Page 37 - July - August 2019 - v3_june_july_2009_Neat
P. 37

Tic Tac Sighting by Navy Pilots Solved                                                                                   37

                  Defense Advanced

           Research Projects Agency


          What Is Darpa?

          The Defense  Advanced Research Projects
          Agency (DARPA) is an advanced-technology
          branch of the U.S. Department of Defense. The
          purpose of the agency is to try out new
          technologies and make them operationally
          ready, if possible, and to reach beyond current
          military technology to do something new.
                 “DARPA imagines and makes possible
          new    capabilities  for   overcoming     the
          multifaceted threats and challenges that lie
          ahead. This makes a better, more secure future
          possible,” the agency wrote on its website.
          “Precision guidance and navigation, stealth,
          unmanned aerial vehicles, night vision, and
          communications and networking are among the
          technologies that changed the face of war over
          the last two decades …"

                                                          their uncertainty by encouraging DARPA to      operations.
          Early history
                                                          carry forward the concept until these risks are        In 1972, the agency's name was changed
                                                          minimized.”                                    to DARPA.
          The agency that became DARPA was created
                                                          Other early projects ARPA worked on Recent work
          after the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik
          satellite in 1957. The first satellite sent to space
                                                                                                         Because DARPA is a military agency, much of
          sparked a wave of worry that the United States
                                                          The Internet. In the 1960s, the  Advanced      its information is cloaked for security purposes.
          was falling behind technologically.
                                                          Research     Projects    Agency     Network    However, DARPA has proudly published a
                 First called the  Advanced Research
                                                          (ARPANET) was the first to use a technology    timeline of its technological history, and makes
          Projects Agency, ARPA's first priority was to
                                                          called packet switching, which shares blocks of  regular announcements to the media about
          assert the United States' military presence in
                                                          information across a network. Also, an ARPA-   projects that it is working on.
          space. At the time, the Space Race was in full
                                                          funded project for computer collaboration              In 2015, DARPA announced it was
          swing. NASA was sending astronauts on ever-
                                                          called the oN-Line System (NLS) “included the  moving forward on testing a satellite-launching
          longer and more-complicated missions to bring
                                                          first practical use of hypertext linking, which  fighter jet, called the Airborne Launch Assist
          crews to the moon, which it succeeded in doing
                                                          proved the concept could work in the real      Space Access program, or ALASA. The goal of
          between 1969 and 1972.
                                                          world,” PC Pro wrote of NLS.                   this program is to reduce launch costs and to
                 Meanwhile, ARPA worked on ballistic
                                                                 The computer mouse. The first version   make it possible to order a satellite launch on
          missile defense; the fear was if the Soviets
                                                          of the mouse was created to help users move    demand, rather than waiting for a rocket to
          could launch a human into space, they might
                                                          around the NLS. It was created by Douglas      become available.
          also use the rockets for defensive purposes. It
                                                          Engelbart the 1960s with funding from ARPA,            “One of the most important advantages
          created a nuclear test program called Vela that
                                                          but the patent expired before the devices came  ALASA would offer is that a jet can carry the
          was supposed to detect when a Soviet nuclear
                                                          into wide use in the 1980s. "The emergence of  rocket to almost any orbital trajectory and
          missile was launched.  Vela also was used for
                                                          the Microsoft  Windows operating system and    operators would only need 24 hours notice to
          monitoring compliance after the Limited Test-
                                                          Web    browsers    hastened    the   mouse's   make it happen,” wrote of the
          Ban  Treaty in 1963 reduced use of these
                                                          pervasiveness throughout the 1990s and into the  initiative. “You don’t even need a big,
          weapons worldwide, DARPA stated.
                                                          first decade of the 21st century," Scientific  expensive launch pad. Any airstrip will do.”
                 “As the  Advanced Research Projects
                                                          American wrote of the invention.                       The agency is also one of several
          Agency,  ARPA was differentiated from other
                                                                 The M16 assault rifle. "The rifle       considering how to repair and refuel satellites in
          organizations by an explicit emphasis on
                                                          received high marks for its light weight, its  orbit. Satellites are usually limited by their fuel,
          'advanced' research, generally implying a
                                                          accuracy, and the volume of fire that it could  which means that often perfectly functional
          degree of risk greater than more usual research
                                                          provide," Encyclopedia Britannica wrote of the  satellites need to be junked because they are out
          endeavors,” wrote Richard  Van  Atta in a
                                                          rifle. However, earlier versions had jamming   of gas. DARPA is looking into droids that may
          summary of DARPA's first 50 years, published
                                                          problems due to the design, a situation that was  be able to repair the satellites, potentially
          on the agency's website.
                                                          overcome after gun makers changed the powder   lowering the long-term cost of satellites.
                 “Given that the ideas pursued are
                                                          used and soldiers were offered more cleaning           “Bringing this servicer into operation
          innovative, often revolutionary, they imply
                                                          kits and better training.                      will create a satellite fleet servicing capability
          unknowns to the user in terms of how they will
                                                                 GPS. Today we routinely use GPS         rather than the isolated, unserviced satellites of
          be implemented and how this implementation
                                                          (global positioning system) for navigation, but  today,” said the request for information on the
          will affect the implementer’s overall
                                                          in the early days it was very much a military  project, which DARPA put out in 2014.
          operations,” Van Atta added. “To this end, the
                                                          system.  The principle uses time signals from          “Because the majority of satellites in
          potential military users often seek to reduce
                                                          multiple satellites, according to Extreme Tech,  [geosynchronous Earth orbit] are commercially
                                                          which can tabulate location based on how far   owned, a promising approach to ensuring a
          THE ‘X’ ZONE BROADCAST NETWORK                  apart the satellites are from each other. ARPA  servicing capability for U.S. government assets
            “Searching for Answers, Demanding the         was one of the entities working on an early    is through a model that jointly engages
                             Truth.”                      version of GPS called  TRANSIT, which was      commercial stakeholders.” []
                                    available in 1960 for pinpoint military
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