Page 6 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 6
6 D.N.A. Is Not Your Destiny
Your DNA is Not Your
Dawson Church
One of the most fascinating and newest fields in
science is epigenetics. Epigenetics measures
changes in DNA that are due to influences
outside the genes themselves. I've been
involved in many studies of epigenetics, and its
effects since the turn of the century.
Just because your cells contain a gene
doesn't mean it's active. Genes need to be turned
on, or "expressed," in order to have an effect. diagnosis? "Cancer free." Her oncogenes were evidence-based practice for the treatment of
It's like turning on a light: the switch must be no longer expressed. Janice had shifted her psychological and physiological conditions.
tripped in order for the light to shine. Simply energy and consciousness, and the genes of her Psychology, 4(08), 645.
having a gene doesn't mean it's expressed any body had shifted in response. • Church, D., Yount, G., Rachlin, K., Fox, L.,
more than simply having a bulb means that the Albert Einstein said that, "The field is & Nelms, J. (2018). Epigenetic Effects of
light is turned on. the sole governing agency of the particle." PTSD Remediation in Veterans Using
In particular, I study the epigenetics of Energy fields like those that doctors measure, Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques: A
stress. Genes that contain the genetic code for using medical devices like MRIs and EEGs, Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.
stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, shape the particles of which our bodies are American Journal of Health Promotion,
are turned on by stress. Stress triggers the composed. 32(1), 112-122.
expression of these genes, and your body uses We aren't used to thinking of energy • Goyal, M., Singh, S., Sibinga, E. M., Gould,
that genetic code to build the hormones techniques like meditation, tapping and qigong N. F., Rowland-Seymour, A., Sharma, R., ...
themselves. Stress > gene expression > as “real” medical interventions, like pills and & Ranasinghe, P. D. (2014). Meditation
hormones. surgery. Yet research shows that they programs for psychological stress and well-
In my book Mind to Matter: The profoundly change our bodies. When we reduce being: a systematic review and meta-
Astonishing Science Behind How Your Brain our stress levels in this way, we change our analysis. JAMA Internal Medicine, 174(3),
Creates Material Reality, I tell the story of consciousness. That can flip the switches that 357-368.
Janice, a friend of mine who was diagnosed determine which genes are turned on. In a study • Jahnke, R., Larkey, L., Rogers, C., Etnier, J.,
with breast cancer. At first, she panicked. Gene of veterans with PTSD who received 10 & Lin, F. (2010). A comprehensive review of
tests showed that cancer genes, called sessions of EFT, my colleagues and I found that health benefits of qigong and tai chi.
"oncogenes," were highly expressed in her cells. 6 key genes were switched on, including genes American Journal of Health Promotion,
Like lights, they were turned on. that reduce inflammation throughout the body 24(6), e1-e25.[]
I urged Janice to do everything in her power to (Church et al., 2018).
reduce her stress levels, knowing that this Your DNA is not your destiny. Your CONNECTING WITH
would dial down the expression of the genes genes do not determine your future, any more COINCIDENCE
that code for cortisol and other stress markers than having bulbs in your home determines WITH
that are typically higher in cancer patients whether or not the lights are on. As you
(Balkwill & Mantovani, 2012). deliberately choose to shift your consciousness, DR. BERNIE BEITMAN, MD
Janice quickly got serious about healing. calming your stress, filling your mind with
She phoned or emailed friends in the medical positive thoughts, and regulating your field with
and research worlds, as well as experts in energy techniques, you turn on the lights of
energy medicine. She began to use a variety of healing and regeneration throughout your body.
energy methods to center herself daily. Those Dawson Church is the author of Mind to
included qigong, meditation, and EFT tapping. Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) uses Brain Creates Material Reality. He has
fingertip tapping on acupuncture points, in conducted many scientific studies of health and
combination with affirmations. Over 100 epigenetics. He shares scientific breakthroughs
studies show that it's highly effective for on gene expression and peak performance at
anxiety, depression, and stress (Church, 2013).
Meditation and qigong also have hundreds of His website:
studies supporting their efficacy for both
physical and mental illness (Jahnke et al., 2010; References:
Goyal et al., 2014). • Balkwill, F. R., & Mantovani, A. (2012). From Coincidences to
Three months later, after changing her Cancer-related inflammation: common Synchronicities - Take the Test!
energy and her attitude 180 degrees, and themes and therapeutic opportunities.
consistently practicing these methods, Janice Seminars in Cancer Biology 22(1), 33-40.
went back to the hospital for another Academic Press.
comprehensive battery of tests. Her new • Church, D. (2013). Clinical EFT as an