Page 3 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 3
Is “The New Age” Old News? 3
Is “The New Age” Old
Continued from Page 1
What is really going on?
Dr. Aleskey Dmitriev is a professor of
geology and mineralogy, the chief scientific
member of the United Institute of Geology,
Geophysics and Mineralogy within the Siberian
department of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, and an expert on global ecology.
Dmitriev‘s study cites that changes in
the basic physics and behaviors of the Earth are
becoming irreversible. There is strong evidence
these changes are caused by our movement into
what Dmitriev calls “a highly charged material
and energetic non-uniformity” – or, in other
words, a higher density energy in interstellar
This highly charged energetic material is
being absorbed into the interplanetary area of
our Solar System, creating what Dmitriev refers
to as “hybrid processes and excited energy
states in all planets, as well as the Sun.”
Dmitriev also stresses is that this is not
just his own hypothesis: The astrological ages, as well as the Just so, we enter the dawning of a new
“A greater number of specialists in Mayan calendar, are actually a mapping of the age, and with it, a complete transformation.
climatology, geophysics, planetophysics and solar system’s cyclic relative positioning in the We haven’t been abducted by aliens,
heliophysics are tending towards a cosmic galaxy, in relationship to other heavenly bodies eaten by reptiles, nuked by atomics, struck by an
causative sequence version for what is as well as energetic influences. It would appear asteroid, carried off by angels, or blown up by
happening. Indeed, events of the last decade Dr. Dmitriev’s studies are observing the effect of the sun. So, we’re still here. Now what?
give strong evidence of unusually significant the energy present in the portion of the galaxy What we need is a voice of reason in
heliospheric and planetophysical characterized by the astrological Age of these tumultuous times.
transformations.” Aquarius, which mysteriously correlates to the What is required is a new approach to the
Dmitriev also proposes the changes are end of the “end of days,” foretold by the Mayan New Age, one backed by science and reason. We
forcing a more highly integrated view of the calendar. need leading edge, well researched information
Cosmos. While many mistakenly assumed this to on these changing influences, in order to chart
“The climatic and biosphere processes be a literal foretelling of the end of the world, our way.
here on Earth (through a tightly connected the Mayan calendar remains the most accurate Indeed, let’s start anew, sans the hype,
feedback system) are directly impacted by, and calendar known to humankind. What if, instead hysteria and untrained, self-proclaimed gurus
linked back to, the general overall of the end of the world, the Mayan calendar who have appropriated from a plethora of
transformational processes taking place in our mapped the end of one era of frequency ancient practices, while having little to no
Solar System. We must begin to organize our influence, and the beginning of another? understanding of their original form or
attention and thinking to understand that This would line up not only with the application.
climatic changes on Earth are only one part, or astrological prediction of the Age of Aquarius, At the same time, we need not throw out
link, in a whole chain of events taking place in but Dr. Dmitriev’s scientific observations. the baby with the bath water. The changes we
the Heliosphere.” are experiencing are cyclic. In one form or
One of Dmitriev‘s major concerns is the Unable to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, another, we have been here before and will be
effect that these changes will have on all life I bundled up in a blanket and sat on my porch. I here again. Hidden in many ancient practices are
forms on Earth. Dmitriev concludes these live high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, far viable tools, developed during our last pass, that
changes could lead to a spontaneous mass away from any neighbors or light pollution. The can now ease our way. Let us immerse ourselves
evolution of humanity, creating “new and moon had set and it was so completely dark, I in serious study of what has been left, as well as
deeper qualities of life.” couldn’t make out the landscape at all. The only the new scientific facts emerging.
“The adaptive responses of the light was the morning star, shining like a The New Age is not old news – it is upon
biosphere, and humanity, to these new diamond in the east. us. Much like the sunrise, it is gradually
conditions may lead to a total global revision of Gradually, so slowly I couldn’t perceive emerging, bringing with it massive, profound
the range of species and life on Earth. New and it changing, the sky shifted from jet black to and lasting change. Let’s regroup, reframe,
deeper qualities of life may come forth, dark indigo, silhouetting the pinion pines. Soon, rethink and endeavor to evolve gracefully.[]
bringing the new physical state of the Earth into I could make out details such as my porch
an equilibrium. railing, as the light slowly increased. I sat there
The current period of transformation is for the longest time, marveling at the gradual
transient, and the transition of life‘s transformation, until it became so light, the
representatives to the future may take place only morning star disappeared. Yet at no time was I
after a deep evaluation of what it will take to able to observe the process of changing. Finally,
comply with these new Earthly biospheric dawn broke as the sun predictably rose over the
conditions … mountains.
“Therefore, it is not only the climate that It wasn’t an earth shattering event, but a
is becoming new, but we as human beings are gentle emergence – a transformation that ended
experiencing a global change in the vital the night, bringing with it the light of day.
processes of living organisms, or life itself; However, I could not say precisely when the
which is yet another link in the total process.” shift occurred.