Page 13 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 13
High Vibrational Is the New Organic 13
High Vibrational Is the affects vibration – so it’s easy to begin making Spread
changes that will improve yours. Just apply this
New Organic one rule: When faced with a decision – whether On August 23rd, 2012, a post titled "Berenstein
it’s about what to eat, what products to buy, or Bears: We Are Living in Our Own Parallel
Continued from Page 12
even what you want to do with your spare time Universe" was published on the blog The Wood
– choose the “organic” option: the one that’s as Between Worlds,[2] which described a
pure, natural, and true to who you are as widespread memory of the children's book
3. Be Positive and Grateful, and Honor Your
possible. If you can do that, you’ll be on your series Berenstein Bears as "Berenstain,"
way to higher vibrational energy and better explaining the false memory as the result of an
If you want to live your best – and
health. alternate reality spilling over into our own. In
healthiest life – your heart and mind have to be
December 2013, the /r/mandelaeffect[3]
partners, not enemies.
About the Author: subreddit was launched for discussions about the
Emotionally, this means honoring your
Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a cardiologist, phenomenon. On November 29th, 2014, the
feelings. They are your truth and they deserve to
certified nutritionist, bioenergetic YouTube channel ShineTheLight73 uploaded a
be felt, even if they’re negative. Anger, fear,
psychotherapist, and anti-aging physician. He is video titled "The Mandela Effect Exploded After
hatred, grief, and jealousy may have a lower
also an author of numerous books, and is The 2014-2015 Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad,"
vibration than joy, love, and hope, but they are
founder of, a health and which garnered upwards of 900,000 views and
not as dangerous as denial. Whenever you “push
wellness information site. He is also founder of 2,200 comments over the next three years. []
down” and ignore an emotion, you bury a, through which he provides
subconscious time bomb in your body. The
healthy food for people, and, Forrest Gump – Life IS
constant stress of carrying around that negativity
where he offers all natural treats and
lowers your vibration, and may come back to
supplements for pets. like a box of chocolates, or
you one day as pain, disease, or dysfunction.
Protect yourself by finding safe places to Life WAS like a box of
experience your emotions so you can let them
• Greenfield, RH. “Mediterranean Superfood: chocolates?
go, and then re-energize with vibration-raising
Olives.” Doctor Oz. Dec. 14, 2011.
feelings of love, joy, gratitude and peace.
Intellectually, this means tuning into superfood-olives Fiona Broome
your thought patterns. Is your inner voice a critic • Eptakili, T. “The Best Greek Superfoods.” Greece
or a cheerleader? Refueling your mind with Is Health. Jan. 6, 2017. http://www.greece- If you recall the famous line from the Forrest
positive thoughts can help you be more Gump movie, which of the following did Forrest
accepting, hopeful, and optimistic, which can • Trafton, A. “Chemical energy influences tiny say?
help lower your stress level and raise your vibrations of red blood cell membranes.” Phys.Org.
Dec. 21, 2009. a. “Life was like a box of chocolates…”
vibration. b. “Life is like a box of chocolates…”
When your heart and mind are attuned,
025.htm The answer in this reality is A: “Life was like a
you’ll not only feel happier and healthier
© 2017, 2018 Vervana. All rights reserved [] box of chocolates…”
yourself, but you’ll be a positive force in the
In my original response to this issue, I
lives of the people around you.
The Mandela Effect said:
Forrest Gump’s accent is fairly heavy,
4. Channel Your Stress
and he doesn’t always enunciate clearly, but —
Stress is one of the best examples of how About the the film clip (
Einstein’s theories about energy and mass relate
— I hear “was” far more than “is.”
to health and well being. The Mandela Effect refers to a phenomenon in Appeared in the 1994 film Forrest
When you have lots of stressful thoughts and which a large number of people share false Gump, when the lead character Forrest Gump
feelings, and don’t do anything to channel them, memories of past events, referred to as (played by Tom Hanks) says “Mama always said
you literally embody the energy of stress. confabulation in psychiatry. Some have life was like a box of chocolates. You never
Headaches, tense or sore neck, shoulders or speculated that the memories are caused by know what you’re gonna get.” [Emphasis
back, stomach upset, high blood pressure, and parallel universes spilling into our own, while added.]
insomnia are just some of the physical others explain the phenomenon as a failure of The book Norwegian Wood by Haruki
symptoms you might experience. Some stress is collective memory. Murakami, first published in Japanese in 1987,
good, but too much lowers your vibration and
and in English in 1989, has the following: “Just
can rob you of your health. Origin remember, life is like a box of chocolates.” …
How do you channel stress? You’ve got to let
“You know, they’ve got these chocolate
that energy flow – through your breath! Focused In 2010, blogger Fiona Broome coined the term assortments, and you like some but you don’t
breathing is at the core of vibration-raising "Mandela Effect" to describe a collective false like others? And you eat all the ones you like,
mind-body practices like yoga and meditation. memory she discovered at the Dragon Con and the only ones left are the ones you don’t like
Breathing deeply not only helps you set that convention, where many others believed that as much? I always think about that when
stress energy free and balance your nervous former South African President Nelson Mandela something painful comes up. “Now I just have
system, it helps you deliver more vital oxygen to died during his imprisonment in the 1980s. That to polish these off, and everything’ll be OK.’
all the cells in your body so that they can make year, Broome launched the site Life is a box of chocolates.”
more energy! to document various I’m not sure how much accent and
The other key, of course, with yoga and examples of the phenomenon. enunciation, as well as pop culture references,
meditation is letting go of your thoughts – the See, I thought Nelson Mandela died in have contributed to this apparent alternate
distractions of the mind – and just being in your prison. I thought I remembered it clearly, memory. So, I can’t say this is a Mandela Effect
body. . . honoring it for being a friend to you. complete with news clips of his funeral, the issue.
I also love regular moderate exercise for mourning in South Africa, some rioting in cities, However, one-for-one, everyone I’ve
stress relief, since it also offers so many and the heartfelt speech by his widow. asked in real life about this quotation has been
cardiovascular benefits. Making exercise fun is Then, I found out he was still alive. 100% certain the line was “Life is like a box of
what will make it stick as a lifestyle habit.
Dance, uninhibited play with the kids or Additionally, Broome described other Is the Mandela Effect fact or fiction?
grandkids, and walking the dog are all great widely held false memories, including various You be the judge.
options – whatever does it for you. nonexistent Star Trek episodes and the death of For more information on the Mandela
the Reverend Billy Graham. Effect, visit
As you can see, literally every aspect of our lives