Page 11 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 11
Are You at Risk : Autoimmune Disease 11
Are You at Risk for an
Autoimmune Disease?
Kristin Grayce McGary
LAc., MAc., CFMP®, CSTcert, CLP
50 million Americans suffer from autoimmune
diseases, costing almost 100 million dollars a
year. It’s a growing number. And while you may
believe that you’re healthy, eat well and “never
get sick,” you could have autoimmunity – a pre-
diagnosable disease state.
balanced immune system to create a fever and been working blind.
Any autoimmune disease always begins kill a bunch of bad bugs that have invaded your I always want to see a full panel of tests.
with autoimmunity – where the body’s immune body. A fever is one of the most natural anti- When I saw the results of this patient’s tests,
response attacks healthy cells and tissues, cancer reactions your body can produce. It's a what we found was shocking. She'd been taking
glands and organs, eventually manifesting into a time when your white blood cells are ten-fold thyroid medication for at least 10 years and her
full-blown disease. Put simply, the body has and they are kicking the butts of the invading thyroid antibodies were high. No one had ever
misidentified a part of itself as a foreign invader
viruses. In my view, the last thing you should do bothered to test them or explain their importance
and mistakenly attacks it.
is suppress that fever with acetaminophen or to her. Once we were fully armed with the
According to John Hopkins University’s
ibuprofen. Fever suppressants shut off an appropriate data, she began a gut repair
Autoimmune Disease Research Center,
important immune response and don’t allow nutritional and lifestyle program. Within weeks,
autoimmune diseases are a special threat to your body to do what it was designed to. her antibodies dropped, her joint pain vanished,
women. Indeed, more than 75% of their patients So how can you avoid an autoimmune and she reported clearer thinking. Not only was
are women. disease or help your body to recover from one? gut repair helping regulate her immune system,
Sadly, autoimmune diseases are among Fortunately, holistic and functional it was also helping support her brain. (The gut is
the ten leading causes of death among women in healthcare providers have developed commonly known as the Second Brain.)
all age groups up to the age of 65.
approaches that get to the root of autoimmunity
I've had an autoimmune disease called
and autoimmune diseases, providing relief and In order to really know the degree of risk you’re
Hoshimotos Thyroiditis. About 90% of all
remission. It usually begins with the gut. The facing for autoimmunity or an autoimmune
thyroid disorders are actually autoimmune
gut is the throne of your immune function. disease, I recommend a truly comprehensive lab
issues, but they are left misdiagnosed or About 75% of your immune system comes from panel that is interpreted by someone who
undiagnosed until such extensive damage is your gut, which makes it essential to the understands how to look for the underlying root
done to the thyroid gland that it's difficult to functioning and balance of your immune issues, and can individualize treatment based on
fully recover. I suffered for years before I system. your unique health and life expression.
discovered what was really going on. I needn’t
Remember I said that autoimmune Additionally, that health care provider
have suffered and I can help you to protect
issues can take years to fully manifest? This must also be able to interpret your
yourself from autoimmunity by passing along
means your gut may be inflamed and out of comprehensive lab results based on functional
some of the knowledge I have accumulated.
sorts without you even knowing it, or you may medical reference ranges, rather than their
Conventional medicine practiced in the
dismiss symptoms that you attribute to aging limited conventional counterparts. You are
West has few answers for those suffering from that are actually a sign of a deeper issue. An unique, and what works for you may not work
autoimmune issues and there’s little sight of a autoimmune issue may be lurking and you won't for your best friend. It's necessary to get all the
cure. It has been my experience that even know it until it could be too late. Take note information and also have it properly
autoimmunity and full-blown autoimmune of allergies, food sensitivities, digestive issues, interpreted, according to your individuality and
diseases are symptoms of deeper issues.
such as gas and bloating, constipation or health goals.
Allopathic medicine tends to focus on
diarrhea, fatigue, repeated infections or lack of
relieving symptoms, rather than getting to the
fever; they could be warning signs of something About the Author:
root cause of the problem. From my point of
more serious. Kristin Grayce McGary LAc., MAc.,
view, autoimmune issues, such as allergies, food
In my practice, I worked with a patient CFMP®, CSTcert, CLP is a highly sought-after
sensitivities, digestive issues, foggy thinking, who had chronic joint inflammation and pain in health and lifestyle alchemist. She is renowned
exhaustion, weight gain, repeated infections, the knees, shoulders and hands. She was also for reversing annoying and debilitating health
even cancer, are red flags. Clearly, they point to taking prescription thyroid medication but had conditions and helping people to live with
a dysfunctional immune system. And that can never had a full thyroid panel (10 markers as clarity and vitality. Kristin Grayce is also a
lead to any one of a number of crippling
opposed to the conventional standard of TSH, speaker and author of Ketogenic Cure; Heal
autoimmune diseases, such as MS, rheumatoid
T3 and T4). I found it surprising that she had Your Gut, Heal Your Life.
arthritis and lupus.
been prescribed a particular medication without []
"Never getting sick” may seem to you
a detailed analysis of the gland that the
like a good thing. That you're doing OK. But it
medication was supposed to be supporting. THE ‘X’ ZONE BROADCAST NETWORK
could very well be the complete opposite and a Furthermore, she had never had a truly The Very Best In
sign of an under active immune system – it may comprehensive functional blood chemistry Pranormal, Parapsychology, New Age
even be the beginning of an autoimmune analysis which would shed light on any deeper Radio Programming
disease. It takes a well-regulated, strong, and medical issues. Her conventional doctors had