Page 20 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 20

20                              Optimizing Spinal Surgery

                 Optimizing Spinal                        patients.                                      of risk is made.
                                                          •      Less than 10% of surgeons assess stress        As I walked out the door to get some
                          Surgery                         before making the decision to perform surgery.  educational materials about the proposed

                                                          Therefore, there is little shared decision-    procedure, she said, “My daughter just died.” I
                                                          making.                                        turned around and sat down. “My 32 year old
                                                          o      Frequently, major life-altering decisions  daughter died a couple of months ago from
                                                          are made on the first visit with inadequate data  cancer.”
                                                          and patient education.                                I told her that even before I knew much
                                                          •      Surgeons feel they can assess mental    about chronic pain, I’d never perform surgery
                                                          stress in the clinic. Yet it’s documented that they  when someone was experiencing a severe
                                                          can do so less than 45% of the time.           personal stress or loss. I said that I wasn’t
                                                          •      Sleep is rarely addressed by anyone.    willing to make a decision on this visit and to
                                                          •      In spite of the overwhelming evidence   call me in a week.
                                                          that the outcomes of surgery for degenerative         In the meantime, I asked her to begin
                                                          disc are poor and unpredictable, there are     working on the tools on my website,
                 Dr. David Hanscom, M.D.                  hundreds of thousands of them performed She wasn’t that happy

                                                          annually in the United States.                 with me, but she did call me back in a week and
          We live in an era of unprecedented knowledge    •      Narcotic usage is seldom defined and    stated that she had decided to proceed with
          and resources that were unimaginable just 50    stabilized before surgery.                     surgery. I told her I would sign her up and see
          years ago. It was only a little over 100 years ago  •  Although physical therapy is often      her in a week for a pre-op appointment. She had
          that we even had anesthesia available to allow  prescribed, there is often no long term        begun the expressive writing exercises that are
          surgeons the time to perform their complex and  conditioning plan implemented.                 the foundation of the prehab process.
          often lengthy procedures. However, while        •      A multi-faceted approach to resolving          She came in with her husband on the
          technology has advanced, medicine has lost its  chronic pain is often not available. Most      next visit and asked me if she could delay the
          focus on the most important aspect of healing –  physicians are not well trained to deal with  surgery for couple of weeks, because she was
          listening to the patient.                       chronic pain and dislike dealing with it.      feeling a little better. When I saw her a month
                 It’s impossible to solve a problem in any  •    Surgery is simplistically viewed as the  later for the final pre-operative visit, her pain
          arena without knowing the full extent of it. This  definitive solution. It is just one tool and is  was gone and never returned. She was now able
          is particularly true in the presence of an illness,  actually dangerous. Chronic pain is seldom  to verbalize her loss to others and was more
          in that the patient’s environment may be        mentioned as a complication of surgery.        concerned about the effect of the loss on her
          stressful, which changes the body’s chemical           About three years ago, I, along with my  husband.
          makeup.  This creates an adverse environment    team, decided to become more systematic with          Variations of this story occur in my clinic
          that affects every organ in the body and results  our pre-surgical process.  We coined the term,  weekly. I have gone from dreading chronic pain,
          in multiple physical symptoms.                  “prehab.”  We will not perform elective spine  to being energized by people without hope
                 These environmental variables are well-  surgery unless the patient is willing to work  regaining their lives – with or without surgery.
          documented in the medical literature and have   through his or her part of the protocol for at        Chronic pain is a solvable problem. The
          been shown to negatively affect the outcomes of  least six weeks. I also no longer perform surgery  first step is understanding it.
          spinal surgery. Currently, the medical          for back pain.
          profession/culture is ignoring them, frequently  •     Surgical decisions are not made on the  About the Author:
          resulting in catastrophic results:              first visit.                                          Dr. David Hanscom is a leading
          •      It is reported in over one thousand peer-  *Specific educational material is available for a  orthopedic spine surgeon at the Swedish
          reviewed research articles that anxiety,        shared decision-making process on follow up    Neuroscience Institute in Seattle, WA. Though
          depression, catastrophizing, and fear avoidance,  visits.                                      he believes that surgery and medication have a
          adversely affect the results of surgery.        •      Psychosocial variables are obtained and  role, he knows that these standard courses of
          o      They are better predictors of outcome    acknowledged on the first visit.               treatment aren’t what’s needed to treat chronic
          than the actual pathology.                      o      Anxiety/ anger/ depression assessed and  pain. Instead, he provides the framework so the
          •      Shared decision-making regarding         treated.                                       patient can find his or her solution, allowing
          procedures with permanent sequelae  is critical.  o    Must have some degree of improvement    them to live free of pain, forever. His method,
          o      A fusion for LBP (Lower Back Pain) is    prior to proceeding with surgery.              which transforms all kinds of pain, including
          successful only about 25% of the time at two-   •      Sleep:                                  back, neck, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and
          year follow up.                                 o      Should be sleeping at least six hours per  migraines, is explained in BACK IN
          •      Surgeons cannot accurately assess        night, for more than six weeks.                CONTROL:  A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of
          patient stress in the office setting.           •      Medications defined and stabilized:     Chronic Pain. []
          •      Sleep is a well-documented factor that   o      Pain consultation if daily opiate intake >
          affects the perception of pain.                 100 mg of Morphine equivalent.
          •      Degenerative disc disease is a part of the      I have observed that patients’ post-      Native American Quote:
          normal aging process and has been shown to      operative pain is less, rehab is easier, the
          have little, if any, correlation with back pain.  outcomes are more consistently excellent, and  “When you are in doubt, be still, and
          •      Any surgery performed in any part of     there is a quicker return to full function. What  wait;
          the body can create chronic pain as an outcome  has been surprising is that I have now seen
          of the procedure. It occurs 10-40% of the time  dozens of patients who have had their pain       When doubt no longer exists for you
          and it can be permanent around 5-10% of time.   resolve without surgery, in spite of having      then go forward with courage.
          •      High dose narcotics not only create a    significant anatomical problems that I had
          tolerance, but also increase the actual level of  planned on solving with surgery.               So long as mists envelop you, be still;
          pain.                                                  One woman presented to me with left
          •      Physical conditioning and activity are   leg pain, which she had been experiencing for    Be still until the sunlight pours through
          important in decreasing pain.                   over a year. Her MRI scan showed a pinched       and dispels the mists
          •      Focused structured care can markedly     nerve that matched the pattern of pain. She
          improve both surgical and non-surgical          seemed very straightforward, and the situation   -As it surely will.
          outcomes.                                       seemed so clear-cut that I decided to offer her an
                                                          operation on her first visit. That’s not my usual  Then act with courage.”
          Here is what is currently being done:           practice. I generally feel it’s important for me to
          •      Surgeons are monitored on productivity   get to know my patients over several months                      Ponca Chief White Eagle
          and discouraged from spending time with         before a decision involving a significant amount
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