Page 22 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 22
22 A Voice Saved My Life
A Voice Saved My Life divine messaging service. Intuition is a way that Well, I can’t answer for you – I can only
Source, or the Creator, or the Universe, or God – tell you what I did. I got to a point of realization
whatever term you wish to use – connects with that I am an aspect of the Divine, same as
you to help you make the right choices in life. everyone else. And as soon as I realized that,
We are all defined by our choices, and everything else dropped away. Nothing was
mostly we make choices based on fear, whether important anymore, other than that realization. I
we fully acknowledge that or not. Fear manifests dropped off all those lower-energy frequencies
in ways such as making a choice based on which, for so long, had kept me mired in anger,
what’s accepted, or what our friends or family fear, competitiveness, jealousy – the list was sad
think is the right choice to make, or what so- and long.
called common sense would have us do, or what And having released all that stuff – that
we believe will deliver us the best outcome in ugly stuff – I was then able to trust. Because I
Bill Bennett the long run. trusted myself. All the issues I’d had with self-
These choices, decisions, are dictated by esteem were no longer an issue. I was free at last
I was in New Orleans, driving to the airport to fear, which comes from rational thinking. Our to trust.
get the first flight back to LA. It was dark, ego. Our intellect. They might be at variance to It’s one thing to trust: you then have to
before dawn, and as I approached an what our heart wants us to do, or what we simply follow through with guidance. We can, on one
intersection, I heard a voice. It said, “Slow know is the right thing to do. That sense of level, get to the point of trusting our intuition,
down.” I thought I’d imagined it. It was so knowing, that heart-sense, is our intuition – our but if we don’t act on it, then the whole thing is
weird. I’d never heard anything like this before. personal guidance system – telling us to ignore a complete waste of time. Putting into action
I still hadn’t fully woken up. Maybe it was a our ego, ignore our intellect, and go with our what our guidance directs us to do can be
dream. So I ignored it. gut, go with our heart, go with that innate sense terrifying, but we have to do it, because we have
I went to speed up, to make sure I got of knowing what’s the right thing to do. to trust that our Personal Guidance System – our
through on the green light. I was worried about What I’ve discovered is that we all have intuition – has an overview we can’t ever see or
missing my flight. As I went to accelerate, the intuition. We’re born with it. It’s a system that’s even understand. But it’s leading us ultimately
voice said again, “Slow down.” It was more as legitimate as our circulatory system, our to the full expression of who we really are.
emphatic this time. So I slowed down. immune system, and our other flesh-and-bones
As I entered the intersection, a huge physiological systems. It’s just that our intuition Meet the Author:
truck ran a red light on a cross street. It hurtled is a system that exists in our energetic realm. One of Australia’s most respected
through the intersection, missing me by inches. That’s why western science has such a hard time filmmakers, Bill Bennett has 40+ Aussie Oscar
If I hadn’t listened to that voice and followed its coming to terms with intuition – because they nominations for his movies and numerous
advice, I would have been killed. I pulled up on don’t yet have the instruments to measure it, and Australian and international awards, including
the other side of the intersection, shaking with determine how it works. Australia’s Oscar for Best Picture and Best
adrenalin, and three questions hit me hard: But we know it works because we Director, and Australia’s Emmy twice for Most
experience intuitive hits every day – whether it’s Outstanding Documentary (television). His
• What was that voice? as simple and basic as an intuitive impulse to films have been distributed through several
• Where did it come from? trust someone you might work with, or to like Hollywood studios, screened at some of the
• Why did it save my life? someone you meet at a cafe. world’s most prestigious film festivals, at the
How do you begin to access your latent New York Museum of Modern Art, and in
I’m a filmmaker, so I set about trying to intuitive powers? I outline five steps in my Official Selection at the Cannes Film Festival.
answer those questions by making a film about movie: An Adjunct Professor of Creative
it. Some eighteen years later – yes, eighteen Industries at one of Australia’s largest
years later! – that film is now in release. It’s • STOP universities, his first novel (in a Young Adult
called, PGS – Intuition is your Personal • LISTEN trilogy) – Palace of Fires – has just been
Guidance System. • ASK published by Penguin Random House. []
Why did it take so long to make the film? • TRUST
Because first I had to figure out what intuition • FOLLOW POSITIVE QUOTES:
actually is, and how it works. You might think
that’s easy, but in fact, I found it to be a very To begin, you first have to stop, to allow
complex and personally challenging endeavor, yourself to hear your intuitive voice, or to sense Love yourself. It is important to stay
to bring something as intangible and ephemeral your intuitive impulses that might come to you positive because beauty comes from the
as intuition into an easy to understand and through your gut, your heart, your sense of inside out. - Jenn Proske
accessible form, without dumbing it down, and knowing – even through coincidence or
without in any way diminishing the sacredness synchronicity. If you’re constantly being Keep your face to the sunshine and you
of what it truly is. distracted by the busyness of life around you, it cannot see a shadow. - Helen Keller
To do that, I had to become intuitive becomes much more difficult to pay attention to
myself – and that’s what took the longest time. the efforts your Personal Guidance System is Once you replace negative thoughts with
Because to become intuitive, I had to go on a taking to connect with you. positive ones, you'll start having positive
spiritual journey. And that’s not what I wanted to Once you stop, you can listen. results. - Willie Nelson
do at the start. I knew it would involve change, At times, you have to ask for guidance.
and when it came down to it, I didn’t want to And it will come, if the request is sincere. You Work hard, stay positive, and get up early.
change. I was quite happy living my ego-based, can ask in meditation, you can ask in prayer, but It's the best part of the day.
small-self life, thank you very much! you can also ask in a moment of stillness. - George Allen, Sr.
But change I did – the film forced me to Walking along the beach, or sitting on a bench in
change! – and now I live a fully intuitive life. a park, can provide you with the calm you might In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That
What does that mean? I live a fully require to ask in a connected and pure way. means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to
intuitive life? Trust is the biggie – to trust the Universe, make a positive impact. - Les Brown
Well, it means that I acknowledge you first have to trust yourself, and to trust
guidance, I accept that guidance exists to keep yourself you have to clean up your act. Get rid In order to carry a positive action we must
me on my destiny path through life, and I allow of anger, get rid of envy, jealousy, develop here a positive vision. - Dalai Lama
myself to work with guidance each moment of competitiveness, fear of loss, fear in all its
each day. various manifestations – all these things that The difference between a dream and reality,
What is guidance? When you pare it all contaminate your energy fields. How do you do is doing it. - Rob McConnell
down to the essentials, guidance is actually a that, you might ask, living in the real world?