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                       Form VI              michael; IVS: K. O'Neil.
              Dux of School (Holdaway Prizes) :
            A. Preston.                                 Form III
              Academic, Girl (Principal's Prize) :   Academic (Boy): R. Kerr.
            R. Skilton.                        Academic (Girl) ; A. Whitmee.
              Languages: P. Lewis.             Industrial: A. Love.
              Mathematics (Astill Prize) :
            A. Kichno.                         Commercial: C. Wright.
              Science: P. Lewis.               Home Science: J. Elson.
              Social Studies: A. Preston.
              Home Science: P. Paterson.       German Prizes (presented by Ger
              Commercial: A. Preston.       man Consulate General) : First, M.
                                            Hogan; Second, R. Kerr; Third, P.
              S.  Garrett Award (for Leadership,
            Sportsmanship and Academic Ability) :   Hatcher.
            A. Preston.
                       Form V                       General Proficiency
              Languages: W. Bondfield.         IIIA2: J. May; IIIA4: P. Long;
              Mathematics: G. Sands, G.     11 IB I: I. Greschke; IIIB2: B. Harpur;
            Critchley, equal.               IIIC2: T. Cheal; IIIC3: M. Lidaka;
              Science: G. Critchley.        IIIC4: S. Miller; IIIC5: S. Young.
              Social Studies: J. Kerr.         Best Scholarship Pass, 1961
              Home Science: B. Sharp.       (Boys) : A. I. Biela, P. L. Hatcher,
                       Form IV              equal.
              Academic, Boy (J. "Sandy”        Best Scholarship Pass, 1961
            Robertson Prize) : N. E. Sims.   (Girl) ; A. Whitmee.
              Academic, Girl (J. "Sandy”       Mothercraft Prize (presented by
            Robertson Prize) : H. Sands.    Maternal and Child Welfare Service) :
              Industrial (J. "Sandy" Robertson   J. Hovey.
            Prize) : G. Bailey.                Best Mothercraft Book (presented
              Commercial (J. "Sandy" Robertson   by Maternal and Child Welfare Ser
            Prize) : J. Lowther.            vice) : L. Weight.
              Home Science (J. "Sandy”
            Robertson Prize) : Y. Doube.    AWARDS
                                   SPORTING    Under 15 (Wynnum Central
                       Athletics            Traders' Trophies) : P. Holland, W.
              Open (W. M. Gunn, M.L.A..
            Trophies) : R. Ricketts, J. Sands.   Under 14 (Wynnum Central
              Under 16 (W. M. Gunn, M.L.A.,   Traders' Trophies) : L. Heilig, A.
            Trophies) : F. Feige, B. McQuillan.   Acworth.
              Under 15 (P. and C. Trophies):
            M. Marshall, E. Gibbs.                       Tennis
              Under 14 (P. and C. Trophies):
                                               Open (P. and C. Trophies): Boy,
            G. Hambrook, R. Beaumont, K.    G. J. Blakey; Girl, M. D. Jordana.
            Jordana.                           Junior (P. and C. Trophies) : Boy,
                      Swimming              L.  Randall; Girl, S. Young.
              Open (Wynnum Central Traders'
            Trophies) : A. Preston, C. Bryning.           Golf
              Under 16 (Wynnum Central         Open (Whatmore's Trophies) : Boy,
            Traders' Trophies) : B. Preston, S.   M.   McDonald; Girl, B. Rayner.
            Hunting, B. McQuillan.
                    General Proficiency
               I VAI: R. Watkins; IVA3: C.
            Klaproth; IVBl : W. Brosnan; IVB3:
            N. Coblens; IVCl: J. Robertson;
            IVC2: J. Worrall; IVC4: S. Car
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