Page 82 - Final Report - KAUSC Team
P. 82


          5 Chapter five: Conclusion and

5.1 Electric car impacts

    A. Society
Many advantages of this project such as, increase information about electric cars and how
it is going to be the future of transportation. Also, spread knowledge and train students to
car industries by applying what they have learned from academic studies.

    B. Safety
The team obtained awareness related to safety factors in the designing and manufacturing
processes of cars by applying safety standards used by automobile industries in this project.

    C. Economical
Electric cars will help to decrease the financial consumption and will provide the chance
in finding other energy sources for transportation. Also it will increase the general economy
by creating opportunities for companies to compete and invest in this field.

    D. Environmental
Electric cars growth and development will help in making transportation vehicles more
environmentally friendly by decreasing CO2 emissions and air pollution.
Electric cars have less noise than combustion engines based vehicles.

5.2 Conclusion

This project was first initiated by the team in order to represent King AbdulAziz University
by participating in international events like Shell Eco-Marathon which is our focus. It is an
open ended project for the entire Faculty of Engineering, especially for mechanical and
electric departments’ students. It helped the team to apply their knowledge and scientific
experience they obtained from four years-studying, as well as achieving the student seven
outcomes rubrics required that each student must achieve by the end of his Bachelor’s
education at the faculty.
The team was able to apply the engineering design to produce solutions that meet Shell
Eco-Marathon needs with taking in consideration the engineering ethics published by Saudi
Council of Engineers (SCE) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
By the closure of this project, the students obtained skills of manufacturing (e.g. bending,
lathing, drilling and etc.) with taking in consideration that there were some manufacturing
processes that require experience, skills and working license like welding, that was done
by professional engineer at the faculty with the presence of the team members participating

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