Page 7 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 7
Preventing and Reversing Diabetes 7
Six Lifestyle Choices For
Preventing and Reversing
Dr. Pankaj Vij, MD, FACP
The ancient Greek physician, Aretaeus of
Cappadocia (c. 81—c. 138), described diabetes
as a "melting down of the flesh and limbs into
Many experts argue that type 2 diabetes
is an incurable disease that gets worse with the
passage of time. As a matter of fact, this is what foods, carefully read the ingredient labels and lifestyle choices.
is taught in every medical textbook: Type 2 pick the ones with the fewest ingredients. Drop
diabetes is a gradually progressive chronic juices, sodas, artificial sweeteners and chemical About the Author:
disease that affects all the organ systems of the additives. Drink water as your main fluid and Pankaj Vij, MD, FACP, is the author of
body. It can be managed but not reversed. steer clear of dairy and alcohol. Turbo Metabolism. As a doctor of internal
But new research raises the tantalizing medicine, he has helped thousands of patients
possibility that drastic changes in lifestyle may 2. Make physical activity inevitable. lose weight, manage chronic health conditions,
reverse the disease in some people. As it turns We are made to be in constant motion. and improve their physical fitness. Visit him
out, type 2 diabetes is the direct result of an Start a weight-resistance program and make a online at
accumulation of visceral fat, or belly fat, in the commitment to 10,000 steps every day. You can Based on the book Turbo Metabolism.
midsection of the body. Studies have also shown walk or run in place, on a treadmill, in a mall, on Copyright ©2018 by Pankaj Vij, MD. []
that obese individuals who have bariatric the trails, or just around. Just get it done.
surgery frequently see the condition vanish, long Evidence in the research has demonstrated that THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES
before they lose any weight at all, suggesting walking at least 10,000 steps every day has the
that metabolic diseases are a result of hormonal greatest return for effort in improvement in NEWSPAPER
imbalance, which can be corrected. overall health maintenance for exercise. The World’s First
We know that type 2 diabetes is caused Paranormal / Parapsychology
by insulin resistance resulting from droplets of 3. Quit Smoking. Period, enough said.
fat blocking the insulin receptors on the liver, Also eliminate chemical toxins, which
the muscles, and in all the tissues that require have made their way into our food supply. Meat, Is Now Available
insulin to open the channels for glucose to enter eggs and dairy are a big source of toxins, and With Our Compliments
as a fuel. Therefore, if we can figure out a way conventionally farmed produce can be harmful, at
to remove the fat blocking the insulin receptors, too. Eat organic whenever possible.
it makes sense that we could reverse this
condition. 4. Get Enough Sleep. Published monthly since 1990,
At the turns out, type 2 diabetes, as well Our vital systems replenish, rejuvenate
as obesity, high blood pressure, and and reset themselves when we get deep restful The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper, is
cardiovascular disease, all of which are sleep. Many of us are getting less than our read and downloaded in over
disorders of metabolism, are to a huge extent, required amount of sleep, wreaking havoc on 7,238
the result of our lifestyle choices. That means our metabolism, appetite regulation, and
that by fixing the lifestyle choices that created immune system. Identified Cities
insulin resistance, we can prevent and often Around The World
reverse these metabolic diseases. 5. Manage Your Stress.
The key to using lifestyle as therapy is to Activation of the parasympathetic
first understand, and optimize, the master levers nervous system with some form of meditation, Stories and articles include topics
of health. While there is a lot of controversy, whether it is concentrative, expressive, or such as - UFOs, Ghosts,
even among experts, about the best diet, there is mindfulness meditation, can act as an antidote to Hauntings, Demonic Possession,
absolutely no controversy about the following the constant onslaught of damage from modern Alien Abductions, Government
six master levers of health. living. Conspiracies, Psychic
When we optimize six master levers of
Phenomena, Remote Viewing,
health, we can create conditions for the body to 6. Enjoy Meaningful Social Connections.
Bigfoot, Urban Legends, Near-
return to its default state of balance, harmony Deep and meaningful connections with
and wellbeing, effectively reversing metabolic other people are vital to the maintenance of Death Experiences, Ancient
diseases and losing fat in the areas where it health. These are people we can discuss our Mysteries, Unsolved Mysteries
needs to be lost. innermost thoughts with, without feeling and so much more, all in one
ashamed or judged. The benefits go far beyond place, in one publication...
1. Eat a Nutrient Dense Plant Rich Diet. psychosocial and extend into physical and
Eating foods that you would encounter in mental aspects of our health. “Friend power”
nature generally provide the healthiest may be more important than willpower, because
nutritional value. If you must buy packaged our social circle is a strong determinant of our A div. of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company