Page 24 - July - August 2019 - v3_june_july_2009_Neat
P. 24
24 Stupid Top Moon Conspiracy Theories
Top Moon Conspiracy
Theories and Why They
Are Stupid
Continued from Page 23
Others claim that they just can't sleep on the
night of a full moon. Though there are studies
aimed at trying to find a link between a full
moon and these activities, they have all come up
short. For example, a 1985 literature review
found that there was no link between the full
moon and timing of mental illness, criminal
behavior or other such human activities.
The supermoon can cause disasters
A supermoon is when the full moon looks really
big because it happens to be on its closest swing
by our planet. Because it's closer, it does exert Is NASA lying to us? With that in mind, the video asks why
more gravitational pull on our planet than usual, the idea of seeing Long Island from London
which has led some to theorize that it causes Moon is only 4 MILES with a telescope is a ridiculous concept.
natural disasters. The video says: “Yet NASA is telling
But supermoons have no effect on from Earth claims you you’re able to see something half that size
disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, from 238,900 miles away – over 69 times farther
according to a previous Live Science report. "A shock 'evidence' than the distance from London to New York.
lot of studies have been done on this kind of “And that’s with the unaided eyes.”
thing by USGS scientists and others," John STARGAZERS across the globe ThePottersClay then claims to “do the
Bellini, a geophysicist at the U.S. Geological math” by scaling down the distance from the
Survey previously told Live Science. "They are preparing to witness the moon by 60,000 percent without any
haven't found anything significant at all." spectacular January Super Blue explanation as to why he chose that specific
Blood Moon, but a flat Earth
He says: “If you bring down Tycho’s 54
Moon Facts... conspiracist has broken the silence miles by 60,000 percent you’ll get about 4.75
to reveal how NASA have feet.
The Moon (or Luna) is the Earth’s only “Then do the same math with the
natural satellite and was formed 4.6 billion supposedly lied about the distance distance to the moon and you get right at 4
years ago around some 30–50 million years from the moon. miles.”
after the formation of the solar system. The The bunkum video comes after popular
Moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth By Sebastian Kettley YouTube conspiracist Ritchie from Boston,
meaning the same side is always facing the similarly alleged that the moon is only 4.7 miles
The Guardian
Earth. The first unmanned mission to the from Earth.
Moon was in 1959 by the Soviet Lunar The popular video maker brazenly
It is a scientific fact that the moon averages a
Program with the first manned landing being distance of around 238,855 miles (384,400 km) claimed NASA have been lying to everyone
Apollo 11 in 1969. about the moon, chemtrails and many other
from Earth, but conspiracists are disputing this
The dark side of the moon is a He said: “That’s crazy. They’re lying to
A crackpot conspiracy video uploaded
myth. to YouTube by ThePottersClay 2 alleges to have us. Do not believe NASA because they are lying
In reality both sides of the Moon see crunched the numbers to reveal that the moon is about our entire origin.”
the same amount of sunlight however only actually four miles from Earth. But despite what these self-proclaimed
one face of the Moon is ever seen from The video kicks off with a warning to ‘truthers’ might claim, there is ample scientific
Earth. This is because the Moon rotates the viewers to “prepare yourself”, as it proof to rubbish their conspiracy theories.
around on its own axis in exactly the same unleashes its hogwash theories and NASA have been able to very accurately
time it takes to orbit the Earth, meaning the ‘calculations’. track the distance from Earth to the moon,
same side is always facing the Earth. The The video says: “NASA tells us Tycho thanks to the use of powerful lasers and Lunar
side facing away from Earth has only been measures 86 km in diameter. Eighty-six km Laser Ranging RetroReflectors left on the moon
seen by the human eye from spacecraft. equals about 53.4 miles. by the Apollo 15 mission.
The US space agency explained: “The
“So almost half the size of Long Island
A person would weigh much less on if you were to compare the two. distance to these retroreflectors from the Earth
can be and is still routinely measured to the
the Moon. “We are told the distance from the Earth centimetre level or better, and their relative
The Moon has much weaker gravity to the moon is 238,900 miles. The distance from positions are known to a similar level.
than Earth, due to its smaller mass, so you New York to London is 3,456 miles. “Such measurements can be used for
would weigh about one sixth (16.5%) of “Let’s assume for a moment the Earth several purposes, such as precisely determining
your weight on Earth. This is why the lunar was flat and we’re using the best telescope the orientation and orbit of the Moon, testing
astronauts could leap and bound so high in money can buy. Do you think we could see gravitation and general relativity theories, and
the air. Long Island from London?” for establishing a highly precise latitude and
The conspiracy video goes on to
longitude coordinate frame for the moon."
For more interesting facts and myths watch underline that there is a big difference in how To see the video, goto
The ‘X’ Zone TV Channel on far the naked eye can see when compared to, on The ’X’ Zone TV
telescope zoom lenses.
Channel. []