Page 27 - The New Age Chronicles Newspaper No 1 Vol 1
P. 27

Dreamtime and Shamanism                                                                                       27

               The Dreamtime and                         as we traverse this lifetime and move towards created a new dream.
                                                         death. This means the dream content can prepare        There have been volumes written on
                       Shamanism                         for that which needs to end, be that one’s life, or dreams from psychological, mythological,
                                                         some aspect of life that no longer serves our indigenous and/or cultural perspectives. I was
                                                         waking state. As one of my Native teachers said, taught that dreams help us hold onto our vital
                                                         “As your dreams teach you to become conscious energy, even though they are super sensory and
                                                         of what needs to change in your life, you can’t don’t always make sense at first glance. Like
                                                         walk stupid on the Earth anymore.” learning a foreign language or understanding a
                                                         Understanding the dream’s message thus lover, we need to practice, listen, observe, and
                                                         supports our personal evolution.                pay attention to their content and disposition in
                                                                 Dreams offer an opportunity to tap the order to be able to uncover their import and
                                                         unconscious Self and reveal to the waking self, wisdom. Whether one’s dreams are short or epic,
                                                         vital information through symbolism, universal they are sacred tools that have the capacity to
                                                         archetypes, the dream’s mood, and the dream’s move us toward self-discovery.
                                                         characters. In my dream training with my               Dreams show us that we are not limited
                                                         indigenous elders, one of the most important to one way of being, doing, experiencing or
                                                         aspects of a dream is “its feeling.” The curiosity choosing. The very fabric of the dream offers the
                                                         and clarity provoked by the dream “story” can understanding that we exist everywhere and are
                  Sandra Corcoran, M.Ed.
                                                         untangle feelings we may not have brought to not separated from the Source of all Life. All my
                                                         consciousness in the day-to-day activities that shamanic mentors have stressed the importance
          The word shamanism relates to the beliefs and
                                                         distract us. Discovery of the Self is one of the of understanding that fact, and the responsibility
          practices of a shaman.
                                                         many things that motivates the dreamer. that comes with it. As Gram Twylah suggested,
                 What is a shaman? One definition is, “a
                                                         Shamans, Medicine People, Buddhist lucid “The dreamtime offers an expanded ‘seeing and
          man or woman capable of reaching altered states
                                                         dream practitioners all know this; it is why they being,’ making dreams the universe’s gift of
          of consciousness in order to interact with the
                                                         use the dreamtime to interpret many of life’s Remembrance.”
          world of spirit and transcendent energies.” They
                                                         seeming vagaries.
          do that in order to manifest something, be that a
                                                                 Where a word elicits a meaning, a About the Author:
          healing or a given message, into this waking
                                                         symbol contains an entire concept. The brilliant       Sandra Corcoran, M.Ed., is an
          reality for an individual or their community.
                                                         psychotherapist, Carl Jung, incorporated the integrative coach, shamanic teacher, writer,
                 The term shaman initially derived from
                                                         collective archetypes as part of his dream theory. indigenously trained dream decoder, and Thoth
          the Tungusic language of the peoples of eastern
                                                         He suggested that within the dream, emotions Tarot reader.  Author of Shamanic  Awakening
          Siberia. However, the essence of the word has
                                                         translate into images, and those images expose and the meditative CD, Souled Out, she co-
          entered the popular lexicon to encompass
                                                         what lay hidden deep within the individual. In created the STAR Process™; a spirit retrieval
          indigenous tribal peoples of all lands—First
                                                         this regard, understanding the symbology of modality in ‘91. Mentored by indigenous
          Nations, Aboriginal, East Indian, the Far East,
                                                         one’s dream and using that information to help wisdom-keepers for over 35 years, she has
          South and Central  America—as healers,
                                                         raise one’s consciousness, supports that taught throughout North, South and Central
          practitioners, those that prophesize and those
                                                         consciousness and dreaming go hand-in-hand.     America, England, Ireland, Italy and Egypt. A
          that dream while working with the world of
                                                         Our dreams are an extraordinary gift, in that they contactee, she worked with the late Dr. John
          living energy.
                                                         offer direct communication between the Mack and Roberta Colasanti of PEER, studied
                 What is the dreamtime? The dreamtime
                                                         individual and the divine planes of being; they through the Academy of Future Sciences, and
          was initially a concept used to describe the
                                                         do not require any intermediary. In that sense, offers workshops, readings, and yearly sacred
          Australian  Aboriginal People’s belief that the
                                                         we are each our own shaman, culling journeys nationally and internationally. Website:
          pattern of creation was laid down by the
                                                         information to support knowing ourselves better.
          ancestors, way back in the beginning of time, the
                                                         The dreamtime extends beyond time, space,
          Dreamtime. As such, all worldly knowledge is
                                                         dimensionality, and breath, informing the “I”
          acquired through the ancestors, informing both
                                                         that exists within the “I AM.” Shamans teach
          the land and the soul. Today, the dreamtime has
                                                         that the human spirit is always in contact with
          also acquired its own expanded definition as
                                                         the higher spiritual realms, even if one has no
          “the landscape of an individual’s nocturnal
                                                         awareness of this unity in their ordinary state of
          dream content.”
                                                         consciousness. Although dreaming isn’t the only
                 No one has to be a shaman, medicine
                                                         pathway to open those portals, it is ours, it is
          person, or healer to become a dreamer.
                                                         constant, it is readily available, and it is
          Dreaming is a gift we are all born with. Often in
          my work, I hear people say, “But I never
                                                                 My long-time dream mentor, the late
          dream.” Everyone dreams.  You might not
                                                         Grandmother Twylah Hurd Nitsch of the Seneca
          remember your dreams, or have yet uncovered a
                                                         People (part of the Iroquois Confederacy or Five
          method to access your nocturnal wisdom, but
                                                         Nations Peace League), taught me how to
          you do dream.                                  decode dreams, as part of my personal
                 Neither do we need crystals or
                                                         “medicine” skills and for later use in my
          subliminal hemi-sync recordings.  We do not
                                                         therapeutic practice. Dream decoders usually
          need to become a dream nagual or specialize in
                                                         come to this training through a personal calling,
          Buddhist yoga dream practices. We do not need
                                                         and are taught how to traverse the dream world
          to do special rituals or go to sacred sites.
                                                         to heal and inform. Gram suggested that culture
          Although any of those tools, models, or concepts
                                                         reflects the measure of our self-discipline, and
          may well expand one’s potential to become
                                                         as such, our consciousness. She said the
          more conscious or lucid within the dream state,
                                                         discipline one takes to understand and decode
          the ability to dream exists in everyone, from the  their dreams, both honors our capacity as
          time we were in utero, possibly even before life
                                                         sovereign     beings    and    expands     our
          began, and will continue through life, to our
                                                         consciousness. During one of her many lessons
          death and what lays beyond.
                                                         on the variety, quality and function of dreams,
                 My Native mentors referred to the
                                                         she once told me that, “The Creator has offered
          dreamtime as the “little death,” because the
                                                         the gift of the dreamtime to every creature; it is
          dream provides a container for us to retrieve
                                                         a gift of peace.” Gram said when the world
          messages as we learn how to consciously cross
                                                         understands peace as one people, we will have
          from sleeping to waking, and also to inform us
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