Page 39 - 51-Fall 2017_Final
P. 39

brought it down gently so that the whip fell   transgressions arise from the mind; blessings
            onto the practitioner’s back softly. Although   are also created by the mind.” Thus, all good
            the practitioner was whipped, he suffered   and evil originate from the mind. Once we
            very little.                               deeply comprehend the law of karma, we
                                                       will  naturally rid ourselves of ill intentions
                The Buddha said, “This filthy old bhiksu   and hold good intentions in our minds.
            was that prison guard in a past life, and the
            man who was wrongfully accused was me.         Blessings and wisdom can be seen as
            He showed compassion toward me, and        the two feet we stand on—if we care for
            I have been hoping to repay his kindness   them, we will have two strong feet that will
            for  many lifetimes.” In spite  of  the  prison   take us wherever we want to go. If, living
            guard’s extreme brutality in his previous life,   in this world filled with impurities, we can
            which led him to suffer from poverty and   remain unaffected by the contentious affairs
            sickness in this incarnation, the compassion   of others, regardless of the circumstances—
            he showed toward the innocent practitioner   and keep our hearts open, unobstructed, and
            allowed him to meet and be personally      joyous—we have attained wisdom. When
            attended to by the Buddha.                 we see people suffering from illness, we
                                                       compassionately extend our hands to help
                Every kind of cause and condition will   them; thus, a compassionate heart creates
            have a corresponding effect and retribution.   blessings. If we are able to uphold our initial
            The law of karma is infallible. If we create   aspiration and persevere unwaveringly, our
            negative karma, we will receive negative   blessings and wisdom will naturally increase
            retribution. If we create positive karma,   with each passing day.
            we will receive bountiful blessings. “Our

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