Page 28 - Calleta Voice Edisi 41
P. 28

                                 The Excitement of Generation Z Literacy
                                                     during the Pandemic

                Generation Z is a generation born in the period 1995 to 2010 AD. Gener-
                ation  Z  is  the  generation  after  Generation  Y.  This  generation  is  a  tran-

                sition  from  Generation  Y  with  increasingly  developing  technology.

                                                                                                       Some of them are
                                                                                                descendants of Gener-

                                                                                        ation X and Y. Also called

                                                                               i-Generation, net genera-
                                                                       tion or internet generation.

                                                               They have something in

                                                      common with Generation
                                              Y, but they are able to ap-

                                     ply all activities at one time
                             such as tweeting or whatsApp

                     chatting using a cell phone,

                browsing with a PC, and lis-
                tening to music using a

                headset or earphone.
                Whatever  is  done  is  mostly  related  to  cyberspace.  Since  child-

                hood,  they  have  known  technology  and  are  familiar  with  so-

                phisticated          gadgets          which         indirectly         affect       their       personality.

                                         li t er - nately, however, news  ly pornographic sites.
               Media  a c y  is not only always pos-                                                The internet has a

                is  basically  the  ability  itive but also and  tends  very positive influence on

                to understand and an- to report negative things  students. Many students

                alyze and deconstruct  from various stories. get knowledge and infor-
                media imagery. During                         "Generation Z" in  mation with the help  of

                the Covid-19 pandem- 2020 is very close to ac- the internet. Even school

                ic like now, it seems that  tivities that rely on dig- assignments in today's
                media literacy is some- ital formatted gadgets.  online learning period

                thing that is very much  Almost all students in  are easier by searching on

                used  by  various  parties,  Indonesia have gadgets.  the internet and sending
                especially Generation Z. The increasingly devel- them to the teacher via the

                       News and informa- opment of modern and  internet at the same time.

                tion on the latest con- sophisticated technology                                    If in the past, learn-
                ditions related to the  is not only beneficial for  ers had to open vari-

                pandemic of Covid-19  its users but also has neg- ous types of books and

                is existed in the me- ative effects on its users,  newspapers  to  find  out

                dia and  is consumed by  especially for students if  about some informa-
                the public. So the me- it is not properly filtered. tion, or by listening to

                dia is considered as the                      There are informa- radio and television,

                main source of informa- tion or sites that can be  now  it  is  so  easy  with
                tion and data as well as a  accessed from the inter- the help of the internet

                source of truth for many  net that are useful for the  that all the information

                people. The public always  development of science,  seems to be flooded. But

                eagerly await the pres- but there are also those  not a few of them abuse
                ence of the latest news  that can damage the men- the use  of the internet.

                in the media. Unfortu- tality of students, name-

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