Page 8 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 8
8 Frequencies Can Change Your Life
How Healing Frequencies
Can Change Your Life
Ellen McDonough
Is it possible to improve, health, wealth, sleep,
youthfulness, and achieve spiritual awakening
through energetically-encoded audios? I believe
it is.
In the mid-2000’s, I suffered from
terrible burnout, combined with extreme fatigue
and a series of bizarre symptoms that no one
could explain, let alone heal. While dietary
changes and supplements helped the symptoms,
they were not a cure. I saw countless health
include: have free tracks so that you can experience an
practitioners, both allopathic and holistic, but
• clearing your energy field energetically encoded audio for the first time.
despite their best intentions, nothing changed. I • expanding your consciousness It is my hope that these little known gems help
felt miserable, depressed and hopeless.
• clearing and aligning your chakras others create positive changes in their own
Fortunately, synchronicity led me to
• improving sleep lives, just as I have in mine.
discover audio tracks infused with powerful,
• increasing abundance
high frequency energies and with specific, pure
• rejuvenating and re-contouring your About the Author:
intentions. I was familiar with energy work like
body Ellen McDonough is the founder of
Reiki, but was skeptical that just listening to
Since everything is composed of energy PureLight Audio , a
audio tracks could be effective; even so, I
and vibrational patterns, by introducing high, mobile app available from the iTunes App
decided to give them a try.
spiritual energies carrying a specific intention, Store.
To begin with, some of the audios the current condition must shift to a more Ellen is also a visionary artist who
triggered a detox; however, after a few days, I
harmonious state. Virtually anything is possible channels images of Atlantis, high spiritual
gradually began to feel better, as if some old
with high spiritual frequencies! realms and other star systems, then imbues her
energy that had been weighing me down had
images with Light and high frequencies. Ellen’s
Where Can You Get Energetically art may be viewed at
After that, I decided to try other
Encoded Audios? []
energetically-encoded audios that did
everything from clearing chakras to shifting NEW AGE QUOTES
consciousness. Eventually, by listening to As I began to connect with more people in the
energetically-encoded audios from a number of mind/body/spirit world, I found that not many • “The only time you fail is when you fall
different healers, one by one, my symptoms knew about these unique audio experiences, but down and stay down.” - Stephen Richards,
vanished and my energy returned. While this most were curious and wanted to give them a Cosmic Ordering: You can be successful
wasn’t the only factor in my recovery, these try.
audios, produced by healers around the world, It turns out that most of these audios are • “If you want the best the world has to offer,
played a key role. not available via iTunes. Currently, these are the offer the world your best.” - Neale Donald
choices for getting energetically-encoded
What are Energetically-Encoded audios:
• Tele-summits. Many of the healers who
Audios? • “You don't need to change the world; you
produce these types of audios are guests on
need to change yourself.” - Miguel Ruiz
tele-summits. They are interviewed by the
Basically, an energetically-encoded audio is one
host where they describe their work and
that's been infused by a healer with powerful • “I’ve always hated the “Who are you?"
offer special packages for a limited time,
intentions and spiritual frequencies to create a question. This is a philosophical inquiry.
typically when they have new audios.
specific, positive change in your life. Answering that question is why we’re on
• Individual Healer Websites. Many of the
Some energetically-encoded audios earth. You can’t answer it in thirty seconds
healers have their own websites where you
include music, some include Light Language, or in an elevator.” - Sandy Nathan,
can buy and download individual audios or
others include talking, and some are completely Numenon
audio packages. You can download them to
silent. Some have binaural or other types of
your computer or transfer them to your
beats, which are known to affect your mental • “I have a special pair of poop shoes under
mobile phone. Mobile App. We recently
state and brain waves. my desk. Whenever I need to drop a deuce, I
created the PureLight Audio mobile app,
Once you have the audios, you can listen slip them on and scurry to the restroom, and
which is a central marketplace for these
actively, or in many cases, simply loop the no one ever knows it's me. Like, if I'm
audios, as well as instructions for how to use
audio in the background during the day, or even wearing Louboutins that day, and my
them. Many of the healers who offer
while you are sleeping. The audios can last from producer sees Earth shoes in the stall....well,
energetically encoded audios have included
a minute to an hour or longer. you get the idea. It was truly a lightbulb
their products and packages in the app, and
Some examples of how energetically- moment when that came to me.” - Oprah
many more will be added over time.
encoded audios can help transform your life Winfrey
Price points for audios vary, but many healers