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Misidentifying Natural Phenomena                                                                                    39

             Misidentifying Natural

               Phenomena as UFOs

            (How Many UFOs Have

              Natural Explanations)

                     by J Allen Danelek

          While it is a fact that many UFOs are the product
          of hoaxing, imagination, mass delusion, and
          hysteria, there remains a tiny fraction of reports
          made each year that do not fit into any of these
          categories. These are reports made by competent
          observers not normally prone to making
          mistakes or to letting their imaginations run
          wild, forcing us to consider other possible
          explanations to account for the bulk of these
          sightings. To do so, however, it will be necessary
          to first consider some of the more prosaic
          explanations for UFOs usually given by
                                                         explanation for almost any mysterious light seen long strings of lenticular clouds, creating a
                                                         in the sky (especially when the planet is formation known as a wave cloud, but
                 Debunkers generally dismiss the bulk of
                                                         present). This, however, is a bit disingenuous. sometimes, under the right conditions of wind
          UFO sightings as the misidentification of some
                                                         Venus is a fixed point of light and as such is and thermal currents, they can take on a
          astronomical/natural phenomena or some man-
                                                         unlikely to be mistaken as a UFO by those who roundish or oval shape that can be
          made object of some kind, and while many
                                                         possess some basic knowledge of astronomy, extraordinarily unnatural and even "saucer-like"
          dismiss such explanations as simplistic, the fact
                                                         nor is it likely to be interpreted as anything other in appearance, which in turn can be confused for
          is that many, if not most, UFOs can usually be
                                                         than what it is by pilots, police officers, or other an extremely large disk by people unfamiliar
          explained away as unusually bright stars and
                                                         trained observers.  Additionally, it is also a with such meteorological phenomenon. Further,
          planets, high altitude balloons, orbiting satellites
                                                         simple matter of determining  Venus' location their exotic nature is often further enhanced
          and misidentified aircraft. As such, it's important
                                                         and luminosity on any given evening, making it when seen alone against a clear blue sky or
          we examine each of these possibilities, if only in
                                                         a fairly easy task to either confirm or reject it as when they quickly dissipate due to rapidly
          an effort to better appreciate the difficulties
                                                         a possible explanation.  As such, it is not changing air pattern, giving the impression that
          investigators frequently face when looking at the
                                                         generally a good explanation for the better eye- they have "sped away". Only those entirely
          phenomena from a scientific perspective.  This
                                                         witness accounts reported-especially in those unfamiliar with this phenomenon are likely to be
          list is by no means exhaustive, but I believe it
                                                         cases where an unidentified light is seen to fooled by a lenticular cloud, however, especially
          does cover the bulk of alternative explanations
                                                         maneuver in the sky.                            once they observe one for a while and realize it
          usually given to explain UFOs.
                                                                                                         is not moving nor that it appears to be
                                                         Meteors, Comets, and Fireballs: This is a less mechanical in nature. Still, for the unaware, it
          The planet Venus: It's no coincidence that UFO
                                                         common explanation, especially since most can be a strange sight and one that might be
          reports go up sharply whenever Venus makes an
                                                         people are familiar with meteors (or "shooting easily confused for something otherworldly.
          especially bright appearance in the night sky, so
                                                         stars" as they are commonly called) and so are
          this explanation is not as far-fetched as it seems.
                                                         unlikely to mistake one for a UFO. Comets are Ball Lightning: Among the more unusual and
          Under the proper conditions,  Venus can be
                                                         even less likely to be mistaken for a UFO, lesser understood electrical curiosities known to
          among the brightest objects in the sky—
                                                         especially since they remain fixed in the sky, can science is something called "ball lighting", a
          especially on a moonless night—and has even
                                                         be seen for weeks at a time and are usually not phenomenon that has only been identified within
          been known to be visible in the daytime under
                                                         particularly bright in the first place. A fireball, the last fifty years or so. Basically, ball lightning
          the proper conditions, making it a frequent
                                                         however—basically a large, brightly lit meteor is a sphere of static electricity that has the ability
          explanation for many a mysterious "bright light
                                                         observed at close range—is a better candidate, to glow intensely for several minutes at a time
          in the sky." Further, it has been my experience
                                                         especially as they can be very bright, last several and, when seen in broad daylight, can even take
          that most people are unaware of Venus' potential
                                                         seconds, appear to split into smaller pieces, and on a fluid silvery-like sheen that can be easily
          luminosity and so are often surprised by just
                                                         even abruptly disappear from sight as though it mistaken for metal, giving them a "disk-like"
          how bright it can sometimes appear, so for those
                                                         were "zooming away at great speed" as many appearance. Additionally, though usually seen to
          already predisposed towards accepting any
                                                         UFO witnesses describe. I'd imagine seeing a move randomly, sometimes the discharge is
          unusual light in the sky as a potential close
                                                         fireball head-on would be particularly described as being attracted to a certain object-
          encounter,  Venus makes an especially good
                                                         impressive as it would appear to be an extremely normally an aircraft-giving these orbs the
          candidate for being a UFO.  This is especially
                                                         bright and slow moving object that suddenly appearance of "following" a plane and even
          true when it is seen low on the horizon from a
                                                         vanishes from view, much like a UFO frequently matching it in terms of speed and maneuvers
          moving automobile (when it can appear to be
                                                         does.  They are not, however, an adequate (thereby giving it the impression of being under
          following), or on a partly cloudy night when it
                                                         explanation for an object observed to make intelligent control).  Commonly described as
          will seem to abruptly appear and disappear as
                                                         abrupt course changes in mid-flight, change spherical, ovoid, teardrop, or rod-like in shape,
          fast moving clouds obscure it from view.
                                                         color (or show multiple colors) or that last more and with colors that vary from red to yellow
          Additionally, it can be extremely difficult to
                                                         than a few seconds, and as such they probably (though other colors have been observed) it's not
          convince people that the bright light in the sky
                                                         constitute only a very tiny fraction of all UFO difficult to see how they could easily be
          they saw "chasing them" was merely sunlight
                                                         reports.                                        mistaken for an unnatural object, making ball
          reflecting off a nearby planet, largely because of
                                                                                                         lightning a perfectly adequate explanation for
          the natural human reluctance to admit error as
                                                         Lenticular clouds: Technically known as some of the more erratic lights seen in the sky—
          well as the trauma such an experience can
                                                         altocumulus standing lenticularis, lenticular
                                                         clouds are stationary lens-shaped clouds that    THE ‘X’ ZONE BROADCAST NETWORK
                 Unfortunately, this explanation has
                                                         form at high altitudes, normally where stable        
          permitted many in the skeptical community to
                                                         moist air flows over a mountain or a range of      “Searching for Answers, Demanding the
          use  Venus as a convenient "catch all"
                                                         mountains. Normally these air currents form                Truth.”
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