Page 29 - Calleta Voice Edisi 41
P. 29
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Lazy to Learn
Not a few teenagers are problem with the under- ternet (social net-
lazy to learn because almost standing since the teacher working sites).
all of their time is for fun via cannot explain them directly. 2. Supervise students on the
the internet, and prolonged From the negative im- internet or social networking.
boredom because the imple- pacts above, we will tell you 3. Increase obedience and
mentation of online learning how solutions can be done faith in God Almighty.
has not yet ended. Especially to minimize the existing im- 4. Use the internet as
teenagers or students who are pacts.Among them are the needed not as desired.
not ashamed or afraid to open use of special browser soft- Thus the negative in-
porn sites, and so on. As a re- ware for children, name- fluence of the internet for
sult, students who incorrect- ly children's browsers, and students is very small. But
ly use the internet have de- parental browsers. Browser there will be more positive
creased their performance in software is the main inter- impacts for students because
school, including in subjects. mediary between the inter- it can help students complete
Whereas the very long net and the computer used. the assignments given by the
time of BDR (learning from Apart from using tools teacher. Thus it will affect the
home) should be maximized such as browsers, preven- student achievement itself.
for learning, as creating pos- tion can also be done with In addition, there is also
itive content on YouTube or the supervision of parents the influence of supervision
other digital services which or teachers, the environ- from the parents of the stu-
are very beneficial not only ment or even providing un- dents themselves, which di-
for themselves but also derstanding to adolescents rects their children how and
for the wider community. through strengthening lit- what to use the internet fa-
Some problems may eracy and book education, cilities for. It can also foster
arise during the Covid-19 strengthening religious lit- students' interest and tal-
pandemic from using the eracy, strengthening numer- ent in networking or mas-
internet in real life, espe- acy literacy, and strength- tery of internet facilities.
cially the real impact on the ening media literacy. Things
world of education. Firstly, that can be done include:
student’s motivation is now 1. Try not to give young chil-
decreasing. This bad con- dren mobile phones that can
dition of course influences acces s
students’ learning achieve- t h e
ment because they prefer to in -
use internet for fun rather
than to study. This prolonged
misuse of internet causes
student’s lack of interest in
taking online classes or oth-
er online services. Second-
ly, One of the main reasons
students misuse the inter-
net is a lack of supervision
from parents and friends.
Finally, some of the stu-
dents can not understand
all the school subjects
entirely. They have some
Calleta Voice // Edisi 41 29