Page 15 - July - August 2019 - v3_june_july_2009_Neat
P. 15

Are Space Aliens Breeding With Humans? 15

           Space aliens are breeding

            with humans, university

           instructor says. Scientists

                     say otherwise.

             Outlandish claim has a secret

          breeding program creating alien-
           human hybrids who can survive
                      climate change.

                       By Seth Shostak

          Maybe you've never seen any space aliens, but
          recent polls indicate that up to 6 percent of
          Americans claim to have been abducted by
          them.  The experience doesn't sound pleasant.
          The extraterrestrials are often said to take their
          captives to their saucers, lay them out on a table
          and extract sperm from the men and impregnate   difficult climate accords or elaborate         humanity will ultimately find this situation less
          the women.                                      geoengineering projects. It would also help the  threatening thanks to an alien re-build.
                 If you're familiar with UFO lore, you    aliens themselves — who are said to be living          But still, you might want to check your
          know there are a couple of common               among us — by preserving the part of their     23andMe results. Maybe you're already a
          explanations for these breeding experiments.    DNA that's carried by the temperature-tolerant  hybrid.
          One is that the aliens are in a reproductive bind  hybrids.
          on their home world:  They can no longer               Of course, human-alien hybrids, no      About the Author: Dr. Seth Shostak is Senior
          successfully procreate and so have come to      matter how well adapted to a warmer world,     Astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain
          Earth to use humans as incubators to spawn      don't address the crux of the climate change   View, California and also host of the “Big
          alien offspring. The other is that the aliens are  problem. Even unimproved humans can handle  Picture Science” podcast.
          producing hybrid beings that will somehow help  hotter temperatures; after all, they already live
          them take over our planet.                      in a plethora of steamy environments including       Alien abduction: a medical
                 Scientists, of course, are dubious of such  the Congo, Amazonia and downtown  Tucson.                   hypothesis.
          claims. After all, there's never been any good  Rising sea levels could be dealt with too, by
          evidence that the abductions are taking place.  building dikes along the seaboards and writing
          No one ever seems to bring along a cellphone to  off Miami Beach.                                   D V Forrest - Psychoanalytic Center,
          take photos or to pocket an artifact from the          But it's the other inhabitants of the          Columbia University College of
          saucers.                                        planet that are problematic — crops and critters       Physicians & Surgeons, USA
                 But an instructor at the University of   that will either migrate toward the poles or
          Oxford in England believes the abductions are   disappear altogether.  These, after all, are     In response to a new psychological study of
          real. Young-hae Chi, who teaches Korean at the  essential to both our environment and our food   persons who believe they have been abducted
          university, also claims to know what the aliens  supply. Does the Oxford instructor presume that  by space aliens that found that sleep
          have in mind. In lectures given at the university,  these other earthly residents are also being re-  paralysis, a history of being hypnotized, and
          he says they're creating alien-human hybrids as  engineered by the aliens?                       preoccupation with the paranormal and
          a hedge against climate change. To support his         In addition, Chi's argument rests on the  extraterrestrial    were      predisposing
          unorthodox theory, Chi notes that for several   fact that two things have simultaneously         experiences, I noted that many of the
          decades the number of reported alien abductions  increased in the past several decades: the      frequently reported particulars of the
          has risen. He bases this statement on the work of  number of reported abductions and the         abduction experience bear more than a
          David Jacobs, a retired  Temple University      concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide.     passing resemblance to medical-surgical
          historian who has published several books on    Of course, many other things have risen during   procedures and propose that experience with
          ufology and who runs the International Center   this time, too — including the price of bacon    these may also be contributory. There is the
          for Abduction Research.                         and the number of TV channels. It's a big jump   altered state of consciousness, uniformly
                 Jacobs has interviewed more than a       from a coincidence in timing to an alien project  colored figures with prominent eyes, in a
          thousand people who claim to have been          to produce a climate-resistant species.          high-tech room under a round bright
          abducted, using hypnotic regression that               Eventually, this weird theory will be     saucerlike object; there is nakedness, pain
          apparently allows them to recall their unearthly  vindicated or vanquished by observation. Chi   and a loss of control while the body's
          encounters with aliens. (Mind you, this too is  says the reason we don't see the aliens is that  boundaries are being probed; and yet the
          controversial, and Jacobs himself admits that   they are largely unrecognizable. "The first      figures are thought benevolent. No medical-
          people should be skeptical of these             generation hybrids still have physical features  surgical history was apparently taken in the
          recollections.)                                 distinctive to aliens'" he told NBC News         above mentioned study, but psychological
                 Chi takes the claims at face value, and  MACH in an email. "But from the second           laboratory work evaluated false memory
          links the growing number of abductees           generation ... they have almost indistinguishable  formation. I discuss problems in assessing
          cataloged by Jacobs to the increase in          bodily features from those of humans, although   intraoperative awareness and ways in which
          atmospheric greenhouse gases. He doesn't        they may still carry at least one fourth of alien  the medical hypothesis could be elaborated
          imply a cause and effect:  The abduction        genes."                                          and tested. If physicians are causing this
          experiment is not responsible for global               The inability to discern anything odd     syndrome in a percentage of patients, we
          warming. Rather, it's a reaction to it.  The    about the appearance of the hybrids is both      should know about it; and persons who feel
          extraterrestrials are producing hybrids that can  convenient and unconvincing. They live among   they have been abducted should be
          better withstand the rigors of a toastier planet.  us, but we don't notice.  And meanwhile, the  encouraged to inform their surgeons and
          By producing a new model of Homo sapiens,       concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide      anesthesiologists without challenging their
          this project would eliminate the need for       continues to climb. It seems unlikely that       beliefs.
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