Page 23 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 23
Optimizing Your Intuitive Skills 23
3 Points for Optimizing
Your Intuitive Skills
Diane Brandon
Intuition is a wonderful tool to use in our lives,
and increasing numbers of people are
discovering its benefits for themselves. That
said, as someone who has both utilized intuition
and taught intuitive skills to others for many
years, I know that there are ins and outs to
intuition that may not always make using it
can invite it in and can even learn how to access
smooth sailing. The good news is that these are So start off with your own particular
not insurmountable obstacles, and we can ways and forms, and then be open to more over it on demand. I have been doing this for over 25
optimize our intuitive skills by being mindful of time. years, and numerous intuitives do it.
I refer to the method I use as “tuning in.”
some of these ins and outs. Point # 2: Intuition is Not Foolproof It involves shifting my level of consciousness,
The following points should allow you to
blanking my mind out, posing a question, and
use your intuition more adeptly in your life and We may expect once we are using our intuition waiting for information, in any form it may
reap more of it its rewards. that the intuitive information we get will always
come. (I detail this method at length in my book,
be reliable and correct. Unfortunately, this is not Intuition for Beginners: Easy Ways to Awaken
Point # 1: Intuition is Not a One-Size- true. Intuition is far from foolproof.
Your Natural Abilities.) This method not only
Fits-All Faculty First of all, I’m a firm believer that we allows us to access intuitive information on
get the information we’re supposed to have. If
demand, but also can allow us to receive
Have you found yourself looking to others who we could “game the system” and always get information that is clearer and more reliable. In
are skilled with their intuition as examples to correct information, there would be less being clear in using this method, we are more
follow? Have you felt that you needed to likelihood of our unfolding and growing. And apt to bypass our personal stuff, so that it doesn’t
conform to others’ examples, and thought that unfolding and growing is one of the major affect or contaminate the information we
you came up short with your intuition? reasons why we’re here on this planet in a receive.
When I first started using my intuition human form. We may get information that’s not Learning to tune in to receive
professionally, I felt that I didn’t know what I correct, which then leads us to have experiences information can allow you to optimize and grow
was doing. I kept feeling that my intuition from which we learn and strengthen. your intuitive skills, while also maximizing the
should be direct and unmistakable and that I Secondly, our personal stuff (wants, reliability of the information you get.
needed to see things visually. In other words, I fears, needs, biases, mindsets, etc.) will often So take note of these points, and watch your
assumed this was how intuition worked for those creep in and contaminate the intuitive intuition growing in a beautiful way.
who were skilled with it, and that it couldn’t information we get, rendering it much less
work in any other way. reliable. This is part of being a human and About the Author:
This is not at all true! Intuition is highly having a human psyche, and it can make using Diane Brandon is an Integrative Intuitive
individual. It is far from a one-size-fits-all skill. our intuition more of a challenge and less Counselor, teacher, former radio host, and
Just because you may admire someone whose reliable. coach, as well as the author of Born Aware:
intuition speaks to him or her in visual images It’s very important to be mindful of this Stories & Insights from Those Spiritually Aware
does not mean that this is how your intuition will “loosey-goosey” aspect of intuition, making it Since Birth, Intuition for Beginners: Easy Ways
work for you. more like jello that we can’t rely on, rather than to Awaken Your Natural Abilities, Dream
It’s very important to learn how your a firm structure. Interpretation for Beginners: Understand the
intuition speaks to you, not how it speaks to Being aware of our personal stuff, while Wisdom of Your Sleeping Mind, and Invisible
others. Do you visually see things? Do you feel trying to clear it or at least minimize it, can help, Blueprints. Born and raised in New Orleans, she
or sense things? Do you have an inner voice that as can some methods of receiving intuitive has an A.B. from Duke University and did
speaks to you? There are many, many ways in information. (See the next point.) That said, it’s Master’s work at University of North Carolina.
which we can be spoken to, and intuitive quite helpful to be aware of this aspect of Her website is[]
information can come to us in many different intuition.
ways and forms.
I would start off with befriending your Point # 3: We Don’t Have to Wait for
intuition as it is. Let it appear to you and speak Intuitive Information to Come to Us
to you in its own way, while you allow yourself
to recognize just how it’s doing this. It’s very
important to start off with your own experience
Most people experience their intuition when
with it, knowing that how you’re spoken to is
information comes to them spontaneously. As a
perfectly fine. How we’re spoken to is how
result, many people may tend to feel they have
we’re supposed to be spoken to.
to wait for their intuition to speak to them –
Over time, you may find your intuition
when it feels like it, so to speak.
begins to speak to you in additional ways,
One wonderful aspect of intuition is that we
especially if you are open to it doing so. This is
don’t need to wait for it to appear. Instead, we
what happened to me.