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They Have Gone Completely Nuts                                                                                      3

            The Paranormal / UFO /

           Conspiracy Communities

             Have Gone Completely


                       By Rob McConnell
                 Publisher, The ‘X’ Chronicles           More                                            published a story alleging a UFO was chased by
                                                         indebtedness, debt, arrears;                    naval aviators from the USS Nimitz refers to a
          It would seem that the world in which UFO      minus amount, negative amount, loss             2004 radar-visual encounter of an unidentified
          enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists live is going  "there was a large, continuing deficit in the flying object, not necessarily a flying saucer
          to hell in a hand basket these days with the help  federal budget"                             from another planet or dimension, by US fighter
          of social media outlets and networks.                  antonyms:     surplus, profit           pilots of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group. In
                 You have Tom DeLonge, and his group     o       an excess of expenditure or liabilities   December 2017, infrared footage of the
          of assorted former government officials and    over income or assets in a given period.        encounter was released to the public and the
          politicians who are trying to gain popularity                                                  circus began.
          with the help of the New York Times for fame           Now, DeLonge is the executive producer         There are die hard believers who tout
          and fortune, most of which is coming from      as well as on camera “talent (?)” on the History themselves as working for “end of the truth
          unscrupulous means including black op budgets  Channels “Unidentified”,  in which, along with embargo” when it comes to E.T. and Friends,
          and investors both from the public sector and  his Cronies, consisting of former disgruntled who hail  Tom DeLonge and his Cronies as
          former high ranking officials who have         government employees. I guess when you leave heroes, actually believing that their smoke and
          questionable credentials, ethics and political  a government job, you have to take whatever job mirror show will expose the proof that the U.S.
          aspirations.                                   you can get – especially if and UFO groupies Government and other Governments around the
                 For those of you who may never have     and enthusiasts.                                world have been  suppressing the fact that UFOs
          heard of  Tom DeLonge, which prove you are             Clearly the guy who once sang “Aliens (the flying saucers flown and occupied by
          very intelligent, stable, contributing member of  Exist” two decades ago has a longstanding extraterrestrials from another planet) have been
          society, Tom DeLonge was born on December      interest in extraterrestrials, but in recent years here and interacting with officials since before
          13, 1975 who is an American musician, singer,  he’s become one of the most vocal public figures the alleged UFO sighting by Kenneth  Arnold
          songwriter, author, record producer, actor and  on the subject. (I am sure it hasn’t hurt his record and the Roswell “Crash” of 1947.
          filmmaker. He is the lead vocalist and guitarist  sale royalties)                                     It is not surprising that the majority of
          of the rock band Angels & Airwaves, which he           DeLonge’s claims that the United States the UFO community has not been suspicious of
          formed in 2005, and was the co-lead vocalist,  Department of Defense were investigating the entire Tom DeLonge, New York Times and
          guitarist, and co-founder of the rock band Blink-  UFOs were dismissed as conspiracy theory    History Channel connection since they are
          182 from its formation in 1992 until his       fodder until December 2017, when the New catering what they believe are the masses, but in
          dismissal from the group in 2015.              York Times published an exposé (coauthored in reality, a fraction of the population.
                 Now, let’s get into the Woo-Woo stuff.  part by two Pulitzer Prize winners) that               Hey  Tom! Have you ever heard of the
                 In 2015,  Tom Delonge founded  To the   confirmed the existence of the Pentagon’s HTV-2 that was developed by DARPA?
          Stars  Academy of  Arts and Sciences, an       hidden     Advanced      Aerospace      Threat         How come there has been no mention
          organization for the study of UFOs and         Identification Program (AATIP). The bombshell whatsoever about NASA’s experimental HTV-2
          extraterrestrial life.                         report was backed up on-the-record statements that was being tested in the Pacific area and in
                 In a 2018 financial statement filed with  from many involved, including ex Nevada the time frame when the alleged “UFO”
          the SEC, the company reported that it "has     Senator Harry Reid, who designated $22 million encounter and chase took place?
          incurred losses from operations and has an     to the program when it was created in 2007.            How come there is no mention of a
          accumulated deficit at June 30, 2018 of                “The truth is out there,” Reid tweeted terrestrial experimental crafts that have the
          $37,432,000. These factors raise doubt about the  after the piece was published. “Seriously.”  The capability of speeds from Mach 6 (about 4,500
          Company’s ability to continue as a going       report features numerous stunning revelations, mph ) to Mach 20 (15,000 mph)?
          concern."                                      such as 2009 Pentagon briefing of the program          Why didn’t the US government identify
                 Now, for those of you who do not        stating “what was considered science fiction is the infamous “Tic  Tac” as an experimental
          understand what the word deficit means, here is  now science fact,” as well as hints that the project?
          the definition:                                government may be in possession of alloys that         Well for the same reason why the flying
                                                         reportedly “had been recovered from saucer crash that allegedly crashed near
          noun: deficit; plural noun: deficits           unidentified aerial phenomena.”                 Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. It supplies a
                                                                 In addition to Luis Elizondo and  Tom cover story that is perpetuated by the members
          1.     the amount by which something,          DeLonge, Unidentified features regular of a public who thrives on sensationalism and
          especially a sum of money, is too small.       appearances of fellow  To the Stars colleagues not reality.
          synonyms:     shortfall, deficiency, shortage,  who are also investors. Christopher K. Mellon,
          undersupply, slippage;                         Harold E. Puthoff and Steve Justice.
                                                                 Then there are the events that were                             (Continued on Page 4)
                                                         reported, once again the New  York  Times
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