Page 107 - wir62
P. 107


                     from the


                 These few lines are being written a little earlier than usual. I have
              not enquired about magazine contributions, but I know our students have
              not failed us in the past. I cannot imagine them doing so this time.
                 Most of you are familiar with the general pattern of our magazine.
              You all know that it is largely a record of achievement and that there
              are also to be found in its pages selected articles from the original work
              of students in prose and verse.
                 Much has been said of opportunity and its bearing on success or
              failure in the life of each of us. Be the opportunity great or small, it is
              important to be able to recognise it and to use it always to the best
              advantage. Have you considered the opportunities associated with a
              school magazine ?
                 In the first place, it is concerned with the worthwhile things our
              students do at school or elsewhere — studies, sport, group activities,
              hobbies. There is a wealth of opportunity here. It is important that
              you develop at least one such interest in addition to your studies.
              Remember that each of us has some special gift. It is our duty to know
              what this is and to use it well. It is always interesting to hear of success
              achieved by students in wholesome leisure-time interests.
                 You were invited to submit articles for consideration. I hope no
              student was deterred by lack of confidence or the thought of possible
              rejection. How often do we fail at the first but meet with pleasing
              success at a later attempt. Perseverance is a quality we must all
              develop. We must learn to rise above failure and to use it is a stepping
              stone to success.
                 Most of you realise the importance of teamwork. If we are to be
              happy and successful, we must be ever ready to work with others in
              striving for the common good. Your school days provide many oppor
              tunities to gain such experience. Our production of Wirinun is a
              corporate effort and the measure of its success will be the earnestness
              of those who volunteered their services as members of the team. Each
              year we add to the history of the school as recorded. Congratulations
              to those who took the opportunity to assist in writing the I 962 chapter.
              I feel confident it will be well up to the standard of those already

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