Page 32 - July - August 2019 - v3_june_july_2009_Neat
P. 32

32           25 Space Conspiracies That Just Won’t Die

               That Just Won't Die

                  Continued from Page 28

          We've launched balloons into space!

          With the advent of high-resolution, miniature
          cameras, several people have decided to strap
          these cameras on to high-altitude balloons and
          take pictures from up high.  They've caught
          glimpses of blackness and, at times, taken
          interesting tiny passengers along (such as these
          Lego pieces and a Canadian flag in 2012). So
          they must be in space, right?
                 There's no way a balloon can get into
          space, and simple physics explains why. When a
          balloon rises into the sky, the air inside will
          expand in response to the dropping atmospheric
          pressure and eventually pop. Even Felix
          Baumgartner's stunning high-altitude balloon
                                                          There's life on Venus.                         cataloged.) Of the space rocks discovered so far,
          jump in 2012 was not actually from space, but
                                                                                                         NASA has not found a single asteroid that has a
          from the stratosphere, which extends to roughly
                                                          Back in the 1970s and 1980s, the Soviet Union  high probability of hitting Earth in the
          31 miles (50 kilometers) above the Earth's
                                                          sent several uncrewed missions to study Venus.  foreseeable future.
          surface. At that altitude the air is thin enough to
                                                          Ten of these  Venera probes landed on the
          see the blackness of space, but thick enough to
                                                          surface of Venus and were able to transmit data Aliens landed in Roswell, New Mexico
          support special high-altitude balloons.  The
                                                          and images for a few minutes before
          boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer
                                                          succumbing to the planet's extreme atmosphere.  On a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico, so the
          space is about twice as high as the upper limits
          of the stratosphere.                            In 2012, the Russian news service RIA Novosti  story goes, an alien spacecraft crashed in 1947.
                                                          reported that Leonid Ksanfomaliti, a scientist  While the accounts of exactly what happen vary,
                                                          who worked on the Venera missions, suggested   the legend claims that a disc or some sort of
          There are canals on Mars.
                                                          that the photographs showed living objects     spacecraft was found on a ranch, and that the
                                                          moving around on the planet's surface. (RIA    government quickly covered up the evidence.
          Author Percival Lowell became one of space's
                                                          Novosti ceased operations in 2013.)                   While rumors of aliens circulated, some
          first popularizers when he wrote many books
                                                                 These alleged life-forms on  Venus are  people speculated that the crash was just a plain
          for the general public back in the late 1800s and
                                                          just an example of "letting your mind see      old weather balloon that might not have been
          early 1900s. In these books and other writings,
                                                          patterns in low-resolution data that simply aren't  recognized by the local community.  The U.S.
          he said there were canals on Mars built by an
                                                          real," Jonathon Hill, a research technician who  military  has  since    acknowledged     the
          intelligent civilization, perhaps to move water
                                                          processes images taken during NASA's Mars      "spacecraft" was actually a weather balloon sent
          into desert-stricken areas. He claimed to have
                                                          missions, explained to's sister site,  aloft as part of Project Mogul, which involved
          seen the canals in his own telescope, and
                                                          LiveScience, in 2012. According to NASA, the   flying microphones on high-altitude balloons to
          produced several sketches that are still available
                                                          objects that appeared to be moving were        listen for sound waves generated by possible
          on the internet today.
                                                          actually camera-lens covers that automatically  Soviet Union nuclear tests.
                 There are no artificial canals on Mars.
          Several spacecraft have flown by the planet or  popped off of the cameras after landing
                                                          LiveScience reports.  These half-circle objects  Climate change isn't real.
          orbited it, and not one has caught signs of aliens
                                                          were seen in images from  Venera-13 and
          from orbit. What they have seen, however, are
                                                          Venera-14, two identical spacecraft that landed  Earth is on an abnormal warming trend. Arctic
          smaller channels that were created by nature –
                                                          about 590 miles (950 km) apart. Both had two   ice is melting, the sea level is rising and
          likely from water, ice or other processes that
                                                          identical cameras — one in the front and one in
          cause erosion.                                                                                 temperatures are going to extremes in many
                                                          the back — so it makes sense that the covers   locations around the world.  Why is this
                                                          would appear in different places.  Another
          A star is flinging comets at Earth.                                                            happening? Anti-climate-change  conspirators
                                                          photograph that Ksanfomaliti said was a        have many explanations: solar activity,
                                                          scorpion is actually a blur in the image.      radiation, the Earth's (and sun's) movements
          A long-standing theory known as Nemesis
                                                                                                         around the Milky Way, among other theories.
          supposes that there is some sort of "death star"
                                                          An asteroid is about to crash into
          on the outer edge of the solar system, whose
                                                          Earth.                                         While there are many components of climate
          orbital motions perturb comets in an icy region
                                                                                                         change, the fact that humans have contributed to
          of objects known as the Oort Cloud. According
          to the myth, the star's gravity throws these    This recurring rumor claims that a threatening  it is indisputable. Temperature graphs show that
          comets toward the inner solar system, and these  "doomsday" asteroid is about to slam into our  the climate has not warmed this much, this
                                                          planet. An example from 2015 had an asteroid   quickly in all of Earth's history (as seen in
          comets collide with Earth and cause mass
                                                          purported to hit Earth in late September, when it  geological records), and that the increase
          extinctions once every 27 million years.
                                                          would supposedly wreak devastation from its    correlates with increased industrialization. []
                 However, 2011 study concluded that this
                                                          impact point near Puerto Rico. NASA quickly
          idea is unlikely, because the comet strikes in
                                                          dismissed the reports — which turned out, as
          recorded history haven't happened with any
                                                          usual, to be false. But that's not to say that
          regularity. The pattern that was recorded in the
                                                          asteroids will never hit our planet.
          hoax is actually a statistical artifact, or the result
          of researchers trying to find patterns in nature       NASA and a network of monitoring
          where they do not exist, the study's authors    telescopes across the world are cataloging all
                                                          known asteroids wider than 459 feet (140
                                                          meters) across in line with a 2005 congressional
  - “Searching for Answers,
                                                          mandate. (Smaller asteroids, if found, are also
                     Demanding the Truth.”
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