Page 15 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 15

Shamaic Parenting                                                                               15

               Shamanic Parenting

            Making Good Choices =

          Making Spirit-led Choices

                       Imelda Almqvist

          My first book, “Natural Born Shamans:  A
          Spiritual  Toolkit for Life (Using shamanism
          creatively with young people of all ages),” was
          published in  August 2016. Since then,
          informally and in interviews, I have frequently
          been asked, “What makes shamanic parenting
                                                          Rather than shielding a child from pain and    parenting creates independent, empowered
          so different from ‘regular parenting?’”
                                                          life’s challenges (which comes naturally to all  young people with a healthy sense of self and
                 The key issue is that in shamanic
                                                          parents!), the shamanic parent will support a  purpose, as well as parents who are able to
          parenting, the parent acknowledges the child
                                                          child through these periods, always delivering  protect and guide, yet willing to dance with the
          has their own team of helping spirits, just as the
                                                          the message, “I know you can do this, but I am  untried and unexpected.
          parent does.  This means there is a third
                                                          there for you!”                                        If this path speaks to you and you want
          presence (or voice) in the parent-child
          relationship – Spirit.                                 Some shamanic parents go one crucial    to know more – I invite you to read my book!
                                                          step further and actively seek rites of passage
                 All parents want their children to do
                                                          for their child, because they are aware that many  About the Author:
          well, to make good choices. In the secular
                                                          young people today are failing to step through         Imelda  Almqvist is an international
          society of “mainstream 21st century parenting,”
                                                          critical developmental windows.  Western       teacher of shamanism and sacred art. Her book
          this can become a battle of wills and opinions
                                                          culture has lost this ancient art, ignoring the  Natural Born Shamans: A Spiritual Toolkit For
          between child and parent as to what constitutes
                                                          sacred role elders of the community play in this  Life (Using shamanism creatively with young
          a good choice. Different generations can arrive
                                                          process. Rites of passage and initiations prepare  people of all ages) was published by Moon
          at surprisingly different priorities and
                                                          a young person for taking their place in the tribe  Books in 2016.  She is a presenter on the
                 Shamanic parenting opens another         as an adult. Generally, there is a strong focus on  Shamanism Global Summit 2017 as well as on
                                                          the young person meeting key spirit allies     Year of Ceremony with Sounds  True. She
          option or pathway: you encourage your child to
                                                          during this time of being tested, so the spiritual  divides her time between the UK, Sweden and
          seek guidance from their helping spirits, while
                                                          navigation system is fully “charged”  with all  the US. Her second book Sacred Art: A Hollow
          you consult with your own team. It may mean
                                                          “apps activated” (to use a modern metaphor).   Bone for Spirit (Where Art Meets Shamanism)
          moving forward in a way that neither child nor
                                                                 Another important issue is that         will be published in December 2018.
          parent has thought of before. It may also mean
                                                          shamanic parents commit to walking their own           Imelda’s website: www.shaman-healer-
          choosing a direction that does not feel safest or
                                                          healing journey, meaning they actively work on  []
          most secure – but will generally turn out to be
                                                          themselves facing their shadows and inner
          the right choice long term.
                 Young children are “natural born         demons. This is a great gift to children, because   THE ‘X’ ZONE
                                                          in doing so, parents learn to separate “their own
          shamans.” They naturally talk to spirits, operate
                                                          stuff” from “their children’s stuff.” It is
          from magical consciousness and feel connected
                                                          comparable to the daily polishing of a mirror or      CHANNEL…
          to  All That  Is. Traditional  parenting  and
                                                          window – parent and child can see each other’s
          schooling often suppresses this.  Children are
                                                          authentic selves and give one another space to              24 / 7 / 365
          put under pressure to conform to and operate
                                                          live from their true expression.
          within the scientific paradigm (with a Christian
                                                                 This process can remove many layers
          overlay), which Western culture presents as the                                                     The Paranormal, Parapsychology,
                                                          where children carry the unlived dreams of
          dominant, and only, means of perceiving                                                            Unsolved Mysteries, Cryptozoology,
          reality.                                        parents as well as deeper ancestral issues.             Space Exploration, UFOs,
                                                          Young people become free to truly forge their
                 However, if we can encourage children                                                       Extraterrestrials, Ghosts, Hauntings,
                                                          own way in the world. They are less burdened
          to live from a strong connection to their own                                                        Psychic Phenomena, Conspiracy
                                                          by the choices and struggles of those who came
          helping spirits, it removes some of their                                                         Theories, Bigfoot, Lake Monsters, The
                                                          before them, yet more able to achieve full
          anxiety.  Their team of allies is always with                                                       Bermuda Triangle and Much More!
                                                          expression of the talents and gifts they received
          them, even in situations where we parents
                                                          from those same ancestors.
          cannot follow. Their team will still be present,
                                                                 Carrying ancestral/emotional/spiritual
          long after we leave the planet. Hopefully, they
                                                          burdens that belong to parents or ancestors is
          will pass the gift on to their own children and
                                                          extremely common in children. The issue is not
          grandchildren.  The most precious gift of
                                                          fully understood by many mainstream
          shamanic parenting is a viable spiritual
                                                          professionals when families ask for help.
          navigation system and spiritual compass,
                                                          Shamanic     healing   work     and   family
          available to our children 24/7.
                                                          constellations work can cast light in this area
                 Shamanism       acknowledges       the                                                       Exclusively on SimulTV
                                                          and offer ways of healing.
          importance of initiations and ordeals as major
                                                                 It is my observation that shamanic      
          windows for soul making and personal growth.
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