Page 9 - July - August 2019 - v3_june_july_2009_Neat
P. 9

Why Storming Area 51 Isn’t A Great Idea 9

          10 Reasons Why Storming

              Area 51 Maybe Isn't a

                       Great Idea

                   Continued from Page 8

          7. Don't Forget the Neuralyzer

          Men In Black always carry a Neuralyzer, a
          handy piece of alien technology which can
          make the target forget what they have just seen.
          Any security breaches can be sealed instantly.
                 There is real-life research into devices
          which produce amnesia on demand. The CIA’s
          infamous Project MK-ULTRA included
          research into a way of producing “the perfect
          concussion,” a blow to the head which would
          render a victim unconscious and leave them
          with no memory of the actual attack. They got
                                                          obstacles.                                         Very Few See UFOs As
          as far as experimenting with sound beams.
                                                                 Or at the very least, phasers on stun.
                 While MK-ULTRA was wound up, the                                                                   Threat to U.S.
          Pentagon continued research in this area, and in
                                                          10. What  If They're  Keeping
          1985, it was shown that a sequence of flashing
          lights could induce amnesia in rats.            Something In?
                                                                                                                    Rasmussen Reports
                 Even if you get into Area 51, you may
          not have any memory of what you saw                    The human wave of a million Naruto
          afterwards.                                     runners brings the barbed wire crashing down,  A number of top senators have been briefed by
                                                          and the crowd storms Area 51's administrative  the Pentagon recently on UFO sightings by
          8. Crash Those Markets                          center.  They seize the controls and the blast  Navy pilots, but few Americans feel threatened
                                                          doors grind open, the defensive systems are    by unidentified flying objects.  They do,

          The discovery of alien technology would be a    deactivated, the doors are unlocked, the force  however, believe there is intelligent life out in
          huge jolt to the stock market. The tech sector  fields powered down (don't forget the alien            A new Rasmussen Reports national
          looms large in any top ten, with giants like    tech).
          Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet and Facebook. All           All the secrets are there to be revealed,  telephone and online survey finds that just 12%
          of these would be severely compromised if it    right down to the lowest, most secret 29th level  of American Adults regard UFOs as a national
                                                          sub-basement and the dreaded "nightmare hall."  security threat to the United States. Sixty-one
          turned out that what they have to offer is
                                                                 But before the crowd can start exploring  percent (61%) do not, but a notable 27% are not
          centuries behind the stash of technology
                                                          the facility, a sanity-shattering sound emerges  sure.
          released from Area 51.
                                                          from the depths. From the bowels of the                The survey of 1,000  American  Adults
                 What little work has been done on this
          suggests alien contact would not be good for the  underground facility, Great Cthulhu stirs.   was conducted on June 23-24, 2019 by
                                                                                                         Rasmussen Reports.  The margin of sampling
          markets.                                               He is freed at last from his eons-long  error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level
                 There would be a free-for-all as         confinement. A gigantic alien being beyond our
          everyone rushed to take advantage of the new    comprehension, whose very appearance warps     of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen
          tech. The existing order would upended. There   the mind, and with no interest in puny humans  Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion
                                                          except as a tasty snack.                       Research, LLC.
          might be a negative effect as human science
                                                                 A slimy mass of tentacles (as seen on           This is the survey question wording:
          becomes irrelevant, and researchers lose all
                                                          Google Earth images of Area 51) bursts out on
          their funding because someone else already has
                                                          to the surface and a hungry Cthulhu starts       National Survey of 1,000 American
          all the answers.
                 Assuming we survive the likely crash,    gobbling humans like popcorn.                                     Adults
          on the positive side, the technology might give        Well, you wanted to see them aliens…[]        Conducted June 23-24, 2019
          us unlimited free energy and open the way to the                                                        By Rasmussen Reports
          stars. On the negative side, it might also give
          every street gang the firepower to obliterate                                                  1* Have you or anyone you know ever seen a
          cities.                                                                                        UFO?
                 Maybe a controlled release might be
          safer?                                                                                         2*Do UFOs pose a national security threat to
                                                                                                         the United States?
          9. Some Dangerous Alien Tech

                                                                                                         3* How likely it is that intelligent life exists on
          Assuming the theory is correct, and Area 51 is a                                               other planets?
          treasure trove of advanced alien technology and
          reverse-engineered flying saucers, then                                                        NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3
          storming it is going to be met with some serious                                               percentage points with a 95% level of
          resistance.                                                                                    confidence
                 A conventional facility may be protected
          by security guards with M16s, but if there is
          alien technology involved, you can expect to be                                                Publisher’s Note: Send your thoughts and/or
          met with cyborgs in chameleon stealth suits,                                                   comments on this article and how you would
          invisible killer drones and energy barriers,                                                   have responded to these questions to me by
          dimension warps, and other impassable                                                          email to
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