Page 28 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 28
28 Caves of Power
Caves of Power (The would find a symbol consisting of an eagle, the Tlamacazquis or Priests, and Rulers, to fully
standing on top of a cactus, devouring a snake. gain access to their power.
Hidden Power Inside All This sign was supposedly found on a small Part of the information that is kept about
island located in present-day Mexico City. these trainings explains how they consisted. For
of Us ) According to oral tradition, during the example, in using caves with a hole in the
pilgrimage, these groups lived for a time inside ceiling, this made it possible for light to filter
caves known as Chicomoztoc (the cave of into darkness.
power). Many consider these caves to be a A thing done in antiquity, and that
mythical place, while others are convinced that continues to be done today by the practitioners
they’re real. of the Toltec teachings, is to bring light to each
For the practitioners of the ancient of the centers described above, but in the
tradition, Chicomoztoc is the inner cave that opposite direction, starting with the skullcap,
communicates with the exterior through seven removing all the old winds or things that you
portals known as Totonalcayo. That is to say repeat and that make you suffer, healing
that the cave refers to our inner being, which emotions and opening your perception to lucid
communicates with the outside world through dreams and reverie in the forehead, healing and
these portals that are the Mexican equivalent of overcoming your wounds and opening yourself
Sergio Magaña the world famous chakras. to power, beginning to bring energy for your
For the ancient Mexicans, these focal flowering or illumination of your chest,
For ancient Mexicans, the concept of what is points had colors, names and functions overcoming the astrological challenges that
traditionally known as a cave was something somewhat different from those known as you’ve been given by birth in order to change
very interesting to explore, since it entails chakras: them to the grandiose destination that
different and various meanings. a) The first one is named Colotl, which corresponds to you according to your date of
First of all, a cave refers to all of that means scorpion. It’s located in the sacrum, its birth, lightening your creations so you can
which is hidden inside of us, as well as to what color is black and it represents ancestral patterns perform the reverse process of raising the snake
is hidden within mother earth. If we give this and our old winds (the energy that we carry in the Quetzalcoatl, and finally healing the
idea a modern meaning, we will see that it is an from previous lives and ancestors and that the ancestors in the coccyx or sacrum.
immediate reference to what we now identify as world now knows as Karma).
the unconscious, which consists of several b) The second one, known as Ihuitl, There are many other caves of power that we
layers: means feather and is located in our sexual area, can explore. These ones are only the tip of the
the part of you that’s currently creating the place where the creation of our existence iceberg with which I invite you to discover the
or reflecting yourself; the idea you have about begins. Therefore, if we want it to be true Treasure of Mexico, which isn’t its gold,
yourself; the story that’s an energy inside your benevolent, it should be as light as a feather. but its wisdom.
mind; the internal voice derived from the c) The third center is called Pantli,
knowledge of that which we believe to be true, which means flag (the symbol used in the About the Author:
and that often makes us limit ourselves with codices to represent number 20). There are 20 Sergio Magaña (Ocelocoyotl) author of
thoughts such as, “This is incurable,” “I’m not glyphs in the calendar and they signify the “Caves of Power Ancient Energy Techniques
good enough”; what we really feel and don’t virtues and challenges that we must face by for Healing, Rejuvenation and Manifestation” is
want to face; our sexual desires; the part of us being born. a famous Mexican healer who has been initiated
known to the ancient ones as “the enemy,” d) The fourth one, also known as into the 5,000-year-old Toltec lineage of
which is none other than the self-destructive Xochitl, is located in our chest. It symbolizes nahualism and the Tol lineage of dreaming
force that resides in all of us; the part of us that the energetic point where we can open ourselves knowledge. He has been appointed head of a
instinctively picks fights; the internal part that to illumination, which was known by the prestigious project with Club UNESCO for the
makes us give in to our weaknesses over and ancients as flowering. Protection of Intangible Heritage of Ancient
over again, just like the false ego that keeps us e) The fifth one is located in our throat Civilizations.[]
under the illusion that we are superior or and called Topilli, the staff of command, the
inferior to those around us. center of power where our failures reside, but THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES
On the other hand, the cave also also the possibility of overcoming them in order NEWSPAPER IS AVAILABLE WITH
contains: to reach for the pure power of our words. OUR COMPLIMENTS AT
the part of us which is capable of f) The sixth one is on our forehead. It’s
overcoming all of our weaknesses; the called Chalchiuhuitl, or jade, the most precious
possibility of gaining access to a perception in mineral for the ancient Mexicans, which
which we are able to see the truth; that there are symbolizes our full potential, the sacred place
no differences between what we consider to be where we can be both awake and asleep at the
beautiful and what we consider to be ugly, same time, the tonal and the nahual, and enter
young or old, life or death, which would in turn into dream state (conscious dreams or lucid
enable us to control this dream that we call life, dreams are those in charge of molding our
as well as make it possible for us to use the reality).
power of our own cave or interior to help the g) The seventh one is located in the
collective. skullcap and called Tecpatl, or flint. It
All of these teachings are present in the represents the knives of justice, energetic
ancient knowledge of those who were known as structures that are found on our head and that
the Black Tezcatlipoca, the smoking mirror, the give us talents, but also our biggest problems.
force behind everything we know. For present day practitioners of the
In a second line of thought, scholars talk Mexican or Toltec teachings, activating these
about a pilgrimage of the ancient Aztecs that seven centers through the sacred knowledge of
lasted 260 days, from a city that many consider what is known as Quetzalcoatl (the Precious
mythical and others real. It was named Aztlan, Serpent that rises) is to activate the
described as a place of white houses, lots of Chicomoztoc or the Cave of Power, something
herons, and where people were good, evolved known in other regions of the world by the Published Monthly And Read On-line
and spoke Nahuatl (the language used by name of Kundalini. or Downloaded in more than 7,238
Aztecs, Toltecs and many other indigenous Finally, the Caves of Power refer also to Cities Worldwide.
groups currently). The pilgrimage would go on the ancient training carried out by many of the
until they reached a certain spot where they Eagle, Jaguar, and Serpent Warriors, as well as