Page 4 - July - August 2019 - v3_june_july_2009_Neat
P. 4

4                       They Have Gone Completely Nuts

            The Paranormal / UFO /

           Conspiracy Communities

             Have Gone Completely


                     Continued from Page 3

                 Although the information that is
          available on the internet about the HTV-2
          describe the craft as “gliders”, inside sources
          have told me that the HTV-2 and other
          experimental craft have long surpassed the
          glider stage and now they are totally controlled
          remotely with self-sufficient propulsion not
          unlike U.S. military drones that are currently in
          service around the world.
                 It is no secret that China has also been
          developing such experimental craft as the U.S.
          HTV-Falcon so understandably, there is a need
          for secrecy – even within governmental
          departments and agencies.
                                                          edition of The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper on the  New Mexico in 1947 was actually an
                 China has successfully tested a new
                                                          subject and I hope that you read them and I am  experimental aircraft? Definitely.
          hypersonic aircraft, a potential "hypersonic
                                                          sure that you too will start to see the entire        Since 1947, and with the advances in
          strike weapon" that could one day be capable of
                                                          picture and see the hidden image.              technology, don’t you find it rather strange that
          carrying multiple nuclear warheads and evading
                                                                 This entire story reminds me of that    there is no proof whatsoever, and I mean
          all existing defense networks like the US
                                                          computer generated graphic designs that you    physical proof, that UFOs from other planets or
          missile shields, according to Chinese state-run
                                                          used have to stare at to identify the hidden   dimension are real?
          and state-affiliated media, citing experts and the
                                                          object.                                               The same can be said about ghosts,
          domestic designers.                                    Face the facts.  Area 51 is a U.S.      Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness Monster.
                 The Xingkong-2 (Starry Sky-2)
                                                          Government Installation where the use of lethal       Yet, each and every day, there are
          hypersonic experimental waverider vehicle
                                                          force when protecting Area 51 is a fact of life.  thousands of people on this planet who believe
          designed by the China Academy of Aerospace
                                                          Any person who trespasses deserves what they   that ghosts, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster,
          Aerodynamics in Beijing can reportedly achieve
                                                          get.  After all, national security affects every  UFOs,  Extraterrestrials,  interdimensional
          a top speed six times the velocity of sound.
                                                          citizen of the United States, not only the     portals, and other illusive creatures and beings
          During the recent test, conducted last Friday at
                                                          armchair UFO experts and their mentors who     and anomalies of science are real, that they
          an unspecified location in northwestern China,
                                                          really believe that UFOs are real and that there  spend their time and money trying to capture the
          the aircraft was first carried by a multistage
                                                          are crashed UFOs that have been back           smoking gun of the “reality of the paranormal”
          solid-fueled rocket before it separated to rely on  engineered at  Area 51 with their ET       for their 15 minutes of fame, without fortune.
          independent propulsion — it is said to have
                                                          occupants…dead or alive.                              As I have pointed out many times over
          maintained speeds above Mach 5.5 for 400
                                                                 There are still those in the UFO cover-  the years, the internet is the largest septic tank
          seconds. The max speed was reportedly Mach 6
                                                          up / conspiracy realm that actually believe that  that humanity has ever created because there is
          or 4,600 miles per hour, according to the state-
                                                          Tom DeLonge and Cronies are part of an         more crap available in it than anything else.
          run China Daily.
                                                          shadow inner government group, headed by top   In the words of Judge Judy, “If it walks like a
                 Does the fact that President Donald
                                                          military officers who are intentionally feeding  duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck,
          Trump is a Republican have anything to do with
                                                          Tom DeLonge and Cronies this leaked            then it is a duck.”
          the continuous attempts by Tom DeLonge and
                                                          information and that they are part of the             In the case of UFO enthusiasts, ghost-
          the New  York  Times to undermine his           disclosure agenda.                             busters, Bigfoot researchers, Loch Ness Monster
          Presidency and his accomplishments as
                                                          Come on people! Wake up and smell the coffee.  trackers, and the slew of assorted paranormal
                                                          In today’s digital warfare, if any government is  groupies, who have not accomplished finding
                 When asked to comment on the briefing
                                                          hiding classified information on a secure data  any proof whatsoever that would excite or
          that President Trump had with Senators on the
                                                          server, would it not be advantageous for hackers  convince anyone outside their like “paranormal
          UFO sightings, the President said, “I did have
                                                          of unfriendly nations to hack into these servers,  community”, with all your modern gadgets –
          one very brief meeting on it,” the president said
                                                          down load and make public that UFOs and little  you have nothing, no smoking gun, no proof, no
          in an  ABC News interview. “But people are
                                                          green and grey men have been here and that the  evidence, nothing, rien (nothing in French),
          saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it?
                                                          government has been lying to the masses for all  nada, zip, zero, zilch.
                 Not particularly.”                       these years?                                          I get asked several times a week, that if I
                 What a blow to the UFO believers that
                                                                 Would this not cause an immediate       am such a non-believer / skeptic why I continue
          the Commander-in-Chief is not going to go into
                                                          political and social uproar, the likes that have  to do my show.
          the dark vault of the US Government and give
                                                          never been seen before?                               The answer is simple.
          the believers all the material that they believe
                                                                 If Bill Clinton could not have his sexual      I want to believe, and by doing what I do
          the government has on UFOs. So what are these
                                                          fling with Monica Lewinsky in the Whitehouse,  on the radio, on TV, in our newspapers both print
          morons going to do? Invade Area 51!
                                                          which I have been told, is the most secure     and digital, on the internet as well as in public, I
                 Where were these people when God was
                                                          building in the United States of America, how in  believe that I might be fortunate enough to find
          handing out brains?!?!?
                                                          the name of God would it be possible to hide   that person, who has that physical evidence /
                 The answer is simple. The truth and the                                                 smoking gun, that undeniable piece of evidence,
          identification  of    NASA      or   Military   crashed UFOs and members of their ET crew
                                                          without the truth getting out to the masses?   that will allow me to say, “I believe.”
          Experimental Aircraft does not meet with the
                                                                 Is it possible that what Kenneth Arnold        For The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper, The
          agenda of Tom DeLonge and Cronies, the New
                                                          saw were actually experimental aircraft?       ‘X’ Zone Radio/TV Show,  The ‘X’ Zone
          York    Times,     History    Channel,    the
                                                          Definitely.                                    Broadcast Network and  The ‘X’ Zone  TV
          UFO/Conspiracy groupies.
                                                                 Is it possible that what is alleged to have  Channel, I am, Rob McConnell. []
                 I have included several articles in this
                                                          been a flying saucer that crashed near Roswell,
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