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P. 13
Jesse Marcel’s Journal 13
Jesse Marcel’s Journal
by Kevin Randle
Part I
A while back, we learned that Jesse Marcel, Sr.,
had kept some sort of journal that family
members had just discovered. I wasn’t overly
concerned with the length of time it took for this
discovery. Just a couple of years ago I found a
stack of letters my father had written home from
we want to know. It tells us there is nothing in Friedman about picking up the pieces of a flying
the Pacific Theater during the Second World
these journals that reference the UFO sighting, saucer, he, Marcel, couldn’t remember what
War. They had been in an old suitcase just
passed from hand to hand in the family. I had no the crash, the retrieval or the recovery of alien year it was. It wasn’t until Bill Moore, looking
bodies. If there was, there would be no reason to for information about the beginning of the
idea what was in it until I opened it.
attempt to “read between the lines.” No need to modern UFO era in 1947 found pictures of
So, when the Marcel family said they
search for hidden messages in the journal. If it is Marcel kneeling near the remains of a weather
had just located these journals, I wasn’t
not obvious, then I suggest it is not there. balloon in General Ramey’s office, that the
surprised nor did I think it was some sort of
For those who think that Marcel would information fell into place.
trick. They wanted to take time to review the
have been hiding this stuff because, at the time, I wondered, if Marcel had journals, then
information and gather the documentation to
it would have been classified and such a journal why had he been unable to give Friedman the
prove that the journals had been written by the
entry would be dangerous, I say, remember, he date of the sighting? True, he might not have had
senior Marcel long ago.
told what he knew. We, in the UFO community, the journal at his fingertips when Friedman
I said that when I learned anything new,
didn’t learn about this until 1978, but he had called, but surely, he would have been able to
I would report it here and I have learned
been talking about it with his ham radio buddies look that up… if he had a journal.
something new. Months and months ago the
prior to that. And we have no journal entries That raises a second question. If he was
family decided that they needed the help of a
prior to that point that suggest the alien keeping journals, then why didn’t he have copies
linguist who had a working knowledge of
spacecraft. No, I fear this is another dead end, of some of the newspaper articles in which he
cryptic writing. They thought that something
based solely on the query about a linguist and was quoted? If nothing else, maybe a notation
might be encoded in the journals that would be
cryptic writing. that his name had appeared in the newspapers. It
of interest because Marcel had been an
True, this is speculation based on a isn’t every day that ordinary people find
intelligence officer.
simple question asked by the members of the themselves mentioned in the newspaper. Or, at
Let me say here that I served in a
Marcel family, but it is also a worrisome the very least, a mention that he had his name in
position similar to that in which Marcel served.
question. If there had been anything mentioned the newspaper on July 8, 1947. True, that tells us
We were both air intelligence officers. True, our
in the journals that suggested the UFO crash, nothing about the validity of alien aspect of the
assignments had been decades apart… he in the
then the question wouldn’t have been necessary. crash, but it would be something… Even a
late 1940s and me in the mid-1970s, but the jobs
That it was asked suggests that nothing was mention of the balloon explanation would be
were essentially the same. I know this because I
found that related to it. something, such as found in the 509th Unit
have read the unit histories of the military
organizations with which he served. For
Part 2 Sure, I get that Marcel might have been
example, in the Army, the verifications of the
embarrassed by the outcome, but there was
information supplied by the soldier for a security
clearance fell to the intelligence officer. Marcel, The other day I was discussing the latest update really nothing in those articles that suggested he
according to the 509th Unit History had been on the Jesse Marcel, Sr. journal (or journals) and had made a horrible mistake. Just that he had
doing that in Roswell. Before we deployed to had a thought or two about it. I had mentioned recovered debris, taken it into Roswell and then
Iraq, I had been doing that for our unit. Similar that nothing being found in the journals for 1947 onto Fort Worth, on the orders of his superiors,
tasks separated by decades. wouldn’t be all that surprising because it was, who, by the way, failed to identify the balloon in
I can, therefore, make a number of well, 1947, and Marcel was still in the military. Roswell if we accept that whole story.
extrapolations about what Marcel would have Had there been a crash, and from what others Anyway, all this speculation is based on
been doing, and based on my experiences, know had said, they were all cautioned about sharing a simple request for someone who might be
how the various assignments would have been of classified material with those who weren’t good at cryptic analysis. I might be way off base
completed. There was no point in which I was cleared to receive it. here. It’s just that this seems to answer the
introduced to any sort of comprehensive training It was pointed out that he had been question about the value of the journals to all of
that would have involved cryptic writing. Sure, talking about it in 1978. I thought that point us. To the family, they would be invaluable but
there were the basics covered in a couple of irrelevant because so much time had passed. No to us, looking for anything about the Roswell
courses, but nothing that would have been mention in a 1947 journal wasn’t that important case, they might just be another dead end.
beneficial in creating a code hidden in the (unless, of course there was one) but no mention
context of an everyday, personal journal. in journals written later, especially prior to 1978, Listen to A Different Perspective Radio Show
But none of that is extremely important. could be very important. with Kevin Randle on The ‘X’ Zone Broadcast
The mere question and then search for a linguist But that wasn’t the important revelation. Network. Visit for days and
with a knowledge of cryptic writing tells us what It was the sudden thought that when Marcel told times.