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28 25 Space Conspiracies That Just Won’t Die
That Just Won't Die new images made it quite clear that the "face on Mars is as big as the moon.
Mars" is nothing more than a trick of light and
shadows on a completely normal Martian Originating in 2003, the infamous Mars hoax
Continued from Page 25 mound. asserts that Mars was closer to Earth than it had
been in the 60,000 years prior, and that the
The moon Iapetus is an alien Death planet will appear as large as the full moon.
While Area 51's true focus is classified, the U.S. Star. What started out as a misconstrued email turned
government has acknowledged its existence into a recurring rumor that gets reshared every
(although the CIA officially calls it "Homey Iapetus is a moon of Saturn that looks somewhat August and, naturally, has spread to social
Airport" or "Groom Lake"). A part of Edwards like the infamous Death Star in the "Star Wars" media as it became more popular.
Air Force Base, the area was a known location franchise, with a large crater that resembles the Although Mars is indeed relatively close
for high-technology airplane flights in the 1960s fictional weapon's superlaser focus lens. The to Earth in a cosmic sense, it will never be as
and 1970s. It first served as a proving ground Death Star is a planet-killing machine that large as the full moon. It will appear as a red dot
for Lockheed U-2 and A-12 OXCART spy destroys entire worlds with its outrageously in the sky, just as the ancient astronomers saw it.
planes as early as 1955. UFO sightings reported powerful laser. It was prominently featured in If you'd like to see Mars magnified, take out a
in the area were indeed unidentified objects, but the 2016 movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars telescope or look at one of NASA's spectacular
only because the planes were top-secret — not Story," as well as in 1977's "Star Wars: Episode Mars pictures.
because they were flown by aliens. IV - A New Hope."
A Daily Mail article published in May The moon will turn green.
There is a killer planet known as 2016 claimed Iapetus is an artificial object
"Nibiru." crafted by aliens. As "evidence," the article In spring 2016, there was a rumor that the moon
cited a photo taken by NASA's Cassini would turn green because several planets had
Conspiracy theorists say another dangerous spacecraft in 2004. In the photo, there's a line aligned and caused an eerie glow. This was
planet is Nibiru, which was first mentioned in around the moon's equator that resembles the supposed to happen on April 20 and again on
the 1976 book "The Twelfth Planet," by equatorial trench around the Death Star. But this May 29 for the first time since 1596, the rumor
Zecharia Sitchin. In the book, Sitchin translated line isn’t nearly as interesting as the Death Star's alleged.
ancient Sumerian cuneiform and claimed that trench, which houses the battle station's The moon never actually turned green,
the text is proof of a planet beyond Neptune engines, thrusters and docking bays. That line is although it can appear red during a lunar
called Nibiru that orbits the sun every 3,600 nothing more than a mountain ridge, and eclipse, when the moon passes through Earth's
years. Iapetus is actually just made up of boring old shadow. In the same way sunsets often appear
Years later, self-proclaimed psychic rock and ice. Cassini has flown by the moon to red, sunlight is scattered as it passes through
Nancy Lieder claimed to have communicated take pictures several times without being Earth's atmosphere, casting a reddish shadow on
with extraterrestrials who said Nibiru would blasted by deadly alien lasers. the moon's surface.
collide with Earth in 2003. When that didn't Skywatching columnist Joe Rao
happen, the date was moved to 2012 (and Saturn's hexagon is alien technology. debunked this green-moon myth. He pointed
linked, of course, with the 2012 doomsday out that a full moon actually took place on April
predictions). Of course, the collision never Saturn's hexagon was first spotted when 22, 2016, and speculated that the April 20 date
occurred, the world didn't end in 2012 and no NASA's Voyager spacecraft flew by the giant, of the "green moon" might have to do with
astronomer has ever found a planet on a ringed planet in 1980. The bizarre, six-sided "National Weed Day," popularly known as 4/20.
collision course with Earth. structure on the round planet's north pole caused Considering that the last green moon
quite the stir, because straight lines and supposedly happened 420 years ago as well, this
There is a face on Mars. polygons are not so common in nature. doesn't appear to be a coincidence.
Immediately after the Voyager returned
In 1976, NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft took a its first images of Saturn's strange feature, even (Continued on Page 31)
picture of what appeared to be a face on Mars. stranger theories arose to explain it, including
Immediately, some people said there must have that it was somehow related to alien technology,
been aliens on the Red Planet that left that face or perhaps even was a gateway to hell. The
behind as evidence of their existence. NASA, hexagon is not artificial, but rather a weird-
however, pointed out that the suspected face is looking hurricane at Saturn's pole. NASA has
really just a pile of rocks casting shadows that done several flybys of this region with the
resemble face-like features. Cassini spacecraft, studying the haze particles
NASA followed up with better- and other features of the storm, to try to learn
resolution pictures taken from the Mars more about its weird properties.
Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Mars Global “Searching for Answers, Demanding the Truth
Surveyor in 1998 and 2001, respectively. These -