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Architecture and Pharmacy!.
              The Industrial Course is a preparatory course for the skilled trades and leads
          to University Matriculation in all Faculties except Law and Arts.
              The Commercial Course is designed principally for those wishing to enter
          business life after the Junior, but it also leads to Teaching, the Public Service,
          and Banking.
              The Home Science Course is intended to fit girls for future management of
          the home, and leads to Home Science Teaching, Nursing, Dressmaking, and
          Higher class Cooking.
              The Special Course is a two-year modified course, available only to girls
          and boys paying tuition fees lie. non-Scholarship holders). It does not lead to
          the Junior Examination, but is designed to give the non-academically minded
          girl and boy a broader education, as well as the opportunity to acquire certain
          skills. These students have the benefit of Secondary School life without the strain
          and worry of a Public Examination.
              This course is of use for most apprenticeships for boys, and will assist girls
          wishing to enter Nursing or some office positions.
              Staff : The school is staffed by more than 40 experienced teachers, many
          of whom are University graduates.
              Buildings : In addition to the original two-storey brick structure there are
          three classroom blocks of timber construction. Most of the rooms are airy and
          of good size. Lighting is good. Special rooms are provided for teaching of physics,
          chemistry, typewriting, home science, woodwork, metalwork, and teaching drawing.
          A fine, modern, manual training unit has recently been completed.
              Grounds : The school grounds adjoin Memorial Park, Wynnum. In addition
          to the Sports Oval, the school has two fine tennis courts and several well-prepared
          basketball and volley ball areas. Through courtesy of the Brisbane City Council
          considerable use is made of recreation areas in Memorial Park.
              Entry : Entry is free to State Scholarship holders. Students who have not
          passed the Scholarship Examination but whose standard of education justifies
          their proceeding to Secondary work are required to pay £2/16/- per term.
          There are three terms in the year. Fees are payable in advance.
              Enrolment Days : Students may be enrolled at the school on :
               (i) Friday, 30th November, or Monday, 3rd December, 1962.
              (ii) Thursday or Friday, 24th or 25th January, 1963.
              Parents may interview the Principal on Thursday or Friday, 24th or 25th
          January, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
              Reports : Detailed reports of the students' work and conduct are issued
          three times a year. It is the duty of the parent to see and to countersign these.
              General Purpose Fee : This fee of 30/- per family per year is payable on
          enrolment. The fund is used to provide Sporting Equipment, Library Books,
          Mural Decoration, etc., and payment of the fee entitles the student to Home
          work Notebooks and a copy of the school magazine, "Wirinun".
              School Colours : Bottle green and silver grey.
              Guidance Officers : These visit the school on two days each week to assist
          in guiding pupils with courses and careers for which they are best suited.
          Parents wishing to interview the officers may arrange an appointment through
          the school.
              Physical Education : Teachers from the Physical Education Staff attend
          the school.
              Sport : The school is divided into four Houses : Cunningham, Kennedy,

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