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8            Why Storming Area 51 Isn’t A Great Idea

          10 Reasons Why Storming

              Area 51 Maybe Isn't a

                       Great Idea

                     By David Hambling

          Over 1.5 million people have signed up for a
          joke event called Storm  Area 51,  They Can't
          Stop All of Us. The event’s slogan is “let’s see
          them aliens,” echoing a popular conspiracy
          theory that the U.S. military is keeping flying
          saucer wreckage, unearthly technology, and
          recovered extra-terrestrial bodies—or perhaps
          they are even holding live aliens.
                 The mass trespass is set for September
          20th. While it’s clearly not meant to be taken
          seriously, maybe some people will turn up for it.      “Restricted Area: it is unlawful to enter 5. It’s A National Security Thing
          Here are 10 good reasons to think twice about   this area without permission of the Installation
          storming Area 51.                               Commander”                                     Area 51 has been used for flight testing for
                                                                 Legally speaking, if you cross that line  generations of classified aircraft, from the early
          1. You Can’s Handle The Truth                   you are committing an offense against Section  U-2 high altitude spy planes to the Mach 3 SR-
                                                          1382 of  Title 18, of entering a military      71 Blackbird and the F-117 Nighthawk stealth
          Conspiracy theorists have it that aliens are being  installation without permission, which makes  fighter. Less well known programs have
          kept secret because of fears that people would  you liable to a $500 fine. But that’s the least of  included the  Tacit Blue stealthy scout and a
          freak out if they discovered the truth.  This   your worries.                                  whole     range    of    ‘alien   technology’
          argument is brushed aside casually in shows            “While on this installation all personnel  investigations—not craft from other planets but
          like the X-Files who want the truth at any cost.  and the property under their control are subject  performance testing of Russian MiGs .
          But what if the authorities are right?          to search”                                            These operations are kept secret for good
                 Advanced alien intelligences pose a             This is not an idle threat. Being caught  reason: foreign powers would just love to know
          serious threat to religious belief. Mankind may  in Area 51 means you are likely to be searched  what goes on at  Area 51 and what the next
          not be the unique being made in the divine      rather thoroughly and be left lying face down on  generation prototypes look like. While satellites
          image as believe. Theologian Ted Peters carried  the ground for three hours, as happened to a  mean that nowhere is completely out of sight,
          out a survey in 2011 of what effect people      BBC film crew in 2016.                         satellites follow predictable paths and
          thought alien contact would have on their              In 2019 a man was shot dead after       operations can be timed to avoid their gaze.
          religion.                                       failing to stop at a security gate. After an 8-mile   A successful invasion of the hangars and
                 Interestingly, most people thought that  chase, the man was stopped by NNSS Security    offices of  Area 51, with all the pictures that
          their own religion would remain intact, but the  Protective Force Officers and Nye County      would burst into the public domain, would be a
          event would seriously challenge other faiths.   Sheriff’s Office and shot when he refused to   triumph for Russia, China, and others interested
                 Somebody is fooling themselves.          follow verbal instructions and did not drop a  in the latest U.S. technology.
                                                          ‘cylindrical metal object.’
          2. Naruto Running  Won't Provide                       They will shoot if they need to.        6. You’ll See What You Want To See
          Complete Protection
                                                          4. It’s No Place For A Vacation                Intelligence agencies have long made use of the
          “If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their                                               UFO community for their own purposes. Early
          bullets,” promises the Storm Area 51 Facebook   The site was originally chosen in the 1950s as a  classified aircraft were often reported as flying
          site.                                           testing ground for classified aircraft.  The   saucers. In particular, the metal finish of early
                 The Naruto Run is named after a manga    selection was made by Kelly Johnson, the       U-2s catching the light at dawn or dusk at high
          character who runs at superhuman speed with     legendary Lockheed engineer behind the U-2     altitude made them both conspicuous and
          his arms stretched out behind him.  This has    and SR-71 programs. Johnson wanted a dry       mysterious. One study in the 1950s concluded
                                                          lakebed to provide a long, flat landing site.  that half of unexplained sightings were
          spawned a host of internet memes with people
                                                                 Dry lake beds by definition occur in    classified aircraft.
          imitating Naruto’s running style in unlikely
          situations.                                     inhospitable desert places, and Groom Lake, as        In order to divert attention from real
                 Usain Bolt, the fastest man on the       the place was originally known, is scorching hot  projects, the  Air Force Office of Special
          planet, can sprint at a top speed of about 40 feet  in daytime with temperatures routinely over 100  Investigation and others started feeding
          per second. A 9mm bullet moves at something     Fahrenheit and minimal precipitation.          disinformation to UFO groups.  As Mark
          over 1,200 feet per second, or about thirty times      The area also happens to be downwind    Pilkington’s 2013 Mirage Men recounted they
          faster. Also attempts harness Naruto’s technique  of one of the original nuclear test sites, so there  allowed selected individuals to see (but not
          have not been successful. Outrunning a bullet   is residual radiation to consider.             copy) fake official documents, photographs, and
                                                                 Johnson gave the secret site the ironic  other ‘evidence’ of alien activity to shape a
          seems unlikely.
                                                          codename “Paradise Ranch.” Crews sent to the   whole mythology.
                 Crucial additional point: however fast
          you’re going, you’re running towards the guns.  this attractive-sounding location were horrified      The intelligence agencies are smart when
          So, your speed is just going to make it sting   to find themselves in a place once officially  it comes to handling information.  Those
          more when they hit.                             described by the U.S. Army as “a damn good     storming Area 51 might get glimpses of weird-
                                                          place to dump used razor blades.”              looking machinery, saucer-shaped craft parked
          3. Heed The Signs                                      It is not pleasant hiking terrain.  And  in hangars, or even big-eyed aliens peeking out
                                                          there are no facilities: no cafes, no convenience  from upper windows.
                                                          stores, no public rest rooms and no water. So         But everything you see will be exactly
          Area 51 is famously surrounded by menacing
                                                          bring a hat, sun block, a few gallons to drink,  what they want you to see. It might be real–but
          warning signs.  The place is not just a
                                                          and a Geiger counter.                          it might not be.
          Hollywood myth: It is a genuine classified
          defense site and is protected as such.                                                                                 (Continued on Page 9)
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