Page 26 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 26

26                               Soul Retrieval and EMDR

                 Soul Retrieval and

                EMDR: Integrating

                   Shamanism and


                  Continued from Page 25

          Brain Waves and Dream Waves

          The felt experience of journeying is like a long
          lucid dream.
                 Shamanic journeys, supported by a
          driving rhythm, induce a vivid altered state of
          consciousness, often with intense images. Like a
          lucid dream, it is a state in which clients need to
          allow the imagery to arise naturally, yet can still
          exert some direction of will.
                 The experience of EMDR is like a set of
          short lucid dreams.
                 Research indicates that EMDR produces
          brain waves similar to those in Slow  Wave
          Sleep, but stronger.* Experiences can be intense,
          emotionally and/or visually. Clients need to
          allow the process to flow, while maintaining
          some direction.  There is a strange dual
          awareness: being vividly in the painful past,
          while feeling safe in the office.
                 Clients allow themselves to touch into  energy.
          the pain of an Inner Child, or a Lonely Teen, or       With EMDR, the protocol is to help                 THE XZBN IS
          a  Wounded  Warrior for a short time.  They let  clients to stay with their feelings and sensations,
          themselves feel a little bit, then they come back.   in tolerable amounts for a short set. They bring  ALWAYS LOOKING
          As clients allow feelings to arise for a short time  their awareness back to the room briefly, then  FOR RADIO SHOWS
          with the alternating rhythm, gradually,        repeat with the next set. When the client did this,
          amazingly, the pain drains away.               the Frozen Child finally started to cry. She       AND HOST FOR OUR
                 Images with no words now have a         couldn’t remember if she cried when she saw
          narrative. Memories that would erupt into the  her Daddy, but she was crying now.                  RADIO BROADCAST
          present now are placed in the past. Finally it is      As I encouraged her to sob, her chest              NETWORKS!
          clear: that was then, this is now.             expanded and her hands started to shake. She
                                                         moved her hands to her chest, so I encouraged
          Soul Retrieval -  Where Science and            her to tap there. She felt her heart breaking and
          Shamanism Meet                                 finally coming alive again. Tingling and rushes
                                                         of energy pulsed through her feet and legs. (For

          Things got interesting for the client with the  a trauma therapist, these are all good signs of
          Frozen Inner Child when she realized that her  release.)
          father was 54 when he almost died. He lived for        Then the Spirit Realm took over.
          several years, but he was weak and struggled to        Her father appeared to her.
          breathe.                                               He told her how much he loved her. He
                 She was now 54. Her breath was          said he was proud of how hard she had studied.
          shallow, and she was having panic attacks.     He thanked her for helping her mother, they
          There was a mysterious quality about this that  were together now and happy again.  And he          If you think that you have
          led me to integrate aspects of Soul Retrieval and  even gave her some career advice.
          EMDR therapy.                                          Today, she feels more in touch with her     what we are looking for in a
                 Preparation for EMDR usually starts     body. She has realized how often she holds her         radio show / host, email
          with helping the client visualize a “safe space”  breath, and works with a soft outbreath to
          that they can start from and return to. Clients  continue releasing her old freeze pattern, and to
          who are already kind of spaced out usually love  come back into the present moment. She sees            and a member of our
          to journey out of the body. So in this case, I  how much of an impact her experience at 10            programming staff will
          encouraged her to do the opposite, to focus on  years old has affected her career, and is reaching            contact you.
          her physical sensations and emotions.          for bigger options. And she is able to be more
                 I also gave her shamanic homework: to   tender and playful with her Inner Child.
          spend time in nature between sessions, and to sit
          next to a tree and feel herself growing roots.  About the Author:
          I led her through a couple of short journeys,          Edie Stone, MA, LPC, is a Holistic
          using the alternating rhythms, to connect with  Psychotherapist and Soul-Centered Counselor in
          her Spirit Guides, including protective and    Boulder, CO. She has been a Certified Shamanic
          nurturing figures.                             Journey Guide since 1995. She loves helping
                 With Soul Retrieval, the goal is to bring  people reclaim their power, integrity, creativity,
          the soul back fairly quickly, then work with   and joy. She also teaches shamanism and
          integration. If this had been a case of child  dreamwork.
          abuse, I would have taken that direction. But this     Edie’s Website: and
          was a case of numbness, and loss of voice and
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