needs of people and conveys youthful, fresh energy.  This color of
          in a new form at our Bozeman home with a       communities by fusing human emotions and sunshine is uplifting and illuminating and
          Finnish style sweat. It has become a sacred    experiences with the use of natural building associated with success and confidence. Yellow
          space to us, that physically, mentally and     materials, holistic design and engagement with stimulates the left side of the brain, helping with
          spiritually alters us and renews us from the   the natural world. Inspired by the mountains and clear thinking and quick decision making.
                                                         rivers of Montana, he enjoys exploring wild Yellow grabs attention because the eye sees
                 In the few steps taken from the house to  places with his significant other and their yellow first. The downside of yellow is that it
          the sauna, there is a sensory realignment.     energetic bird dog.                             can induce anxiety and cause one to be over-
          Feeling the crunch of snow between the toes, an  Website: critical. It also signifies cowardice.
          autumn breeze on our skin, the soft summer     Email:
          grass beneath our feet, and getting a glimpse at  Phone: 406.589.6957 []                       Yellow Color Meaning –  The color of
          the changing light patterns, remind us of the        Color Meanings and                        optimism.  Yellow is a compelling color that
          season’s influence that is always around us.                                                   conveys youthful, fresh energy.  This color of
                 The process of sauna is meditative. We                Psychology                        sunshine is uplifting and illuminating and
          slow down. The sound of the steam on the rocks                                                 associated with success and confidence. Yellow
          dances in our ears. The smell of cedar calms our                                               stimulates the left side of the brain, helping with
                                                         Red Color Meaning – The color of passion and
          mind and the warmth seeps deep into our bodies.                                                clear thinking and quick decision making.
                                                         drama. This color attracts the most attention and
          We listen, we think, we feel. A space made of                                                  Yellow grabs attention because the eye sees
                                                         is associated with strong emotions such as love
          natural elements has a way of soothing the                                                     yellow first. The downside of yellow is that it
                                                         and anger. Red is the color used universally to
          senses.                                                                                        can induce anxiety and cause one to be over-
                                                         signify danger, courage, strength, and power.   critical. It also signifies cowardice.
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