Page 31 - July - August 2019 - v3_june_july_2009_Neat
P. 31

25 Space Conspiracies That Just Won’t Die 31

               That Just Won't Die

                  Continued from Page 28

          Earth will go dark for two weeks.

          In July 2015, a website called "NewsWatch33"
          wrote an article claiming that Earth would have
          15 days of complete darkness that year.  The
          website, which is actually a fake news site, was
          borrowing from an older version of the tale that
          has been circulating for years, according to
          debunking website Snopes.
                 As we all know, Earth did not actually
          experience that much darkness that year. (The
          article claimed that the alleged darkness was
          partly due to a Jupiter-Venus conjunction,
          which actually took place more than 500 million
          miles apart.) Darkness occurs when the Earth
          rotates, causing the sun to "set" on the local
          horizon. Brief periods of darkness can also     UFO was caught "refueling" at the                      When evaluating the claims, consider
          happen when the sun is totally obscured during                                                 that the Martian environment is extremely harsh
          total solar eclipses, which occur rarely in any                                                to life as we know it; the surface is baked with
          particular spot on Earth. But even during an                                                   radiation, the "air" is mostly carbon dioxide and
                                                          NASA has a fleet of sun-gazing spacecraft that
          eclipse, Earth is never completely in the dark.                                                there's not much atmospheric pressure.
                                                          keep an eye on space weather, especially during
                                                          solar eruptions. In 2012, telescopic images
          Zero-gravity day will make you                                                                 I just saw a bright UFO!
                                                          appeared to show something in the shadows. On
          weightless.                                     YouTube, some viewers said this could be a

                                                          UFO that was refueling by using the solar      It's a familiar trope for police stations and
          If you ever wanted to leap into the sky and soar  plasma.                                      astronomy writers. From time to time,
          like Superman, this hoax is for you. In late 2014      However, NASA pointed out that the      somebody will call (or write) in to say they just
          and early 2015, a widely shared story claimed   feature is actually something called a         saw a UFO in the sky.  They spotted a bright
          that on Jan. 4, 2015, everyone on Earth would   "prominence," which has cooler and denser      light around sunset, or saw a light moving
          experience weightlessness due to a rare         plasma than the outer atmosphere of the sun, or  around in an unfamiliar way.
          alignment of the planets. A doctored image of a  the corona. Scientists are still trying to figure     While every situation is different, one
          purported tweet from NASA's Twitter account     out how solar prominences develop, but they're  common explanation for "UFOs" is actually
          that went around on social media fooled a lot of  pretty sure it has nothing to do with aliens.  another extraterrestrial object: Venus. Venus can
          people into believing the hoax.                                                                be extremely bright when it's at its closest,
                 But, of course, nobody floated off the   There is a ______ on Mars!                     because it's relatively near Earth. The planet is
          surface of Earth that day. Earth's gravity is too                                              also extremely reflective because the sun's light
          strong for people to become weightless.  The                                                   bounces off the clouds. So before calling to say
          only way to experience weightlessness without                                                  you've spotted a UFO, check your sky charts!
          going to space is to ride aboard a plane that
          performs parabolas, with some including a few                                                  NASA can travel faster than light.
          seconds of weightlessness.  This is sometimes
          nicknamed the Vomit Comet.                                                                     If you've seen the "Star Trek" clips that show
                                                                                                         the Enterprise spaceship warping into another
          Alien spacecraft caused a mysterious                                                           sector, you might have wondered how fast
          explosion.                                                                                     NASA is making progress on being able to
                                                                                                         move at the speed of light. The EmDrive has
          Back in 2004, an expedition of Russian                                                         created years of speculation, with some
          researchers working in Siberia claimed to have                                                 breathlessly saying NASA must be on the verge
          discovered "an extraterrestrial device" close to                                               of breaking the famed barrier.
          where the mysterious  Tunguska explosion                                                               In reality, NASA is downplaying the
          occurred. Scientists still aren't sure exactly what                                            reports. The engine in question is a prototype
          it was that blew up in the sky over Siberia that  With NASA's Opportunity and Curiosity rovers  that is producing some interesting results, such
          day in 1908, but the leading theory is that it was  regularly taking pictures of the Martian surface,  as appearing to create thrust when there was no
          a large meteorite or an asteroid.               viewers have the chance to check out what      reason for this to happen – and thereby violating
                 The  Tunguska incident flattened         they're doing in almost real time. NASA puts   Newton's  Third Law of Motion.  That said,
          hundreds of square miles of forest, and signs of  the raw images online for the public to see. But  NASA has not yet verified the results from these
          the destruction were visible even decades       over the years, some weird shapes have cropped  tests, and the engine has not been widely
          afterward.  At the time, news reports claimed   up. In 2008, for example, the Opportunity rover  discussed in peer-reviewed research.
          that evidence of aliens was found at the site, but  appeared to photograph a female figure. Other
          this claim was never substantiated. "The        photos have shown things shaped like animals,                         (Continued on Page 32)
          Russian team stupidly stated long before they   spoons or other items.
          went to Siberia that the main intention of their       You can imagine that, with all of the    THE ‘X’ ZONE BROADCAST NETWORK
          expedition was to find the remnants of an alien  rocks available on Mars, some of them would        
          spaceship," Benny Peiser, a researcher at       happen to look like familiar objects. In fact, the  “Searching for Answers, Demanding the
          Liverpool John Moores University in the U.K.,   human brain tends to perceive meaningful                          Truth.”
          told "And bingo!  A week later,      images in random patterns — a phenomenon                     Listen 24/7/365 at
          that's what they claim to have found."          known as pareidolia.                                
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